
Plugins Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Super Socializer plugin enables login through social media websites... it's free and it's just, it's easier."
"Bookly... it is the best booking plugin for WooCommerce."
"SEO is very important so you might want to download one of those plugins and then fiddle around with it and get your site fully optimized and ready to go."
"Elementor is one of the most popular WordPress plugins. It makes it very easy to design professional-looking web pages without coding."
"The plugins on Rite make the game so much better."
"It's so good for experimentation and creating music fast Ableton has a great way of managing its own stock plugins instruments and effects."
"Color coding is based on the kind of plugin that you've loaded into a particular slot."
"Not only do we hear Charlie give us insights into his methodology and thought processes as he builds a brand new song from scratch, we'll also see him using and talking about some of his favorite plugins."
"CapCut has loads of transitions, and a ton of the stuff in here would be paid extras as plugins for the likes of Final Cut Pro."
"One of the best things about WordPress are the plugins available."
"PyTest's extensibility is enhanced by its rich plugin architecture with many third-party plugins available, making it adaptable to various project needs."
"Some of these are editor plugins that won't increase your package size, while others are runtime plugins that will have an impact."
"There's something satisfying about using the real deal and not using a plugin or just relying on a DI."
"Jenkins is a CI/CD tool, and whenever you want to do CI/CD, you need to make sure that the server has all the necessary plugins."
"You can create plug-ins and... literally take a DLL, you can take a little snippet of C# code and it runs in between our API that's up here and the data tier that is down here."
"I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that if you really want to, you can pretty much do your entire mix using the channel strip without any plugins."
"In this video let's go ahead and keep everyone happy and talk about 10 powerful Figma plugins."
"...if you're looking to get some super good plugins for that vintage sampled kind of sound without breaking the bank buying every single one of these individually the uad spark is a super super good option..."
"Plugins are a really important part of that, recently after some recommendations from you guys I decided to give the lazy. envm plug-in manager a try and it's been pretty amazing."
"The native build tools project provides plugins for different build tools to add support for building and testing native applications written in Java or any other language compiled to the JVM bytecode."
"If you want to take this even further, then Squarespace allows for the use of third-party plugins that let you significantly expand the capabilities of your website."
"I bloody love open-source programs like OBS, fantastic program, so many plugins, so many things."
"Take advantage of what plugins do better than the hardware."
"Blender is open source, which means, among other things, that anyone is able to write plugins for it."
"...the only free alternative that isn't limited number six to my mind is getting to know your stock plugins."
"...take advantage of it there are so many good plugins out there."
"...cool to see [him] using their tools and only a couple of plug-in brands even seen here, in addition to the stock plugins in this DAW."
"You can run audio unit plugins, so any version, any plugins that you have, they'll already work with Luna."
"Reaper comes loaded with a ton of their own plugins and a lot of them are really good."
"The real kicker here is that this system now allows for an absurdly powerful option and that is that you can now modulate parameters of one plugin with a parameter from another plugin like a step sequencer."
"If you are mixing and you're using a bunch plugins and you're doing vocals doing a lot of processing, what you're going to want to do is you are going to want to allocate the buffer rate to be higher."
"This will give you full access to all of Arturia's vintage keyboard and synthesizer plugins."
"It's just like working with plugins on a computer."
"Highly recommend the isotope infrastructure of all of their plugins and the way these plugins all communicate with one another."
"You can write CSS and then add things with plugins like prefixers, future CSS, or lint."
"WordPress is very safe and secure. It's not WordPress that's the issue at times it's the third-party plugin, the third-party theme from some random company."
"You're running Yoast which is good and then I notice you are running a caching plug-in so that is helping with your page loads."
"Jenkins has a good ecosystem of open source plugins."
"You can think of this page right here, the Add Plugins page, as the app store on your phone, and these are all different types of apps that you can download to do different things on your website."
"Every plugin has a specific feature, and there's pretty much a plugin for everything."
"Perhaps one of the best features of Octoprint is its plug-in system with the ability to install hundreds of plugins."
"Every other DAW includes an entire suite of plugins to get you started."
"Fastify allows you the concept of using plugins and decorators to share the code."
"I only want to create plugins that I'm like, 'Okay, what's missing?'"
"Next, we are going to use plugins which are made by the Figma community."
"I've been on a mission on this channel to keep you updated with the best free plugins for music production."
"The plugin mechanism is very powerful and it allows you to do basically whatever and adapt to different platforms and function idea you may have."
"You can do anything you want with a WordPress website, you just need to find the right plugins."
"Plugins are essentially like apps but for our website."
"You can produce fully professional mixes even with stock plugins."
"If you're working with Django or Flask, you probably want to install a plugin for that framework."
"These plugins are really dope if you want to make better cinematic music videos."
"There's also a rich ecosystem of community plugins that are maintained by brilliant people."
"It comes with lots of great plugins that we can use to make the coding experience easier."
"So that's how you can clean your model using these two awesome plugins called cleanup and solid inspector 2 by TomTom."
"Get to know these plugins, download them, play with them, and just really develop a workflow that is efficient and that relies on shortcuts and that relies on hotkeys."
"One is the complete ecosystem of plugins that are offered."
"Plug-ins make a lot of sense for some people, especially those who occasionally need to travel long distances and can't or don't want to stop and juice up."
"Congratulations, you've built your first plugin."
"What makes Jenkins very powerful from a continuous integration perspective is the wonderful plugins that allow it to connect to all kinds of tools."
"The rewrite API... it's very pretty much guaranteed that it's going to be relatively untouched by other plugins."
"One great thing about glyphs is that if you go to Window > Plugin Manager, it'll give you all these plugins that you can install."
"The vast majority of problems after updates are caused by plugins."
"Plugin Detective is very clever indeed; it uses a system of gradual deduction and process of elimination."
"Plugins are written exclusively in JavaScript and TypeScript."
"You have to get in there and really you have to learn about all the plugins, the packages you need to install to build your IDE essentially."
"If you just love using Ether.js, just use the Ethers.js plugin."
"The cool thing about Capacitor is not only that it wraps any kind of web application in a native container, the cool thing are especially the plugins."
"We're now ready to go and install the different plugins and theme and so on that we need."
"We have over 130 different plugins, and all of them are available in Backstage."
"Now that we have the WooCommerce plugin here and we have WordPress."
"Every input channel can have up to five plugins running."
"What if I told you, using two plugins only, whatever you could dream of, you could implement?"
"WordPress is built around plugins that allow us to extend what WordPress can do straight out of the box."
"It's user intuitive, tons of plugins, and there's like a little marketplace where you can get all the free plugins for this thing."
"You can import a sample right here or you can load a plugin in."
"CSS has a very cool plug-in system."
"Firebase maintains a variety of different plugins for Flutter; the only one that's actually required is Firebase Core."
"Plugins can make very small changes or they can completely transform your website."
"One of the good things about Visual Studio Code, which is now one of the favorite open-source IDEs by most developers, is that there's a lot of features that enhance Visual Studio Code by use of plugins."
"Now we're using one of the many transformer plugins to transform that content into something useful."
"jQuery has a large development community and many free plugins."
"The functionality of Cytoscape is extendable using plugins or apps."
"The Gradle plugin... it's much more idiomatic Gradle."
"This plugin will be updated day by day, and they are adding more features which we need."