
Professional Challenges Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"It's very easy from an armchair quarterback to say what is good and what is bad, but the people actually doing the work, they're the ones that are getting raked quite frequently."
"You're getting all the good people that actually have something in their heart that wants to help... and it's like those types are getting weeded out because it's just not worth it."
"The roles that you approach with so much intensity, consciously you are out of it, but subconsciously there are few of the bruises you always get as an actor that you can't avoid."
"Getting a taste of early basketball success doesn't necessarily translate into making a living out of the sport."
"Psychologists are feeling the same pressure... many psychologists are working at a beyond capacity."
"She tried to make progress in a corrupt environment and was fired by a group of corrupt executives who would stop at nothing to keep their bloated wasteful salaries."
"There's nothing worse than walking into a client and having some combative member of the board or something like that say, 'Oh no, I don't know anything about this.'"
"It's extremely common for me to receive telephone calls from different parts of the country attempting to find physicians, psychiatrists, who are familiar with this phenomenon."
"Success is scary; people start wanting to hold you back when you climb up the ladder."
"If you're in my office, things are really bad at that point."
"One of the most difficult aspects of my job is I have to reach out essentially blind."
"I'm kind of scared when I teach - all professors are on notice."
"There's a lot of challenges, I'd say the number one challenge is time."
"Overall, bro, unbelievable. I am technical in the way we do stuff, but when I'm tactical, I get in trouble."
"I could not do this work without that support."
"Running a media company is really different from being an artist."
"It comes down to the drivers to be able to execute. It's a real challenge."
"I definitely get lazy when I have to scream for like a month straight without playing games."
"I think one thing that sucks about being the best is... anything short of stomping your opponent is a huge failure."
"Most people love the idea of trading, but actually trading, most people don't... wouldn't find it that interesting because really good trading is a grind."
"It's lonely back there, that's some you go crazy in that mother."
"The full moon is ruled by Mercury and it's in a square to Neptune, so it kind of makes me feel like you're trying to kind of hang in there and navigate stuff in your professional life, but you're not really feeling supported by a partner."
"He's dealing with people and their behavior, and in many ways, he's doing it on the fly."
"We're going to have to deal with jealousy at all stages of our careers... break it by practicing kindness."
"It's tough to be Chris Wray, the director of the FBI, or anyone in law enforcement right now."
"The incident highlighted the complexities of personal and professional relationships in the public eye."
"Thanks to the AMA we now have a legitimate doctor shortage."
"Ultimately, even if you do something that's totally different from what other people are doing, it's a crapshoot if you will ever get seen by anybody."
"Maguire was the symbol of an era of terrible business and the wrong culture at the club, playing because of your price tag and not ability."
"Being a comedian, it's tough balancing the half-empty glass mentality."
"Marty's post severely impacted my professional and personal reputation."
"The biggest concern was obviously your own health, but as a professional, how much of it was just like, 'Oh no, they're not taking this fight away from me?'"
"It's hard for me to not think about them and compare myself to other people who also do this for a living."
"It's just very interesting to me how much work there is behind something."
"Let's all go to Chelsea and they will be in charge. You know you're gonna be sacked tonight."
"There might be some resistance and the need for extra responsibilities, but the career, the opportunity to improve your social status, your reputation, it's coming."
"There are reporters in this room that have been derided by people within their organization, and dismissed as journalists, for telling the facts and reporting the truth as if it's a bad thing. It is in."
"This past week has been easily without a close second the most difficult but yet also rewarding week in the show's history and probably in my entire career."
"You worried about a critic that ain't protocol, [__]."
"It's been the most annoying year in my career it's not even close."
"Not one more vet": Shedding light on the high suicide rate among veterinary professionals.
"But it's just it's really frustrating because we put ourselves out there... a lot of y'all cannot do what we do."
"My experience around sexism has not been specifically having myself be dismissed, but the limited expectation of me and the limited idea of what I meant to contribute."
"We're risking our lives, literally day in and day out, fighting the best guys on the planet sometimes."
"I'd say it's really hard to have non-streamer friends because a lot of people don't really understand like my life or this world."
"It's a tough [ __ ] deal with it. This has to get out on time."
"Every player is going to be feeling disillusioned, unmotivated, fed up."
"Told that nurses are the problems, when in fact, we're being continually distracted from the centralized power that often benefits most from these various crises."
"When you're fighting at the real top level of a spawn, you know, if you start missing training, start taking drugs."
"The realness of this, the business of this, the other side of this."
"Exclusion from recognition despite professional achievements."
"It's easy to make PowerPoint slides. It's hard to do mass-produced high-quality reliable cars."
"I've done this for a long time, it never gets any easier."
"You better toughen up and understand this is part of the gig."
"I'm looking forward to testing my wits against some of the best coaches in the world."
"Construction is one of those places in an architect's life where it can be a really humbling experience, everyone's asking questions of you, you’re expected to have answers on demand."
"There's literally nothing Kenny Pickett can do about it, there is not a single thing he can do about it except for go about doing his job and doing his business."
"That's what's stressful, botanist progression etc. and that's what I don't want to have to deal with."
"Honestly, just imagine being up, doing like a business presentation or something educational, only for people to be like."
"There is nowhere to hide, there is no doubt."
"I didn't stay my full final two weeks. John continued to harass me anonymously for months after this."
"It's just unfortunate that this seems to come at the expense of their privacy and the therapists' wellbeing."
"That's the thing with comedy, if you open your mouth, they say you're trouble to work with."
"In a league that punishes any insufficiency, whether that be physical or mental, being completely unwilling to strengthen either aspect of your game when you're being given tens of millions of dollars to do so is insanely pathetic."
"Convincing is the worst game in the world and it's the game the majority of people in business play."
"I've made mistakes obviously, you know both personally and professionally through my 50-year career."
"Challenge accepted. Now all the viewers at home get to witness the misery that is the job of content production."
"People are very naive to think that he's not under pressure, like he's under pressure and Athletic report, he knows."
"Standing in front of those guys about to show them my version of what they've been through was absolutely the most daunting professional experience I've had."
"Out of all the rides I've ever operated, El Toro is easily the hardest coaster I've ever worked."
"Food styling, it is not for the faint of heart."
"This is like the lawyer's nightmare, right? Worst client in all time."
"Doctors ought to be able to treat their patients without somebody looking over their shoulder."
"This was a case that was very interesting to me as a trial lawyer... having your conviction in jeopardy is a gut-wrenching thing."
"Making the league is tough... It takes a lot right... Are we training right, are we year round staying consistent? You gotta have a full package to be in the league."
"If confidential sources are not protected, journalism is dead."
"There are not enough women in the economic profession, at all levels."
"A witch hunt designed to topple men from their jobs and lives."
"It's a 572 page story of love found when it was least expected unfortunately for Zack the writing profession is a difficult landscape filled with disappointment hardship flops"
"My job has no taboos, I take each and every hitman challenge."
"If you're a stand-up comedian, you've got to think, once you've fought the thing and then written it down, you then got to think, 'I'm willing to drive to Stoke for no money to tell that story to four people.'"
"I cannot do my job without understanding... the institutional issues that lead to... the issues that my job deals with."
"Alexis was a social media queen. She's an influencer, she works from her phone."
"You have to be a warrior to be a midwife because you're going against the dominant culture."
"One of the problems they've had working... is that people will change their audio setup during the development."
"This is not my job, this is my opponent's job. They wanna talk, they wanna fight. But I know finally the cage is gonna close, and this is my most important job."
"After a certain point I realized that they just didn't want me defending the poor."
"So what Jalen Hyatt does is not just score touchdowns on explosive plays, he also has an ancillary benefit to the running game and for the other receivers underneath."
"Journalists are constantly terrified of their career if they rock the boat."
"You make fun of me but listen to the requirements."
"Every guy that you recruit thinks he has a chance, and yet less than one percent of the people make it."
"I've heard of Champions ducking contenders but never a contender ducking the champion."
"Reducing the friction between me as an analyst and the information."
"This incident with Chile de Castro, a community law professor, exemplified the delicate balance between law enforcement and those who possess a deep understanding of the legal system."
"The biggest professional L I've taken is spending years doing something I wasn't wholeheartedly invested in."
"You have to have that right in this league. It's a quarterback-driven league and at that position, if it's off kilter, you're going to struggle."
"You're not liked by everybody, you're not appreciated by your teammates in the moment."
"As an educator, what you do is important, despite the disrespect and misbehaviors."
"I've become a visible wrong thinker at a place I love... it's uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking."
"I think this is gonna be a major downfall in his career, a major turning point for him."
"The issue is always the same, I just have to say the lines convincingly and avoid bumping into the furniture." - Steve
"The best doctors in the world make mistakes. They get things wrong. They misdiagnose. They make errors of judgment."
"I've been in the trenches too long." - Reflecting on past experiences and challenges.
"It's really hard to not separate yourself from the work. I know it is show business, not show friends."
"But that's the nature of this line of work. Things don't get wrapped up and topped off with a neatly tied bow."
"One thing that shakes you up once you start deep diving into law is how comfortable some lawyers and clients are at lying under penalty of perjury."
"NYPD is openly harassing a media professional and attorney simply because I outperformed the mayor in an interview." - Activist
"Anything that involved that is serious drama and business drama and creators getting screwed over that really upsets me."
"Everyone struggles balancing full-time jobs, contract work, and personal artwork."
"Careers have ups, downs, peaks, valleys. That's what a career is."
"We were told things would be good but there were snakes in the dressing room overpaid ego maniacs that are unable to change."
"I see you lost sponsorships and stuff like that... I lost my fight."
"One second is nothing for normal person lifestyle, but yeah for us, it's like."
"If what you did today wasn't hard then you probably didn't create enough value because you probably didn't expose yourself to enough risk and fear because that's what we're paid for."
"The truth needs to come out for other minority coaches. They need to know the pitfalls out there. My story has affected some of their futures."
"Violence is never the answer, but as a comedian, you have to be prepared for backlash for your work."
"You're going to have to be twice as good for half the credit."
"When it's going wrong, it doesn't matter how many pots you've got on the shelf at home; it's lonely, it's miserable."
"Every year is different. You have to overcome different obstacles in your career every single year."
"Try not to let the imposter syndrome get to you because it's real."
"Do they truly love other people? Do they live like followers of the Messiah?"
"The more you hustle, the least they take you into consideration."
"Photography is a very, very difficult profession... it's really about passion and you having to believe in your sense of that passion."
"I know what I'm doing, even though it sucks and it's super stressful."
"So in conclusion, what am I saying here? Don't make art your job if you can't handle criticism, micromanaging, or rejection..."
"All the toxicity, all of the egos, and the 'oh I'm the best,' the big dick contests."
"When you have a new manager who actually do not know what system he's gonna play You're gonna be left in the dark yeah you're going to be left in the question mark."
"I have spent my career being the best they wish would sit down shut the [ __ ] up and go away but I never did."
"It kind of goes back to me talking about being the doctor on your first day."
"The case that makes you, the case that breaks you."
"The notion that there's a live round... did not dawn on me till probably 45 minutes to an hour later."
"Imagine something you really really love to do and it becomes something you hate because you're trying to be something else."
"Nice guys don't usually end up doing too well in the wrestling business."
"Antonio Brown left the Steelers, and JuJu Smith Schuster was supposed to be the hands-down number one wide receiver."
"The reputation that was kicking around when I was just starting out in the UK was, 'JK is difficult.'"
"My job is to stand on stage and make people laugh, but when COVID canceled my world tour, Joe Wicks fair to say I slightly unravel."
"We got an issue in America too many good docs are getting out of business too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."
"The job of a WWE writer has to be the worst job in the world."
"I understand your job, but I just, I don't even know what to tell you."
"You can't become a knight by simply picking up a sword and wearing goofy armor."
"Sounds like somebody was out there to sabotage everything that she worked hard for."
"Legacy fourth place in pro league and not signed fourth place in pro league in the toughest region and not signed what what are we [ __ ] doing what are we doing top four not signed to a team is crazy."
"There are levels to when you are resuscitating your career."
"My heart goes out to those younger guys because, you know, not until they've had a taste of the UFC..."
"I can't be unprofessional in this business. I have to work twice as hard than the white blog because I'm black."
"I'm never going to play the victim role because I like working hard. I already know what I'm going to do but it does take a toll."
"Overall, it's been really tough but also really rewarding."
"Playing poker for a living is incredibly tricky."
"The officer becomes numb to what they see and when they become numb they become disconnected."
"Bravery takes you through the most unimaginable."
"Engineering is this fascinating field where you constantly struggle with these things that are at odds with each other."
"The irony there I guess is that we've been doing this professionally all this time and I still can't manage to actually build my own computer and complete it."
"They told me there were problems with a lot of my contracts."
"You have no idea how hard it is for a woman to be a professional lawyer. You have to work twice as hard as the men."
"If you're going into it for the money, you're gonna deal with some situations that no money is gonna make you happy."
"Nobody wanted to teach me. There was no training. I just sat there and I didn't even know what to ask if that makes sense."
"Expect to hit the road of bureaucracy in your social work practice."
"The only way to get the phone ringing off the hook is to get a reputation, and you're in a chicken-and-egg situation where you can't get a reputation without the work."
"One of the problems with this line of work is that trust tends to be limited by the intellect you're dealing with."
"The hard part of being a software engineer is communication with the customer."
"There are plenty of challenges in the big game: battling your fellow pros, surviving the evictions, and resisting the lure of that ticking clock."
"The most testing thing about this job would one thousand percent have to be the surgeons."
"I also think that some of the sports writers that can't do what they do, there's a lot of jealousy and envy in it."
"It's both a confession in the sense of trying to be honest about how difficult medicine can be and how we do make mistakes and have to live with that."
"We're not used to somebody crying in our office; we think that's failure."
"This sport is so intense, even us professionals sometimes struggle to understand what's going on."
"Being a professional angler is very very hard to make a living."
"He suffered from the imposter syndrome."
"I've had clients die... it's hard to face that reality."
"Being a scientist is actually really hard."
"Even as a massage therapist, I sometimes have difficulty finding my voice when I'm on the table and I'm in that vulnerable position."
"I think a lot of doctors don't want a powerful woman. They cannot handle a successful, smart woman."
"Even the pros do have to put up with stuff like slippery wax and seaweed hanging by the leash, but adapting to the elements is key."
"I understand where you're coming from and sometimes in this profession, you step into a role that you're not necessarily totally comfortable with."
"Most of our work is incredibly open-ended."