
Beverage Preference Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Iced tea is probably the best drink on the planet."
"You know I'm of the school of thought a little coffee is better than no coffee."
"Honestly, I look back to the beginning of this little adventure, and I'm like, 'Oh Mountain Dew, that was a good gamer drink.'"
"Anytime is a good time for boba, just saying."
"I do what I want. I'll drink a Diet Coke whenever I want to drink a Diet Coke."
"Don't expect unsweetened tea when you're here. In the south, you drink sweet tea, period. End of story."
"Absinthe is delicious in my humble opinion to be honest fam huh."
"I need a beer so bad... that was better than sex."
"Some may say Capri Sun is an S tier drink, it is goated."
"I now not only enjoy sparkling water, I enjoy flavored sparkling water."
"I'm not gonna mix up chardonnay and rose and drink them together, but I love them both."
"You always want to do the best you can, I mean obviously an orange juice made with fresh oranges is better than a packaged or bottled orange juice."
"That one's really good, I would drink all of that."
"Give us our strong beer and ale and take away the tea that makes us weak, indolent, and useless. No rhetoric there, yes."
"You are a war criminal if you don't like Baja Blast."
"Ice coffee is our favorite and we do try to make it ourselves pretty much every time we're back in the states."
"All I want is a Guinness, that ice-cold Guinness."
"All I want is a fucking Guinness, that ice-cold Guinness."
"They found me on the new machine, it's amazing! Oh, I love Amaretto."
"Back on the sparkling watermelon grind, and I am very excited."
"Starting to feel like fall outside, time for a Starbucks fall drink."
"I could drink an Oreo milkshake literally for any meal of the day at any moment."
"Oh, this is really good! So that's the superior pumpkin drink, I'm gonna say it."
"It's kombucha without trying anything else, and it makes me happy."
"My beverage of choice is always gonna be the hot water."
"It's calming, it's not offensive on the palate. I just really like it."
"As long as it's good coffee, Skyla's got her yummy tea."
"If you're a juice Drinker you could tank up over here."
"I love a peppermint tea, so nice and refreshing."
"I want still water and I think there's a bit of pretentiousness about sparkling when people go oh yeah who ordered Sparkle mortar."
"Switching to iced coffee. If it's cold out, I'm drinking hot. If it's hot out, I'm drinking cold."
"Bro I'm gonna give it a 9 bro it's fantastic bro I don't want to hear anything about it do they have a coconut one because I feel like I like the coconut one oh yeah they do they do yeah."
"You know what? I'll chase it with the coffee to make it a little bit more wet."
"I do enjoy uh a latte, that's my go-to."
"I think Diet Pepsi is the drink of the year for me. I was recently telling you about this Diet Pepsi I had. It was so fizzy."
"Guinness does taste better in Dublin, according to Nigel."
"I need you to pour yourself a nice big mug of iced coffee."
"I always have at least a water, sometimes coffee, sometimes two waters, so this makes it perfect."
"Tea is the best thing of the day."
"I loveee iced coffee, I almost always prefer iced coffee."
"Pepsi or Coke? The real answer is Dr Pepper, guys."
"You know I love my coffee, but Iraq is a tea country."
"For people who drink a lot of Cola, RC has a light Cola taste that's easy on the syrup, easy on the gas."
"Cheers to Saint Brendan's in Green Bay, best Guinness outside of Ireland I've ever had."
"I love Disney Cruise coffee because it tastes like the cruise."
"If I was to have a thousand suns, I would get them all to forswear thin potations and to take their life up with sack sherry instead."
"Passion tea lemonade is when I want something really sweet and delicious."
"It's a perfect mixture to start off your day."
"I haven't actually ordered like a decaf almond latte in the longest time because I've just been so obsessed with matcha lately."
"If it's fresh squeezed, I'm gonna order it."
"It's okay to like both, you can like Scotch and you can like Bourbon."
"The strawberry acai refresher is bomb, so freaking good."
"There's no way I can go through a day without coffee."
"Iced coffee, is there anything better?"
"It's time for a pumpkin spice Lulu, okay, love in it."
"It's about having Corona Premieres, having some Celsius, having a good time with your buddies, that's what this is about."
"I love that rum old fashioned, that's my favorite."
"Coke Zero is my jam, I'm completely off regular Coke and I exclusively drink Coke Zero and it is really delicious."
"The United Kingdom loves its tea, but if Oliver Cromwell's head hadn't ended up on a spike, coffee might have remained the country's most prevalent pick-me-up."
"I love this my Chai Tea Latte, iced Chai Tea Latte, honey, made with soy milk."
"Dare I say that this is better than the pumpkin cream cold brew? I do, I think it's phenomenal."
"That is so good, that's going to be my new Starbucks order."
"Forget the chai tea latte, forget the double chocolatey chip cream frappe, this is my favorite one."
"I love lemonade, this was my favorite BCAA flavor."
"When it comes to a warming drink, the world loves a good cup of coffee."
"I am a big fan of McDonald's coffee."
"The morning officially does not start until you have coffee in hand."
"I love tea like I drink tea every day, hot, cold, every temperature in the world."