
Rome Quotes

There are 675 quotes

"Much of Rome's early history is clouded in myth and mystery, legend traced its founding back to 753 BC by the brothers Romulus and Remus."
"The early settlers had chosen an ideal home among the Seven Hills along the Tiber, this location granted them natural defenses with close access to trade routes, valuable salt beds, and the sea."
"When Vercingetorix rode out of Alesia and threw his arms at the feet of the Roman consul who had defeated him, the independence of the Gallic world had come to an end."
"Back in the saddle after my week in Rome and in the Vatican and the day with our dear friend."
"The enduring interest in Rome is that it represents the epitome of imperial power and civilizational power."
"In those early days, none knew if our campaign to rebuild the foundations of Rome would survive."
"We have only built the foundation for Rome; we have so much more to do."
"Never forget the prophecy of the Venerable Bede: 'As long as the Coliseum stands, Rome will stand; when the Colosseum falls, Rome will fall; and when Rome falls, so will the world.'"
"As long as the Colosseum stands, Rome will stand. When the Colosseum falls, Rome will fall. And when Rome falls, so will the world."
"The triumph represented the apex of a person's career, and a grand public acknowledgement that they were one of Rome's most powerful politicians."
"The triumphator appeared before the public as an almost-king and an almost-god."
"In an incredible stroke of luck, we actually have the text to one of the songs from Julius Caesar's triumph in 46 B.C.E."
"In short, the triumph was a sign of healthy political competition, and when the triumph started getting all funky, it was an early indication that the funk was coming from inside the Republic."
"Constantine is walking with his entourage around the new city... Constantine had decided... that he wanted to found a new Rome that would rival the image and the mystique of the old classic Rome."
"There are many misconceptions about Rome, and a very popular one is that it was ruled by a series of sadistic lunatics. Now that is a gross distortion. This was the greatest empire the world has ever seen and it flourished for well over six centuries."
"However, balance of power is ever a fickle thing, and the geopolitical situation would soon tilt back in the Roman’s favour."
"Rome famously was not built in a day, and it didn't fall in a day either."
"Without bread, riots in Rome were inevitable."
"Best time to visit Rome is between April and May in the spring and September to November in fall when the weather is cooler, it is still pleasant to walk outside, and the hordes of tourists are gone."
"I want you to become the protector of Rome after I die."
"Rome is named after the legendary founder King Romulus."
"Rome is a good example of growth from village to empire."
"Nobody was ever going to make Rome the center of the universe again."
"Rome, may be the most famous and iconic capital in the world."
"Rome contains practically a millennia of art and history."
"Can we change history and maintain the glory of Rome through many years to come?"
"A new Rome was born. The Roman Empire wasn't over when they moved to Constantinople. It had just regrouped and moved to a stronger position."
"Rome: known for its history, art, and amazing food."
"So that feature is definitely handy but it isn't something you want to use all the time."
"Congratulations on your first GoPro, you're going to absolutely love it."
"But consider: Rome cannot die. It is too important and too stubborn for something so trivial as death to claim it for long."
"These five transformative centuries established its identity not just as an ancient capital, but as The Eternal City."
"The capture of Rome was a significant milestone."
"The Carthaginians made an enormous impact on the ancient world. They provided Rome with many of its best ideas."
"In truth, Carthage was not Rome's opposite but its forerunner and teacher, the worthy enemy who took Rome to the brink and taught them how to become great."
"In a nutshell, classical Rome lasts about a thousand years. Rome grew for 500 years, peaked for 200 years, and fell for 300 years."
"As the rhythm of daily life hits its stride, the famous Spanish Steps today adorned with azaleas filled with people for over 200 years."
"Rome is notorious for noisy traffic and until recently that plagued many of Rome's fine public spaces."
"From here in the Alps, we journey to a grand city that was the capital of the Western world on that first Christmas 2,000 years ago and remains a leading city in Christendom today: Rome."
"Rome with impressive monuments like the ruins of the Coliseum."
"Unfortunately for many of us, that means that all we end up talking about is the Roman half of that equation."
"It was Hannibal's tragedy that his long feud with Rome would end in his own city's humiliation and the greater glory of Rome."
"No one before or after him could take on and defeat the Roman legions with such contemptuous ease."
"When Rome was at its peak, the word 'Rome' meant the civilized world itself, much more than just the city."
"Imagine this view from the top of the Victor Emmanuel monument, I love it, I really love it."
"If you prepare well for Rome, it's also a very enjoyable experience."
"It's everything around Rome that turned Rome against Christians."
"Rome's rise and fall is a sobering reminder of the fragility of even humanity's greatest societies."
"Rome would become instrumental in shaping not merely the global West, but the East as well."
"Tourists are trickling back to Rome, giving hope to a struggling tourism industry."
"Embroiled Rome in a conflict that would last over 250 years."
"In Rome, owning gold was vital; it bought favors at all levels."
"Rome, possibly the most famous and iconic capital in the world."
"The history of the Hebrews before that time were allowed by Rome to be their own sect of religion and worship their God without interference."
"Arminius was the son of a prominent Germanic chief whose tribe had allied with Rome."
"The setting was really cool kind of seeing all these things you hear about Rome put into a video game so well."
"The Ottomans, they've almost completely taken over, of course they own Rome."
"Popular legend claims Nero fiddled while Rome burned..."
"Italy’s Cultural Ministry just made the groundbreaking announcement that the remains of nine Neanderthals were found in a cave near Rome."
"Often called The Eternal City, Rome is a place where Emperors once ruled, Gladiators once battled, and Legacies were etched into stone."
"Completed in 1653, Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi features four statues representing four of the world's most important rivers."
"Slavery is what destroyed Rome, this is very fascinating when you think about it."
"Rome has a population of 2.8 million people with the metropolitan area having a population over 4.3 million Vatican City is located within the city of Rome"
"'Rome was founded by two twin brothers named Romulus and Remus.'"
"The mysteries of the Thracians: warriors, barbarians, nearly brought Rome to its knees."
"The Rome sequences are super dramatic and very sophisticatedly written."
"Rome's conquest of the Mediterranean is well documented, but the Romans who reached out far beyond the limits of their empire are rarely covered."
"The Romans had the largest Empire that the Western world has really ever known."
"When the Coliseum falls, then so will Rome."
"It's the most smell of Rome you know, it's just lovely."
"This was the birth of two very famous legions in Rome's history."
"It's time to say arrivederci Roma, goodbye to Rome."
"To be a Roman citizen is a sufficient guarantee of personal safety."
"Dozens of books have been written about why Rome fell in the West and how the Dark Ages came to be, and the causes were numerous."
"The history and Ingenuity of Rome can't be denied."
"It's hard to imagine what ancient Rome would have looked like in its prime but that's what makes visiting the Forum and Coliseum so fascinating."
"Legend states that the Roman Kingdom was founded around 753 BC."
"Imagine seeing the sun set on the final days of Rome as the light fades over the Golden Horn and the Sea of Marmara, over the rippling waters of the Bosphorus, and for the final time on the dying Empire of Byzantium."
"One of the great geniuses of Rome had always been its ability to instantly incorporate new ideas and new peoples into their empire without being weighed down by prejudice."
"The history of Rome is over. Five years of work, 675 thousand words, 189 episodes, 74 hours of content."
"You will definitely fall in love with this city."
"Rome introduced its first law code, the Law of the Twelve Tables, in 451 BC."
"Some historians believe that drinking lead-sweetened wine and water flowing through lead pipes may have so debilitated the Romans that it contributed to the empire's fall."
"The Roman Republic was dead even if it hadn't quite realized it yet, and the Roman Empire had been born."
"In a very real sense, all roads do lead to Rome."
"...each step in Rome tells a story of Glory, art, and history."
"Embrace the charm of Rome under the soft glow of spring or the rich hues of autumn for an unforgettable experience."
"...it's the largest of its kind from ancient Rome still standing proud."
"...climb up to Palatine Hill, one of Rome's most ancient spots offering breathtaking panoramic views."
"...a breathtaking sight and best of all absolutely free to enjoy."
"...an incredible view of the city awaits."
"...a treasure Trove of art galleries, museums, statues, temples, a zoo, a boating Lake, and even a theater."
"Guys, when you come to Rome, you must order a panino sandwich with Italian pork roast porchetta."
"Rome is the light. Yet you have never been there."
"Rome may have been built in a day, but it took only a trumpet to bring down the walls."
"It's on the Appian Way, one of the main roads out of Rome going south deep into Italy, that we first get a clear glimpse into the lives of the early Romans."
"Rome not only conquered, but it incorporated its enemies, and that's what's unique."
"In a way, you might say that the Roman Empire began here."
"The Pont du Gard reminds us that throughout the ancient world, aqueducts were stone flags heralding the greatness of Rome."
"A novel about Rome, sometimes cruel and indifferent, sometimes sweet and sublime."
"Christianity in Rome became entwined and interlocked due to Constantine."
"For him, Babylon is Rome, it's the Roman Empire."
"The Romans have to do something dramatic to deal with what happened to the Ninth Legion."
"The battle of Philippi would decide the fate of Rome."
"After the Republic absorbed Pergamon in 133BC, the Galatians became a useful buffer state, who the Romans used to wage a proxy war on their Cappadocian and Pontic enemies."
"We began this series in Rome in front of Saint Peter's and I told you that we'd follow the Baroque from Rome to London, from Saint Peter's to Saint Paul's."
"The Colosseum in Rome is the largest amphitheater in the world."
"The best museum in Rome is the city itself."
"My bonus tip for unique things to do in Rome is to walk around some of the prettiest streets in the city."
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Speak Romanesco!"
"Rome is like a massive open-air museum where you can literally walk amongst the ruins of its two and a half thousand-year-old history."
"There are so many wonderful things to do in Rome. It is not only one of the oldest but one of the most beautiful and unique cities in the world."
"All roads lead to Rome. This road stretched all the way to the southeast coast seaport of Brindisi in the region of Puglia in Italy."
"Tourists throw almost 1 million euros into the Trevi Fountain every year, because legend has it that by tossing a coin into the fountain, that means that you will no doubt return to Rome."
"You have to take a tour now I took a couple of tours with City experiences including one called Rome in a day."
"It's the same in Rome, you go to Rome and you go to the Parthenon or you go to these different locations, you can feel the significance of them."
"Augustus had a heart that beat for the people of Rome. It is as contradicting as it sounds."
"Rome was from the first free and independent."
"Rome is eternal, just like its master."
"In Rome, the rip-off is an art form."
"Rome, a nation that since its foundation had been stabbing necks all the way down the Italian peninsula."
"Rome was not built in a day, and we have lots of money at our backs."
"Thank you so much for watching my tips to know before you travel to Rome. I truly hope that you found this video useful, beneficial, and maybe somewhat entertaining."
"I think we have a very unique opportunity to experience Rome in a way that hopefully it will never be experienced again."
"Rome immediately backslid into chaos."
"Whenever I'm in Rome I'm definitely sure to throw at least one coin into the Trevi Fountain that guarantees your return to Rome."
"The mission was clear: go to Rome, smash some spaghetti, sniff out some football racists, and troll them to the max."
"In the year 30 AD, the Roman Empire has just come into existence."
"The view from the top is unrivaled: both of the city of Rome...and of the Vatican grounds."
"Tran's column...these magnificent illustrations tell the story of Rome's Wars against and eventual victory over daia now modern Romania in 106 ad."
"Christianity became the dominant religion of the Romans only after it was adopted by an emperor in the 4th Century."
"Rome in the fullness of time ruled the world."
"...one of the other things, if you're coming to Rome and you want to go see some of those big sites, especially the Colosseum or the Vatican, I highly recommend getting tickets in advance."
"Rome was another great day trip to consider from Florence."
"Rome is an ancient city, an exhilarating spectacle filled with an array of iconic treasures."
"Rome will be strong and Safe in His Hands."
"The defeat of the Roman army created panic in Rome."
"Rome is not an Empire yet but a republic ruled by the Senate."
"Rome: an open-air museum where artistic masterpieces, stunning architecture, and rich history come together."
"Every generation makes its fall of Rome in its own image."
"The roman empire will rule the entire world."
"The european union is at least the infrastructure for the revival of the roman empire."
"The false church beginning here in rome would ultimately become that false church that we read about in the book of revelation chapter 17."
"In 390 BC, Rome was under siege by 70,000 marauding Gauls."
"The war between Rome and Carthage has therefore come to be known by the name the Romans called it: the Punic War."
"He could boast that he found Rome brick and left it."
"Mary is Blessed, but Rome has taken that blessed and made her immaculately conceived and sinless."
"Not only did they construct buildings for practical use, but architecture became an imperial tool to demonstrate to the world that Rome was culturally superior."
"The church always recognized the primacy of Rome."
"Peter and Paul are the new twins founding in Rome the new Rome."
"The root of law really starts in Rome, in ancient Roman civilization."
"Rome has become now the dominant force in the Mediterranean."
"Eventually Rome draws you back, a desire for revenge."
"Even the glory of Rome had to come to an end."
"Many of Caesar’s veterans were in the city and there was a general fear of what these veterans would do."
"The views of Rome from there are among the most spectacular that one can see in the city."
"You have to somehow carve out a special place for the Roman experience."
"Rome is sort of your paradigmatic Empire."
"Woolsey's relationship with Rome was also hesitant at best."
"Three tall towers will fall from the city of Rome."
"Twelve years before he had come as a poor student to Rome and had lived ever since upon some small Endowment for research which had been awarded to him by the University of Bonn."
"Octavian was granted the title of Princeps, which made him more or less the first emperor of Rome."
"The Byzantines had a system inherited from Rome. It's one of the great institutional gifts then they got from Rome."
"There was no way Caesar was coming back to Rome without the protection of either his army or the Imperium."
"The Romans supplied every free man in Rome and his family 75 pounds of wheat a month."
"A civil war erupted that ultimately led to the demise of the republic and the rise of the Roman Empire, thus solidifying Julius Caesar's place as the most famous and influential Roman of all time."
"Let's get into exactly how to get around Rome on a budget."
"And then he goes on to say that the belly provides you know the nutrition for the rest of the body so even if you don't see it or they don't the organs of the body don't see it whatever so then he makes the comparison to the belly being the center of Rome."
"Rome Falls and you could see that as more of a sign or a symptom of the decline rather than the cause."
"The Romans, says Polybius, were must to be feared when they stood in real danger."
"The disaster shattered Rome's hegemony in southern Italy."
"Rome was THE place for a sculptor to find work."
"Rome wasn't built in a day and Detroit's comeback won't be either."
"The disproportionally massive Roman action which began in 219 was probably motivated by the Republic's desire to swiftly and decisively conclude the Illyrian situation before a new war with Carthage began as it seemed like it might."
"...changing God's law was the singular strategy that Satan accomplished... through pagan Rome and then through papal Rome... God told Daniel the change was coming."
"The last great victory of the Western Roman Empire was in 454 when Flavius Aetius led a coalition of the Romans and various barbarian groups against the Huns under Attila."
"When Rome emerged from this nightmare, it was a very different place both culturally and institutionally."
"...the western Roman Empire was fatally wounded in 406 and never bounced back."
"I'm finally going to see Rome, the most cultured, romantic, historically rich city in the world."
"Rome is the birthplace of the Baroque style, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who lived and worked here in the 17th century, is considered its father."
"With history, art, and people perpetually partying under the stars, it's no wonder people come here in droves for the promise that a coin tossed over the shoulder will assure their return to this eternal city."
"Rome. Of course it's the city of Caesars, popes, and floodlit fountains, but for over three million people, it's also simply home."
"Rome is like a large open-air museum, with overlapping layers of history."
"The beauty of Rome is that there's always something else to discover beyond every wall and around every corner."
"It is effectively the end of Roman republican exceptionalism."
"The myth goes that Romulus and Remus were raised by a she-wolf...Romulus then declared himself king and managed to attract a large number of followers to his site."
"The ancient Romans were truly ahead of their time."
"It was actually quite strange because by this time the Roman Empire was already in a major Decline and had already outlawed Gladiator fighting."
"The bishop of Rome is the first among equals."
"Rome is being transformed into one of the most glorious cities in Europe."
"Rome is one of those places that you cannot explore without appreciating the history."
"It would have been pretty risky to be a Roman because you're either a poor peasant struggling to get by or you're in power and everyone wants to stab you in the back and take your power."
"One thing you need to know about Rome is that there's a lot of cruise ships that come here so you can actually avoid a lot of the morning rush simply by going early morning."
"If you really want to get the most of Rome as a photographer, no question about it, you gotta do sunrise."
"The common assumption is that had the romans been successful, they would have pushed their border at least temporarily up to the Elba river as opposed to the Rhine river."
"The Romans were definitely the top people of their time."
"Christians were accused of being haters of humanity which could be translated as this: they didn't follow the customs of Rome."
"That's a kind of prophecy I think of the history of the Roman Republic"
"The Roman Road to Global Empire was always smooth as when they affected a generous and honorable stance."
"The enemies of Rome and Carthage did seem to have finally noticed that the two combatants were beating each other into a state of exhaustion."