
New Moon Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The new moon should be considered as a new start. So, if you want to begin something important, you should choose the moment when the sun and the moon are aligned because that is determining a new cycle, a new beginning."
"The new moon in Libra signifies a time for new beginnings, suggesting that any new project or activity initiated during this period needs to be done legally, officially, and in a way that can be quite fair either for yourself and for the other people involved."
"This period until the new moon is going to be a very promising period, a very positive one."
"This new moon brings deep healing and shocking transformations, freeing you from inner demons and traumas."
"This new moon will bring us the vision of what is right to do and the action to go after it."
"With this new moon, you're really asserting yourself into the world unapologetically."
"I hope that gives you an idea of what you'll be working with here during this new moon in Pisces."
"This new moon is about letting go of the past, clearing the past."
"This new moon is the devotion, is the commitment."
"Confronting your fears... with this new moon."
"Every new moon is a reminder to prioritize rest."
"New moon feelings: emotions, growth, and manifestations."
"A new moon in Gemini is going to bring a lot of new ways of communication."
"Wishing you a beautiful Aries New Moon. May it be healing, enlightening, soothing, and beautiful especially at a soul level."
"A new moon perfect time to create to dream its reimagine so try to dream yourself a grander vision for your life right now"
"This is the best new moon of the year, but it only works for those that are solid in themselves."
"Friday is sunny and certain, it's the new moon."
"Even though it's a new moon, it takes on this theme of endings."
"It's a wonderful new moon to make a wish, it's a wonderful new moon to manifest."
"This new moon is about deciding who you want to be and showing up as them."
"This is a very self-focused new moon. It's about kind of Reinventing yourself in a small way."
"This new moon is opening up a whole new love story."
"This particular new moon is kicking off a month of electric energies that hold extra powerful potential to help you co-create something new in your life."
"This Leo new moon is gonna help you find yourself."
"It's a very positive New Moon especially if you've been wanting to shift the heavy energies of the eclipse season the Scorpio season we just had."
"New moons are about new beginnings, new energy, and fresh starts."
"The new moon in Taurus... this abundance, opportunities that will support you for the next 14 years."
"Set those intentions at the new moon that will take you forward into the new year with Beauty, with Grace, and with Harmony."
"Expect powerful change. New moon eclipse."
"This new moon in Taurus is setting you up for success."
"A new moon in your 7th house on the 11th of January could mark the beginning of a new partnership or collaboration."
"Embrace this new moon energy, light a candle, make some Moon water, and see what happens in your life."
"December begins with a beautiful new moon in Sagittarius."
"This new moon is Beyonce... very relevant to you because Beyonce is a Virgo."
"Let's call in spirit and open up your reading, see what it is that Spirit would like you to hear around this new moon energy."
"Eclipses happen every 6 months an eclipse a solar eclipse is actually on a new moon so it's a new moon on steroids."
"Under this new moon eclipse in Aries, I am open and available to receive the following."
"July 5th is one of the best new moons for you. Plant seeds as if you have never planted seeds before."
"New moon being this really beautiful time where we can kind of shut the rest of the world out and focus on ourselves a little more."
"The new moon symbolically is also a time of renewal and regeneration."
"May 7th New Moon at 18 degrees of Taurus is still completely available for everyone to set intentions for financial growth and stability."
"New moons are all about a new chapter taking place, a new beginning, a new and fresh start."
"The new moon is perfect because there's none of that light pollution."
"There's a rather crazy new moon in Aquarius happening on the 9th which is bringing unexpected new beginnings and change."
"You can only have a total solar eclipse on a new moon, okay, that's just how it works."
"New moons are very creative because they give us a chance to sit in the quiet with ourselves and understand our process a little bit more."
"A new moon in astrology is very similar; the moon goes pitch black, the sun and the moon conjunct, the moon kind of goes inward."
"This new moon in Libra is going to remind us of just how worthy we are of the things that we want."
"A new moon in your second house... this coming year will bring some new opportunities into your life."
"Set yourself realistic goals, especially around the new moon in Taurus."
"This new moon gives you the opportunity for manifesting something that could get you closer to your purpose."
"This could be about joining forces with another, especially since we've got this lovely new moon in Taurus."
"Happy new moon, and I will see you next time."
"This new moon will be on the very 1st of December in Sagittarius at 9°, so some new beginnings, new opportunities at this point."
"Every new moon is a time for intention setting."
"The new moon is an invitation to set intentions that reach for your highest possibility in every area of your life."
"This new moon energy in Virgo is really about doing things for our best and highest good."
"What you're manifesting with this new moon is going to be really important."
"This new moon is particularly important because it is the final New Moon before we enter Eclipse season."
"New moons... sitting in that quiet darkness can really help us hear and see more clearly."
"Happy new beginning on the new moon."
"This new moon in Sagittarius happens on the same day that Mercury goes retrograde."
"It is a really good new moon for setting goals and working towards them."
"This new moon unlike other new moons is very powerful."
"This is a big New Moon, one that's really, really wonderful."
"This new moon really is all about putting your life back together."
"New moon in the sign of Capricorn is an energy of setting intentions, but long-term intentions."
"New moons bring new opportunities, new beginnings, they're the beginning of this new cycle."
"With this new moon, it's this beautiful bright opportunity for us to bring deep healing and transformation into our connections."
"New moon energies are always about new intentions, what is starting, what is initiating."
"This is exciting, not only are we seven days away from the next new moon."
"I expect the new moon Gemini to bring clarity."
"Set your intention for the new moon, this energy is powerful."
"The new moon in Scorpio occurs on the 25th, and it's powerful."
"This New Moon in Pisces is a beautiful time for planning a trip, a holiday, or a vacation."
"It is a new moon in Cancer, so don't forget to set your intentions."
"The new moon eclipse will bring a new powerful opportunity for you."
"I'm excited about this new moon because the new moon is going to form some really beautiful aspects in the sky."
"It is likely to be a very productive new moon, new cycles, new beginnings."
"We're likely to see innovative new beginnings because the new moon is in a harmonious aspect with Uranus, planet of innovation."
"With a new moon like this, it's an opportunity for us to kind of exhale a little bit."
"This new moon in particular is going to be something that you can act upon with confidence."
"What I do like about this new moon is that the new moon is in a nice aspect to Neptune."
"Tonight is the new moon in Pisces; it's such a perfect moment to release the energy that aren't good for us anymore."
"When we have a new moon in our sign, it's a very special time of regeneration and rebirth."
"Make new moon wishes or set new moon intentions along the lines of anything that you want."
"This is a new moon that is about deep integration."
"Have a beautiful new moon in Virgo, I'm sending you all my love."
"With this August 16th New Moon happening in the fixed fire sign of Leo, we're seeing very energetically supportive opportunities for connecting with our inner child."
"When we have a new moon in the sign of Leo, it can be a very beautiful time to reflect upon how we're connected with our inner child."
"New Moon, a promise of a new beginning."
"New moons represent new beginnings."
"I hope you have absolutely amazing energy that comes to you from this miraculous and wonderful Aries new moon."
"The new moon is a time for beginnings, a new start is coming."
"This super new moon is waiting for you to manifest and usher in abundance."
"New moons are always about initiating energy, new beginnings, new opportunities."
"We're moving towards a new moon, so there's some newness coming your way."
"Every new moon is about establishing your intentions of what you want to grow and create over the next lunar cycle."
"New moons are all about new beginnings, new energy here, and fresh starts."
"This new moon is kind of like a gateway moon, a ceremonial connecting to the new year."
"The new moon is a wonderful time to place and plant seeds of intention and to get ready for a new beginning, for a fresh start."
"The new moon is a way forward, it's a time of enlightenment."
"There's a lot of celebration, there's a lot of confidence for some of you with this new moon."