
Client Acquisition Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"The real beauty is that after they sign their first client, it takes them around half the time to sign their second one."
"The best way to get clients is inbound and referrals."
"Three must do steps before you start looking for a client. The last one helps you overcome procrastination."
"Having abundance mindset, bro, there are dozens and dozens of clients who are sitting around waiting just waiting for you to outreach to them."
"You need to design a system for marketing to bring new clients consistently."
"Building a personal brand has given me so much equity when it comes to client acquisition."
"A referral is the most effective way to sign up a client."
"What's the most important single thing that would help you get more clients? Above all else, reviews."
"I guarantee we can help you sign at least five clients with our methods within 90 days or you get your money back."
"Please just go ahead and create your own portfolio website, I believe you can land your very first client very soon."
"It costs several hundred thousand Yuan to attend the show. I haven't even got one client."
"The number one reason why people fail is they don't bring in enough clients."
"This is a massive gold mine for finding new clients."
"Your first couple of clients are going to come from people you probably already know."
"That's the fastest way to get clients, and that's the fastest way to generate reviews for your business, that's the fastest way to learn, to improve your skills, all of these things."
"Testimonials are gold; they will help you book more clients."
"You're going to start closing clients and keep doing this until you've actually closed at least three clients."
"The best part is yet to come once you start to gather your first few clients."
"Even small changes can really dramatically boost the number of clients you get."
"How to get to your first $1,000 client in 15 days."
"You're watching this video because you have no money, you have no experience... looking for a good way to get clients without investing tons of money into a paid course or into paid advertising."
"So, it would be easier for you to get another client, get premium clients because you have learned a lot of things from your test clients."
"Networking events are a secret weapon for client acquisition."
"Being a solo pilot in the industry isn't necessarily all about the hardware and software that you own because without paying clients, you basically just have very expensive toys laying around."
"All you need is like three clients paying me $5,000 a month."
"Start putting in the work to find your first client."
"You have to put as much effort into getting clients as you do into writing."
"Getting a client isn't as easy as you found. You can be the best graphic designer, best logo designer on the planet and still not get any clients because they don't know who you are."
"Where do my ideal clients hang out online? Approach those clients and win their business."
"One client turns into two clients, two clients turns into four clients."
"Don't be afraid to go after clients right now."
"So, what you're doing is you're ultimately identifying where are my ideal clients hanging out, whether it's offline or online, and how can I start building relationships and conversations with them?"
"You have to actively make connections to get clients. You're not just going to automatically start getting clients overnight."
"A bonus thing that you can do as you're doing email management is being able to either bring in a client or maintain a client for your client's business."
"I really focus on this kind of teaching for how to get clients early on in your career."
"The alchemic conversion script: A step-by-step process for converting a total stranger into a high-paying client with one phone call."
"You should be able to charge anywhere from three thousand dollars to thirty thousand dollars per client."
"Get clients to come to you instead of you chasing them with proven strategies."
"...look at trying to start a business or buy a business that's already in service with clients that you can take over and build over time to what you want it to be."
"The best way to get clients is to build your relationships over a long time."
"Any app that lets you set your pricing, you can hustle that. Start low, get clients, get positive reviews, then increase prices over time."
"Choose a niche. You don't have to be the best writer in the world, but if you seem better, you'll get more clients."
"...you don't need to be at the top of the game to start getting clients. I mean, I was full-time while still sounding like that."
"Figure out the exact person that would make your ideal client."
"Referrals are an amazing way to get clients."
"LinkedIn is still an incredible tool for client acquisition."
"I just wanted to see how I can leverage that storytelling skill into getting clients that way, right? Currently, I just get content and I'm chopping it up."
"Focus on a particular niche and attract the kinds of clients that you want to work with."
"Door knocking is essential. It's one of the best strategies to gain clients."
"When you think about like, 'I want clients.' Okay, where... like, who are your clients? Who do you want? And then where are they? Where are they physically? Go to there, you know, go to that place and be there, and then be so that you're constantly on their mind."
"...landing clients is to a great degree a numbers game...it still is going to be a percentage of the leads that you pitch..."
"From taking strangers and turning them into clients."
"Be patient, getting clients building your pipeline and building your client list is not something that happens overnight."
"...you're getting access to a ton of clients to see your service...but you gotta stand out."
"Step by step and it really couldn't be any easier so you're going to be able to master it and then get to the client generation phase really quickly."
"So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, our exact strategy for turning total strangers into paying clients using our Instagram alone."
"I'll get out there and do the leg work and start soliciting business and more clientele for you."
"There's a huge potential for doing A/B testing the right way. It can impact your bottom line, it can make you more money, it can bring you new clients, customers."
"The better you understand your Niche, the easier client acquisition will be."
"You have to go out and seek out your ideal clients and audience."
"In today's training we're going to focus really on bottleneck number one which is the client acquisition piece."
"I've been doing like coaching Consulting and agency for a long time they have generated over five million dollars online doing this stuff and so really good at generating appointments client acquisition sales sales teams appointment setting."
"The question I'm getting asked a lot is how do you find clients in the first place."
"The secret to getting bigger clients is the language you use and the presentation you give on your website."
"They shared all the details of how they landed a $70,000 client."
"Imagine that you start on Monday, you start outreach on Monday, you set up two meetings on Monday, and then for the very next day, which is Tuesday, you end up closing a client for fifteen hundred dollars up front."
"The best way to book calls period, regardless of how many clients you have already."
"Let's eliminate any of the waste on our company and let's get more and more clients."
"The easiest way to land your first client and get them amazing results without being salesy and even if you have zero experience."
"Database reactivation campaigns are awesome, great ways to land new clients because you can show what you can do without them having to spend money on ads."
"One of the most challenging parts of sales is generating meetings with your dream clients."
"The client acquisition system consists of a way of how you map and define your micro niche and how you engage with those client prospects to turn them into leads."
"When it comes to getting clients, you're really only trying to achieve two things: finding intent and building trust."
"Your lead to purchase window is how long on average does it take one lead to convert into a client."
"The sooner you start building your brand and your marketing message to align with the business that you're looking to develop, the sooner you'll start attracting your dream clients."
"How we can get first product photography clients, well it's a big question."
"We are going to be focusing on getting $1,000, which means your very first client."
"Make sure that you post a lot on your Instagram if you're looking to get lots and lots of clientele."
"If you deliver A-plus customer service and if you find clients, you're going to be successful."
"Leveraging social media and if you want to know how I was able to stop door knocking after six months and now get all of my business from social media with clients coming directly to me, drop a comment below."
"Sales Navigator... gives you all these different ways in which you can filter down the specific type of clients that you're trying to prospect into."
"A measurable goal would be, 'I want to bring on five more clients in quarter one.'"
"Lead generation is simply building the list to have a tangible thing that you can deliver to your clients."
"Are you knowledgeable about the subject? Can you find clients in that industry? Then you'll be fine."
"I was able to get over 15,000 paying clients onto that software platform."
"Strategy calls are probably the best way for us as freelancers to get potential clients on the phone."
"Copy and paste this wild new larger market formula and start getting 5 to 50 plus green clients in the next 42 days."
"As a better designer, this means that you can land higher paying clients and jobs."
"Being someone who is always giving and providing value to people who have questions is a massive leg up for finding more clients."
"By far and away my largest source of new clients is referrals."
"A well-written business proposal can often mean the difference between winning or losing a prospective client."
"One of the biggest questions that I constantly get asked is, 'Jamie, how the heck do I get more clients from Instagram?'"
"Get a hundred more clients like that, you will have a really successful business."
"If you can go into these meetings knowing the KPIs and really understanding the business and what their main goals are, that is going to give you the best chance of actually signing these guys as clients."
"I got my client because of my core values."
"If you get that many touch points, inevitably you're going to get a certain amount of meetings, and from then, inevitably you're going to sign a certain amount of clients."
"I knew that I could potentially gain more clientele and cover the cost of a storefront."
"This is the easiest way to land your first client and get them amazing results without being salesy."
"80% of our clients come from social media, new clients."
"It's the most difficult way to generate new clients, but it's also the most effective."
"Marketing is not just about getting more clients; it's about getting the right fit clients to want to do business with you."
"It's a great way to start a desk if you're working in a recruitment business and you're struggling to get clients."
"Continue to provide value so you can get more clients."
"You can't wait until one day magically your dream client picks up the phone and calls you because frankly, it's not gonna happen."
"Congratulations on getting a world-class client."
"Go out there, start landing clients, you got this."
"I'm going to be showing you how I close a client for my SMMA with zero case studies, zero experience, and no presentation."
"Predictable client acquisition becomes important."
"DX trade offers the opportunity for improved client acquisition and retention."
"If you can communicate like you don't need more clients, you will get just that: more clients."
"Facebook groups... this is hands down 100% the best way besides texting to get clients."
"Over 90 percent of clients came through my portfolio site."
"Online freelancers get most of their clients through their personal portfolio website."
"Over 90 percent of clients came through my portfolio website."
"You win as you can use that casually to land clients, you also make money, and you free up your time."
"Over 90 percent of clients of mine came through my portfolio website."
"This is actually really, really crucial because it's just like the size whether you're gonna just like get new clients potentially throughout these reviews if they're good."
"We help real estate agents like you build scalable client acquisition systems that you own."
"Our program does cover every element of client acquisition."
"Cold emailing is still one of the best ways to get clients and grow your business without spending money on paid advertising."
"So many clients have found me because of my blog."
"Craft effective design proposals that turn leads into actual clients."
"My program is designed to help our creators sign their first few pay clients so they can finally monetize."
"Your work ethic will get you more business than anything."