
Libra Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"The new moon in Libra signifies a time for new beginnings, suggesting that any new project or activity initiated during this period needs to be done legally, officially, and in a way that can be quite fair either for yourself and for the other people involved."
"It's almost like a discovery process you're starting, Libra, to discover this superpower, this talent."
"Libra, March 2024 is poised to be a month of transformation and self-discovery."
"Libras are the people that typically dye their hair a lot. They don't really know how to make up their mind, they're always evolving."
"Someone's trying to flirt with you, Libra. There's some exploratory energy here."
"A balanced Libra full moon is about a balance between doing the work and managing other people."
"It's so important, my gorgeous Libra, I don't know how to explain this, how significant this is going to be."
"It can be a brilliant month for you, Libra, and very transformational."
"Libra, this is your time to shine financially."
"Crypto assets is that it's going to be hard to replace the feeling of not being thoroughly or completely owned by system and Libra is the pure definition of being owned..."
"It's like what does your heart desire, Libra? That's what's happening in May."
"All is going to be right in the world for Libra in May."
"This reading is for anybody that has Libra in their chart."
"The ace of swords energy, and this is good, Libra, for you."
"Financial regulators must act fast to prepare for Facebook's Libra stablecoin."
"Libra comes along and says, it's about 'we'."
"The big 'W' card came out there, Libra. It's 'cause you've been loving yourself first and foremost."
"It's about to get real, Libra, in the most exciting way."
"The planet that rules Libra is Venus, the planet of love and beauty."
"Libras are naturally charming and very talkative; they connect with people."
"Libras are social, harmonious people that love to bring balance to everywhere they go."
"Libras really care about how they are in social interactions."
"You're ready for these relationships or this pain, this heartache to go; this is a whole new year for you, Libra."
"Libra said 'F love, I'm getting the bag.'"
"There's money in your future, Libra. Investments are coming."
"Move on, Libra, there's a happy ending."
"This is the month to do this. It's now time for you to bury your past, Libra. Bury your past my friends."
"What does Libra need to know right now? Limitless possibilities."
"...Libra calls us to equilibration balance of our entire being."
"This is without a shadow of a doubt, Libra, the month to make it happen."
"There's a new path, that's the theme of your energy, Libra."
"So, Libra, I'm going to continue to pull cards if you're interested in the extended. The link is in the description box, and if not, I will see you next time, Libra. Thanks."
"No amount of charm can help the Libra in making decisions."
"The typical Libra is incredibly romantic."
"Your life is getting better, there's going to be some good times ahead for you, Libra."
"Libras are able to get along with a lot of different people because they're more capable of interchanging between two different ideas."
"Expect a very, very positive change at the end of the day, Libra."
"On my Libra scales, I'm weighing sins and forgiveness. Lil Wayne, 2011. Great line. The scales, baby, let's see what's going on here. What's swaying over in this way?"
"It's time to put yourself first, it's time to claim your fulfillment in relationships, Libra."
"You're releasing something, Libra, where you're letting something go, shedding a skin if you haven't already."
"So it's now time for you to work on this Libra and let it go, allow yourself to embrace the new in your life."
"Waterfall and persistence here for you, Libra. All right, so let's pull an angel number."
"Some of you Libras, with discernment and what you're going through, you may have some pent-up energy. Sometimes just having that release can really cool the anger down."
"Libra doesn't care if you are great or small, treats all with balance and equality."
"Libra: seeking intellectual assurance before emotional connection."
"Libra: a natural eye for beauty, creating spaces of tranquility."
"Libra: always smiling, always compassionate."
"Libra, as the sign of society, needs to be with other people; they don't do well on their own."
"The absolute basis of Libra with the scales is about arguing things out, finding fairness, truth, and justice."
"How is Spirit currently helping Libra? Success, skillful, stabilizing yourself, being in charge."
"Libras could really enjoy this movie because they could see themselves in both of these characters and it's also such a comfort film."
"It's almost impossible to not like a Libra person."
"They don't want to be disrespected... Libra is always trying to make sure that things are equitable."
"Venus in Libra is like the perfect diplomat."
"Saturn for Libra rules the fifth house and the fourth house and therefore is considered a favorable auspicious planet."
"Libras are incredible problem solvers to the point where it's magical."
"Ultimately, Libra risings, it's about realizing that you are a whole person in yourself."
"Libra wants World Peace, they're also very fair."
"Libra rising is so kind and so sweet and above all else they want to create harmony with others."
"Libras are very charming, idealistic, diplomatic, and lovable, they're friendly, energetic, sociable, and intellectual."
"My sign is a Libra, and the symbol Libra is a balance."
"As a Libra, I have never not been in love."
"These are brand new opportunities waiting for you, Libra."
"New doors opening for you, Libra, for sure."
"Happy birthday to all the Libras out there, enjoy your day, enjoy your season."
"If your star sign is Libra, you will be born in one of two months, which are they?... September 23rd through October 22nd."
"Recognition and reward comes to you, Libra."
"Use your imagination, Libra, let your imagination lead this portal energy."
"Embracing your destinies, this week something significant is happening, Libra."
"Libras have a lot of personalities, they can really balance out each and every one of their qualities."
"Courage and luck, I like this message. Lots going on here for Libra."
"Self-belief is the one thing you have never been short of, Libra."
"Divine femme Librans, you all are on top of your game."
"I'm telling you what, the next six months, Libra, has something to do with fate."
"If a Libra likes you, they're going to be honest with you."
"A Scorpio with Libra moon is going to have great taste, be driven but not overbearing."
"Make It Count Libra, Make It Count."
"You have all these possibilities, Libra, for your life, for your future."
"You can overcome any problem, Libra, always know that."
"Libra in Latin means balance, it means the scales."
"Libra energy is the Empress card in the Tarot."
"One of the most beautiful qualities about a Libra is how incredibly relatable they are."
"Libras' love language tends to be words of affirmation."
Libra is gonna say, "How do we do this? Let me think through all the possible solutions."
"One of the most beautiful things you can do for a Libra is daily or weekly kindnesses."
"Libra rising people really do want you to be happy."
"Libra rising people are the people pleasers."
"Libras are better in a relationship."
"Libra is genius in the field that they choose to conquer."
"Libra knows how to balance and how to bring into balance that which is unbalanced."
"Libra is the air sign that is ruled by Venus, which is going to make them have a very charismatic, admirable, optimistic, charming nature that draws people to them."
"Libras love to indulge in the finer things in life, whatever this may mean for them."
"Libras are known for their natural ability to objectively weigh different perspectives and situations in order to reach a sound decision."
"Libra represents relationships, bonds, titles, marriages, partnerships, and balance."
"Libra is about balance and often Libras are said to be indecisive. I don't find that at all; I think that Libras are very good at tuning into the greater good."
"Libras can also be gentle and gracious, and have a love for the more beautiful things in life."
"Libra... can create some of the most beautiful artwork on the planet."
"Full moon in Libra: find a balance."
"Libras are amazing, I love Libra women."
"Libras are natural peacemakers... they want to quickly get to a place of harmony and fairness."
"With a high functioning Libra, you've got someone who is diplomatic, they are harmonizers."
"Libra Venus... they are the trend master."
"Libras have social intelligence like no other sign."
"The beauty of Libra is the cohesion, the harmony, the ability to see social dynamics as an aesthetic project."
"Libras are diplomatic, romantic, charming, sociable, and idealistic."
"Libra needs to love in a light, fun, playful kind of hands-offish way."
"Nobody dislikes Libras; it's impossible."
"Libras just sort of become what they need to be in the moment."
"These grand gestures, these expressions of romance, so Libra would love if you wrote them a love letter."
"Libra's biggest fear is to be seen as ugly, and this is not just physically ugly, this is ugly in all way, shape, and form."
"Libras need a team player, they want to be with someone that makes life less stressful and more enjoyable."
"You've ascended, Libra. You decided to ascend with the fool."
"You're going to be very successful at something here, Libra. I feel like this change changes everything."
"Libras do better than any other sign of the zodiac is come up with the most efficient drama-free way to complete that task."
"Libras like to keep things on the positive side, they like to focus on the beauty of life, music, and art."
"Be the fool here, Libra, embark on this new journey with an open heart."
"Libras... they love when other people are open because it just makes a great conversation."
"Beautiful things are about to happen here, Libra, in your life."
"Libras need... a beautiful apology, a card, they love flowers, a conversation that is non-combative."
"Libra really wants to make things harmonious, to get things to work together."
"Libra energy provides that kind of people intelligence that Virgo really doesn't have."
"You're about to enter a new world, a new chapter in your life here, Libra."
"Ride the momentum of this energy right now, Libra."
"Libra pilot started development in July 2015."
"Libra... they're just so open and free, and that makes them really hilarious and really easy going."
"Libras are just so chill, easygoing, kind people."
"Libras require you to give back in order to balance the mind."
"Libra in love really does want to have a relationship that's peaceful, harmonious, and pleasurable."
"Libra has perfected these social graces, enjoys diplomacy, kindness, harmonizing human beings or ideas."
"Your life's season is changing here, Libra, and it's time for you to embrace everything that this change is bringing in."
"You are a self-starter, Libra, that you have the potential to really rise up with your career, with your business, with whatever talent you have."
"Libra loves quality time and thoughtful gifts."
"Don't be rude; a Libra at their best is very conscientious about the well-being of others."
"You're truly moving different, Libra. You see things differently, you think differently, you act differently."
"As a Libra, you kind of like to see things from another person's point of view before you fully participate."
"A fresh new way of living emerges, Libra."
"You have a very strong connection to the universe, Libra."
"A lot of new doors and opportunities are opening up for you here Libra."
"This is going to be brilliant, my gorgeous Libra, and let me tell you, the fun is about to begin."
"Shine your light on others, Libra."
"Just do what's best for your heart, Libra, whatever makes you feel good right now."
"It's a super moon, it's called the Super Pink Moon, it's a Libra full moon."
"Justice for Libra, it's the card of Libra energy, it is you finding out how someone feels about you."
"You're the king of cups to this person, Libra, they just love the hell out of you."
"Embrace your transformation now, Libra."
"Conclusions are in reach for you, Libra; you're going to be getting some answers that you've been looking for."
"You're not going to be alone for long, Libra."
"You're finding yourself again, Libra, and you're reclaiming your power."
"You're a good role model, whatever you do in Libra, you're setting a good image."
"Feel it, face it, release it Libra."
"You're moving toward this balance, Libra energy presenting itself in your reading per usual here."
"It's all about tapping into that happiness, Libra, and you know what brings you happiness and joy in your life."
"You deserve to be happy, Libra. That is an absolute given."
"Libra moon strives for balance and peace, and beauty in equality and justice."
"Someone is with you every time; you cannot see it, Libra, but you can definitely feel the shift in energy."
"A new beginning for you, something is going to start here Libra, and this is going to be a new journey for you."
"A dream come true, Libra, we've got a dream come true."
"There's something better for you, Libra."
"You're golden, Libra, you're golden."
"There's going to be something for you Libras to feel successful about."
"Libra is the scales, all about that balance."
"Venus in Libra is really all about balance."
"See the signs, Libra. You're being led."
"Pluto moving into Aquarius is opening things up for every Libra."
"November for you Libra is a very successful month."
"Libra is the energy of balance, compromise, diplomacy."
"A miracle, a blessing is on its way, there's an angel ready to give you guys some type of wish fulfillment, Libra."
"Destiny is bringing you a gift, Libra."
"Some of you Libras are really having an upgrade in lifestyle, in abundance, in connections."
"Libra is all about balance, Libra is all about justice, fairness."
"I sense you Libras are definitely headed towards a new direction in your life."
"You will be all about your money and your career will be more important to you in the next six months, single Libras."
"I wish you a year of luck, love, prosperity, and above all happiness. Happy birthday, Libra."
"Look for a sign, Libra, ask and you shall receive."
"Don't be afraid to let yourself stand out and shine, Libra."
"Libra, this is your eclipse, this is your moon Libra something has come to really full circle for you."
"You're being celebrated right now, Libra."
"I'm also seeing you taking back control; you are fully in control here, Libra."
"Have faith that love is coming, Libra."
"You don't generally follow the crowd, Libra. You're an original."
"You're protected from all evil eyes, Libra."
"You are creating your own success, Libra, it was only from you, it was only from your hope, your dedication, your faith that this is coming to fruition."
"Libra, this is a collective love message for your sign."
"You are very selective with your energy here, Libra."
"You have the Whole World in Your Hands, Libra."
"Libra is first and foremost about the deep connectivity of life."
"You can have whatever you want, Libra."
"You're getting a lot of clarity, Libra. There's a lot of clarity here."
"This is going to pay off in a very big way here for you, Libra."
"This is bringing you amazing opportunities, my gorgeous Libra."
"The strength of Libra is knowing that there's a back-and-forth dynamic that is shared."
"The Sagittarius eclipse has a chance to bring amazing blessings for all Libras."
"Open your heart, and you got Libra."
"Your world is about to change here, Libras, in a big way."
"There's an opportunity coming in, a new journey for you Libra, that you're meant to experience."
"You're going to be fine, Libra, you're going to be okay."
"Libra emphasizes the need for balance in life, weighing alternatives, aims at fair treatment for all."
"Libra represents our ability to avoid conflict and perhaps to try and get both parties together rather than against one another."
"This is a really strong connection, Libra, really strong."
"It's never the end of your story, Libra, because there's always another chapter, there's always a new beginning."