
Political Actions Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The transcript came out yesterday, and the transcript basically showed that while President Trump was having conversations with Ukraine about aid, he was also having conversations about ways that he thought that Ukraine could clean up its corrupt acts."
"So much for the pomp and pageantry, also some policy among the top executive actions that he took today, reversing President Trump's travel ban on Muslim majority countries, pushing ahead on his desire that there would be a mask mandate for his first 100 days in office."
"Trump is doing the right thing, whether or not the ban will actually happen."
"Donald Trump came closer than anyone thought he could to toppling a free election a year ago. He is preparing in plain view to do it again."
"Putin's decision sparks interpretations - politics, religion, culture."
"First actions by Biden: end Donald Trump's restriction on immigration to the U.S. from some Muslim majority countries."
"In just 48 hours, the Chinese Communist Party went after Didi... and soon removed 25 other Didi-owned smartphone applications from app stores."
"Sanctioning President Putin? Yes, why not sanction him today, sir?"
"He voted against the Voting Rights Act, got to the George Floyd policing act, came on this very show, and denied systemic racism."
"It's almost like that one move of bringing the troops back... is worth a hundred votes, a thousand votes."
"Trump's urging of officials was consistent with the public good."
"Sometimes history needs a push, but that push was a hundred million dead people."
"Republicans are doing this on the national level."
"Politicians can feel like good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felons."
"Anything that Joe Biden does via executive order, even if that's positive, it can just easily be undone."
"For the first time, four Chinese officials, one organization named shamed and sanctioned for their parts in the treatment of the Uyghurs."
"Congress recommending criminal charges to the former president of the United States is no small act."
"The president intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power."
"And by the way an impeachment or two would be nice."
"He's already fired the FBI director. He's already fired Preet Bharara and other U.S. attorneys."
"At least the Republicans passed a tax cut which they fooled some people, was good for them. At least they did something. The Democrats have nothing, the Democrats are doing nothing."
"We got rid of the individual mandate from Obamacare."
"It's a terrible hill to try to die on right so if you're gonna impeach him do it for something real do it for something where real lives were lost where real harm was done..."
"Actions speak louder than words have you seen what Trump has done?"
"Not only is the president looking to take away Brennan's security clearance, he's also looking into the clearances of Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, and McCabe."
"Communication, I grew up suppressing feelings so much that I doubt if I ever actually dealt with an emotion as a child."
"President Arbenz started the long-awaited land reform."
"The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin. That's a big deal."
"It was Donald Trump who began to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine to defend itself."
"He will govern for all Americans, and you know that of course has to be backed up by actions."
"He did a lot of things both Republicans and Democrats would have loved to do."
"Well, we don't like what he is doing, well, he sure got a lot done that is Republican stuff."
"Judge me by my actions and you talked before about the things I did during the pandemic introducing furlough supporting the country through a very difficult time those are the things I've done and yesterday we did more things that will help people."
"He actually did some good things that can't be overlooked."
"Trump emerged from his cocoon from time to time to advertise himself, cut taxes for the rich, and placate his supporters."
"Donald Trump is doing what others should be doing."
"Vladimir Putin has fired as many as eight generals over Moscow's military losses."
"President Putin launched a massive Purge targeting the Wagner Group."
"Putin's expansionist ambitions led to the annexation of Crimea."
"I don't want to give Biden too much credit yet but him pulling us out of Afghanistan seems like a big deal."
"Julian, known as 'the apostate,' attempted to promote polytheism as the official state religion."
"One of Mike Pompeo's final actions as U.S. Secretary of State was to designate China's treatment of ethnic Uyghurs and Turkic people as genocide."
"These actions to hold these people accountable are so vital."
"He's done what somebody could determine really was Insurrection."
"Most people would call what Bush did treason."
"Just because you don't see it on the news, you know that decertifying the election throughout America, I hope you know that."
"Trump revoked John Brennan's security clearance, a shot across the bow at the CIA."
"Immediately on his first day in office, he signed measures to 'rescue the role of State institutions, public Banks, and state-owned companies in the development of the country,' literally the opposite of neoliberalism."
"Trump made it illegal for Standing Rock water protesters or water protectors to demonstrate."
"Biden didn't deliver a $15 minimum wage but he did blow up a pipeline."
"Executing a warrant to enter the home of a former president... is the single most Reckless and stupid thing I have ever seen a political party do." - Andrew Clavin
"And so, yes, first of all, speaking about the Putin's purge."
"Trump is deregulating things and lowered people's taxes."
"Real politics is who did what to whom."