
Unit Testing Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"In the world of programming, there's a similar kind of field and structure called unit testing, where we test each little small unit...that we can in a program."
"And one of the most important aspects of unit tests is they've got to be fast, especially because you're writing so many of them and, during TDD workflow, running them rapidly."
"Technology or language doesn't support unit testing? It might be worth looking harder because it probably does."
"Once you have a comprehensive suite of unit tests in place that guarantee that your code is working the way that it should, you can refactor that code any way you want with absolute confidence."
"You don't need any familiarity with unit testing at all. In fact, I've designed this course specifically for people who have never done unit testing because they find the idea intimidating."
"TDD is not just about unit testing and it's certainly not about chasing test coverage."
"Writing unit tests in React using the React Testing Library allows us to ensure our components behave as expected."
"Unit tests are testing individual units of behavior, the smallest possible units."
"A lambda using this unit testing framework calls your actual code, match, compare all that stuff, and either error out or pass."
"Unit tests provide early feedback, aiding in faster development and stronger code."
"Early unit testing, even with low coverage, accelerates development and strengthens code."
"The goal is to build a workflow where unit tests are part of coding efficiency."
"Implementing robust unit tests helps identify and fix issues early in the development process."
"The whole point of unit testing is to test every single individual function that makes up your entire business logic."
"So we're going to be talking today about Vitest. Vitest is blazing fast unit testing built on top of Vite."
"Once you get used to writing unit tests, your code will also be better because you'll have thought about it much more carefully."
"A unit test is a test of behavior whose success or failure is wholly determined by the correctness of the test and the correctness of the unit under test."
"You are not allowed to write any production code at all until you have written a unit test that fails."
"The successful unit test cases increases the overall confidence of the developers."
"These tiny little incremental code changes and you find that unit tests will drive that code at every step of the way."
"Unit tests can actually drive out better design in your code."
"Writing isolated unit tests is going to inform your design and that you're going to improve your design as a result."
"Unit testing is by far one of the first lines of defense that you can have in place to make sure that your code is doing what your code needs to do."
"It's much easier to write a unit test because you know what you're testing exactly."
"And then you have things like unit and integration testing, which is I think what a lot of courses teach more so when it comes to test-driven development, where you're actually testing individual pieces of code or those pieces of code coming together."
"Unit testing is really checking for behavior."
"Unit testing is a software development and testing approach in which the smallest testable part of an application, called units, are individually and independently tested."
"Unit testing is testing of a particular unit of work without having any dependency on external resources."
"We've eliminated any of the external dependencies and written a true unit test as just testing the logic that's inside of our getUserID function."
"We are going to write the JUnit test cases for the controller layer."
"Unit testing can kill bugs before they cause problems."
"With unit tests, what you're trying to say is: 'This is the intended behavior, and I'm just making sure that if someone else comes in, or myself, I've even forgotten what I was doing, I'll have something to say, hey, this was the intended behavior.'"
"Test-driven development should be followed while writing unit tests."
"It has become a common practice nowadays to write unit tests for the maintenance of software."
"Unit tests give me the ability to move forward confidently; they tell me immediately if I accidentally change something I shouldn't have."
"We encourage you to write lots and lots of fast, scalable unit tests that test all your exhaustive conditions."
"Unit tests don't always look exactly like a program; you should strive to make them as clear as possible."
"Unit testing is important. I don't know why people say it's not and they try to downplay it."
"You should do extensive unit testing for local validation using a mocking library."
"My application is easy to unit test; I don't worry about dependency bloat; my code is clean; it has high signal to noise."
"Unit tests... prove that every cell behaves correctly."
"Mockito is the most popular library out there for building mock objects."
"When we talk about unit tests, what you care about is you want to break out your software down to the smallest testable pieces of code possible and then you want to test them in isolation."
"A unit test is a piece of code that applies some inputs to the system under test and observes the outputs to make sure the outputs are expected."
"The most important feature of a unit test is that it must be fast."
"Unit tests help you document code when you're writing it."