
Literary Character Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Squirrelflight has endangered herself and Leafstar by going off on their own, but she did it truly believing that it was the solution to their problem."
"You will always be a monster. I know. But I am your monster no longer."
"Gilgamesh is as complex as any real life human being and perhaps this is what separates him from the more idealistic heroes."
"It's almost poetic how Abe Sapien, the aquatic intellectual, finds himself drowning in a tidal wave of emotions."
"Gatsby believed in the green light and the American dream, it stood for his creator punished him for this belief."
"Noah smiled at us from the pages of the Epic of Gilgamesh."
"When Frodo discusses her choice to become mortal in 'The Return of the King,' she explains that she is chosen 'both the sweet and the bitter.'"
"Mary Poppins is one of the most celebrated fictional characters of all time, loved by generations around the world."
"Jeff the killer, Lane whispered, still holding up the scissors."
"Gandalf at this stage had become increasingly suspicious of the Ring fearing that it may in fact be more than just a mere Ring of Power."
"The three-eyed crow came flapping at his face and crying his name, and her voice as sharp as swords."
"But you don't have to agree with Eren's actions to recognize that he is an extremely well-written character and that he has undergone one of the most incredible character developments in all of fiction."
"What I find so fascinating about Smaug is that he's one of those characters whose iconic enough that even if you're barely familiar with the Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings that you've probably at least heard of him."
"Scott really created the archetype of the solitary anti-hero facing daunting challenges and tough moral dilemmas."
"Elizabeth, stronger than Afton, leaves him in despair."
"The way that Kawabata explores color in 'Snow Country' is amazing."
"Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory but Willie Wonka offered something even better: a family."
"Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world."
"Lu Shang's spear Swift as a bolt of lightning struck with precision and ferocity."
"Each thrust of his spear claimed a criminal's life and then he would disappear in an instant just like the Grim Reaper."
"Harry Potter is the gift that just keeps on giving."
"A true Tolkien protagonist would not be acting out of Revenge or rise up to be a savior figure but would be one who acts out of humility."
"Sherlock Holmes had never died just as he had never lived."
"The idea of Sherlock Holmes is in copyright but the Sherlock Holmes who is emotional turned out that it that will only came to pass after Conan Doyle was it a war."
"What I liked so much about this book was our hero."
"Gatsby's brand of extreme charm brought a much-needed likeability to what is otherwise a rather problematic character."
"In the book, he literally talks about how he's awesome."
"Katniss is the girl defending her younger sister, the underdog from District 12."
"The return of Randall Flagg: The character made his return in the novel 'The Eyes of the Dragon' and became the main villain in 'The Dark Tower' series."
"Elizabeth was now a determined and confident character whose intelligence and willpower had brought her to where she now found herself."
"Faramir's journey from the son of a proud steward to a thoughtful leader reflects the intricate weave of his Numenorean heritage and Gondor's martial tradition."
"He's Odysseus, man, his trademark thing, same way he escaped a cyclops using their own strength against them."
"My name is Kvothe, that you may have heard of me."
"Sherlock Holmes is a fantastic character, just so unique, I love that he's so hyper focused on his work."
"Batman is one of the best characters in the history of fiction is he is so multifaceted he has more than one opposite."
"From the very beginning, he is rejected by everyone he meets and realizes from the moment of his birth that even his own creator cannot stand the sight of him."
"All she sees is Snow, capital S. They keep guessing and getting it wrong."
"It follows a character who wakes up on a Pew in a church in the American South and they are of no discernable race, age, or gender."
"The impulse is that Robert Baratheon and these people have are the same ones that we have. We're not perfect."
"Seemingly accurate data information, you know, this theme is exemplified in the character of Mrs. Bennett."
"Paul's journey is not that of a Hero's, his awareness of the Doom he will bring makes him a tragic figure."
"Christmas comes but once a year sir, poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every 25th of December!" - Bob Cratchit
"If they'd rather die, perhaps they'd better do so and decrease the surplus population." - Ebenezer Scrooge
"Holden Caulfield is one of American literature's defining characters."
"Olive Drummond: 'Finish business,' then disappears."
"Albus Dumbledore was, in my opinion, the greatest Headmaster to ever hold the title."
"Lysander is a true balls-to-the-wall antagonist of the series, he's cold and depressing, intimidating and powerful."
"Katniss, I love you. I've loved you for a while."
"He's as sly and Machiavellian as Petyr Baelish."
"Conan the Barbarian is the 1982 film adaptation of the Pulp Fiction character created by Robert E Howard."
"Sir Gawain returns to Camelot in shame, wearing the green sash as a mark of his failure."
"I think I understand," said Atticus. "It might be because he knows in his heart that very few people in Maycomb really believed his and Mayella's lies."
"You must get back to your engine," the little prince said, "I'll wait here. Come back tomorrow night."
"You'll have stars like nobody else," the little prince said, "they always make me laugh."
"Grandpa Joe is the human manifestation of do onto others as you'd have them do to you."
"I think frankly, this is the thing that Fingolfin does that impresses me most."
"You want to know something pony boy? I'm scared stiff."
"I just felt like it was going to be a perfect fit for Aslan."
"Odysseus is setting the stage for what will come to be known as homo economicus."
"My name is Sherlock Holmes, possibly it's familiar to you. In any case, my business is that of every other good citizen: to uphold the law."
"The real hero of the saga was the honorable good knight who was said to have a great long beard."
"I am youth, I am joy," Peter answered.
"I think ghost will survive all the way through to the very last scene of the book."
"Don Quixote is a very noble figure, often pictured on a horse, but his sidekick, his friend called Sancho Panza, is a much lowlier figure but an important figure in the book."
"...and I think the entry point for a lot of this will be Galadriel again which makes sense because she was there all the way through it in a way that pretty much no other second age characters were."
"The Hemingway Code hero goes on and lives nevertheless."
"Mrs. Hudson, the landlady of Sherlock Holmes, was a long-suffering woman."
"Yes, of course, quite right, Watson."
"From my humble heart to yours, your servant, Fitzwilliam Darcy."
"Who ain't a slave? asks Ishmael in the opening chapter of Moby Dick."
"Basil of Baker Street, a brilliant detective who thwarts injustices to best his arch nemesis, Professor Ratigan."
"Now blessed be God," said the maid of Astalat, "that that knight sped so well, for he is the man in the world that I loved first, and he will also be the last that ever I shall love."
"When you first came here, I only loved the writer part of Paul Sheldon. Now I know I love the rest of him too."
"It must be so that Misery can live."
"Falstaff is not human, all too human... Falstaff is, as he says, the true and perfect image of life itself."
"And swift encapsulated the counterintuitive character of infinity."
"You're the Misfit!" she said. "I recognized you at once."
"Shallan understands this; she seeks to understand the world."
"Aaron Warner, chef's kiss, perfect, love him."
"The author of these travels, Mr. Lemuel Gulliver, is my ancient and intimate friend."
"The guilt eats up Dimmsdale's soul, causes him torment day and night, and leads him to desperation."
"Falstaff is the kind of man that puts life above honor."
"This is wery liberal on your part, Pip," said Joe, "and it is as such received and grateful welcome."
"And now, old chap, may we do our duty! May you and me do our duty, both on us, by one and another."
"The boy has been a good boy here, and that is his reward. Of course, as an honest man, you will expect no other and no more."
"The Tattered Prince himself is just such an awesome character."
"Arya knows exactly who she is; she's proud to be a Stark of Winterfell."
"I've met Mr. Nero Wolfe, he is a remarkable man."
"George Smiley embodies the sense of the ambiguity, the moral uncertainty, the kind of, you know, routine nature of intelligence work at its best."
"Mina transcends the conventions of the Victorian era, wielding her sharp intellect and unwavering courage to stand as a pillar of strength against the forces of darkness."
"I'm so excited to read it; Envy was one of the more fun brothers in my opinion."
"I have a raven," Arianne thought triumphantly.
"I love the Aiel so much, I think that they're endlessly fascinating."
"Defeated Voldemort, Harry recovers from the confrontation in the hospital wing."
"It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school-aged children."
"Cinderpaw is officially listed as a medicine cat apprentice. Yay!"
"At the start of the passage, we can see she is in intense turmoil and shock as she is fleeing and searching for her friend's home."
"I love her comebacks, I love her strength."
"I really liked the main character, Nedra; I think she's very unique."
"Sing," she says. "Sing my throat is tight with tears, hoarse from smoke and fatigue, but if this is Prim's... Rue's last request, I have to at least try."
"Both of us can live," I whisper. "Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta's name."