
Political Pressure Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Was President Trump pressuring Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden by withholding military aid from them?"
"Unite, unite, unite! October 4 is all about religious leaders uniting and then putting pressure on political leaders on November 1."
"While the calls for Putin's resignation are rising all over Russia, nightmare days have begun for the Russian authorities."
"Voters are expecting their political leaders to meet the moment."
"I'm against you because I'm not going to be blackmailed into that sort of ideological virtue signaling, that sort of partisan virtue signaling."
"No justice, no peace. Maxine Waters says that it is racist for Congress not to pass police reform."
"All the pressure we can put on Russia to stop this is necessary."
"Yes, it absolutely forces the American president's hand and it has to."
"They are inviting impeachment. They are begging for impeachment. They are making impeachment much more likely."
"He's pushing her and I think the Congress into a position where there is no other option."
"Seeking assurances from a nominee on how he will vote in certain cases or how he views certain precedent undermines judicial independence and essentially asks for a promise in exchange for a confirmation vote."
"The vice is tightening on the Putin regime and it will continue to tighten."
"The top Republican House member criticized an attempt by House Democrats to pressure television carriers to deplatform Fox News and two conservative news channels."
"President Trump's contraction of this virus puts more pressure on Congress to pass the next stimulus package."
"President Trump through ambassador Solomon was asking for president Solinsky to very publicly commit to these investigations."
"Disney capitulated, this bill does not get signed today unless Disney bends over and lays down."
"The president's family and his senior staff and others tried to encourage the president to condemn the violence and commit to the peaceful transition of power."
"Public pressure and political pressure works."
"The pressure is firm but respectful, it's not calling him corrupt or anything."
"Putin is being urged to resign from all sides."
"We're very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools."
"Section 230 needs to change and the way Senator Holly and now Senator Cruz and other people are saying... needs to be maximum pressure."
"He had the right instincts he knew that he shouldn't close down the country but he did it he got rolled by his bureaucracy."
"It doesn't look like they're going to get justice, or proper investigations unless outside protest really puts pressure on the Honduran government."
"No more waiting, put pressure on politicians. Make them scared to death of you. Let's go to their houses."
"The fact that over 40, well over 40, which wipes out the Tory majority in theory, have called for Dominic Cummings to go, that shows just how serious the public outpouring is."
"I wish we could...figure out a way that Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats...need to be worried that if they don't advance the progressive agenda...they're going to face some consequences for it."
"Many Senate Republicans who've been working hard to get an agreement are displeased with Trump's pressure campaign."
"The Attorney General must be willing to resist political pressure."
"Michael the first was forced at gunpoint to abdicate as king after his palace was surrounded by troops loyal to the communist government."
"We need to give them courage, not enable them to capitulate. If they pander to the woke mob, we are finished."
"If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend." - Jewish leaders
"There is an irony, a paradox in social media. It creates waves of opinion that put real pressure on politicians, but the public respects leadership."
"Opposition pressures Kremlin to end the war."
"He asked FBI Director James Comey to 'drop the Flynn thing, drop the Russia thing,' and continually asked Comey to just kind of let this go."
"Pressure on the Russians from the West to sit down and negotiate is going to intensify."
"The walls are closing in even more on Donald Trump."
"The vice president clearly seems to want to keep the heat on North Korea."
"This case emphasizes the importance of upholding the principles of the Constitution even in the face of intense political pressures."
"Politicians start feeling the heat, so they start dreaming up ways to assist."
"Over half of 2019 Conservative voters want Johnson to go."
"Support is an intolerable position for any prime minister to be put into."
"It's truly frightening that these globalists and pharmaceutical companies have been putting pressure on the governments to pass laws that suppress and censor people from speaking out."
"There's value in scaring politicians into realizing this issue should be toxic to come down on the wrong side of."
"Foxconn CEO sent a letter to Xi Jinping, a letter that warned that if the Chinese government didn't relax their zero covid policy, it would threaten China's bottom line."
"We need to keep up the pressure on this. The globalists are not done yet."
"You got to stay on these people and hound them right and left every day until they get sick of it."
"Corporations are so scared of the right wing they will actually give in to these insane arguments."
"When millions of people stand up... we can create the kind of movement which will put sufficient pressure on any politician and force them to do the right thing."
"Drag these guys before these committees left and right and just work them over."
"My clear understanding was security assistance money would not come until President Zelensky committed to pursue the investigations."
"Most critically it is about the pressure on him and what the direct conversations he had with the president."
"This shows that the government is under pressure that they're caving to demands that this is a clear victory for the feminists who've been protesting in Iran when the reality is much more opaque and much less clear."
"Both the right and the left are trying to push Trump into using that gun that's over the mantelpiece."
"Pressure busts pipes and politicians respond to pressure, not applause."
"President Trump is once again turning up the heat on China."
"They seem to think that that puts the pressure on Kavanagh as if to say you know remember who saved you remember who you owe Fidelity to."
"70 percent of the House Democratic Caucus calls on the White House to lower the Medicare eligibility age."
"New pressure from president Trump on vice president Mike Pence...fraudulently chosen electors."
"We have to look inward, we have to put pressure onto our own political leadership since it's their fault that things are going how they've been going."
"It’s been exacerbated by the impeachment inquiry that’s ratcheted up the pressure."
"The sports world has rallied around to apply pressure."
"Occupation is a typical concentration tactic... it works only in short terms of time... should be used to put the pressure on a limited number of the people..."
"We just need to Rally together, put pressure on our politicians."
"The first amendment right now is under total assault in the United States."
"I think it will take political pressure. I think it will take constituents and perhaps also politicians deciding that this is an issue that they would like to take on."
"There is no doubt that President Trump's pressure campaign on vice president Pence was significant on the morning of January 6."
"We have to stand together as Palestinians to face all the political pressures on our people and on our course."
"It's determined by legislators who are subject to political pressures which may depend the state of the economy."
"King Haakon VII faced immense pressure to appoint Quisling as head of the government, supposedly to ensure a smooth transition of power. However, King Haakon, steadfast in his principles, vehemently rejected this proposal."