
Natural Forces Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Volcanoes exemplify the absolute force of creation."
"Volcanoes exemplify the absolute force of creation and destruction. They go hand in hand."
"Historians, economists, politicians should really pay rather more attention perhaps to the ability of natural forces to change history than they do at the moment."
"Once part of a mountain breaks off, nothing can stop the destructive force of the falling rock."
"It's a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very real work of nature."
"Water seems harmless but can be as scary and destructive as fire or even more so."
"The cyclone arrives at full force around midnight, wind-driven rain slams."
"Once the winds add up they do something amazing."
"Let it all come crashing like the ocean tide."
"Godzilla is Nature's way of maintaining balance and is a necessary force in the world."
"Large waves versus building: a terrifying footage."
"The ultimate driver of both the ocean currents and the air currents is the Sun."
"The combined forces of nature and human fallibility outdo even the most incredulous science fiction."
"Uncertainty is not just a word. It’s a force of nature that we can never get rid of."
"Natural forces influence climate change throughout Earth's history, and it's still true today."
"This just goes to show you that the power of Mother Earth, you know, it demands respect."
"Magic is just it's very natural and there's nothing dark about it."
"Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth."
"Mother Nature is more powerful than any man-made bomb, more ferocious and destructive than any army."
"If you could come back thousands of years later you would see that the water has made a deep hole in the rock... patient water is stronger than solid rock."
"That was the mistake. It's impossible to beat that water."
"Narcissism is like hurricanes or viruses or tigers."
"The wind takes care of those who have courage."
"The resistance of water is necessary for ships to float, the resistance of air is necessary for a plane to fly, the resistance of gravity is necessary for you to walk."
"Druids of all stripes have this spiritual connection to the animals, plants, and natural forces."
"This process of subduction just releases an enormous amount of energy through both earthquakes, through building these mountains, through volcanoes. It's just really inconceivably huge."
"Fire. There is no more powerful force in nature."
"Evolution is an astonishing force of nature."
"We had a really graphic example of how powerful the Gulf of Arabia can be when it's angry."
"All the evidence to date points to electricity as the primal force in nature."
"To dismiss those forces of nature... will be our undoing."
"The wild, the weaver, and the worm - three primal forces from which the world Gaia springs."
"Magic is not about cultivating supernatural powers but rather about aligning oneself with natural forces to manifest an intention."
"You are not in control. The wave is in control."
"Heaven and earth have spirits... allowing for the sharing of original power."
"Banding together in a fleet might protect you from Pirates but it can't protect you from the weather..."
"Never underestimate the power of snow and ice."
"Avalanches definitely have the power to decimate an army."
"Continents shift and clash, volcanoes erupt, glaciers grow and recede."
"Even this placid-looking gulf can have a dangerous temper, which could easily wash away a man-made island."
"But look at that, crazy force of nature, guys. See, that is wild. Look at the force of that water!"
"While the enchanted city of Tamajon might look like something out of a fairy tale, it is in fact a rock formation made entirely by natural forces."
"Surges are fundamental forces, expressions of gravity, electromagnetism, and more."
"Natural forces are simply the means God uses to cause lightning and rain."
"Natural forces are the name that we give to the way God upholds his universe."
"The equatorial currents are like conveyor belts; you get on that current, you're going to have a very difficult time to get out of the current."
"Leverage and compounding are like the two most powerful forces in the natural world."
"There are just three forces of nature that basically govern everything that happens on a human scale."
"You have dominion over natural forces of the universe."
"It details how to make machines using the natural forces of air or steam or water as power sources."
"The Phoenix Force is just a force of nature."
"Mother Nature has to absolutely drag us to get us to fall in love."
"Well, I think when two continents collide over millions of years, the land gets all pushed up."
"The tornado was so powerful that even concrete from the sidewalks and streets were ripped out of the ground."
"Ultimately, the beauty of Zion National Park is a testament to the incredible forces of nature that shaped its landscape over millions of years."
"We can walk this country and study these rocks and imagine the massive forces that raised these mountains."
"Four fundamental forces of nature... gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear interaction, and weak nuclear interaction."
"Wild magic belongs to no one. Can merfolk claim to command the tides, the fish, the storms?"
"The universe is turning in a way, the boulders are falling, the rivers are flowing, things are happening outside, there's a will."
"Gravity is a really powerful force of attraction."
"Gravity is a natural phenomenon that brings everything - matter and energy - together."
"The shadow of death upon the guilty ship as it labors amidst the lightning of the sea."
"The competing forces are necessary ingredients and what makes my home fishing grounds unique."
"The dunes are great moving walls and sand waves overwhelm everything, even souls."
"It's an engineering Marvel and the blocks are held together just by gravity and friction."
"Gravity is by far the weakest force of all the forces that we know about."
"Wind current can be great around what's called a choke point and around points... it will cause those fish to turn on and feed."
"Fire and water together, they make steam, one of man's most useful forms of energy."
"Symmetry is somehow really important, not just leading to conserved quantities but even maybe leading to forces of nature."
"For us human beings and animals and trees and all natural things to exist, there must be a force to exist."
"Destructive waves have high, steep profiles; the breaking wave plunges downwards and pulls back down the sediment."
"These winds have been estimated to exceed 300 miles an hour."
"Magnetism required no devices, required no machines, for its operation."
"Like gravity take over, nice and subtle like."
"The river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence."
"Nature doesn't care about your house or your trail."
"Coastal protection is a complete waste of time; the sea will always win, and natural forces should be allowed to take their own course."
"That wind from the north along with low tide pushed water out."
"Some of the most beautiful shapes in glass are made without even touching it, just using heat and gravity."
"Gravity is always acting down, it's always trying to pull us back down to planet Earth."
"Any time you mess with the strongest force in nature, you're gonna give off the strongest energy changes in nature."
"Through the years of the wind blowing, it has stretched out just like that flag."
"Gravity is the most important force between objects that are very far apart, and the atoms and molecules of all common matter are bound together by the force of electricity."
"The evidence for the Big Bang is like carefully measured, carefully taken measurements of the natural forces in the real world."
"Despite how powerful Ramases was, the power of nature is stronger."
"The winds are very intense but they're favorable, which means they're going to be heading westward, which is exactly where you're going."
"The sun, the moon, and the earth's magnetic field are the biggest effects on the earth."
"The amount of energy that would have had to have been released... would have been enough to flash boil the oceans."
"In the annals of our planet's history, where time is measured not in years but in epochs, continents have embarked on timeless dances shaped by forces beyond human comprehension."
"Gravity and magnetism are so big, you can see the results of them constantly."