
Global Business Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"It's interesting to see what countries your brands are incorporated in because if it's somewhere like the Isle of Malta or Ireland, there's a very good chance they're doing that to pay very low corporate tax rates."
"Invest globally... seventy-six percent of the business world is outside our borders."
"The Laterno company is still around to this day, known for their manufacture of the Titan range of haulers for use in mines and quarries around the world."
"We want to work with the world's most innovative companies."
"Out Plex is a world-famous company widely recognized for the provision of customer care."
"Philip Morris, products in over a hundred and eighty countries."
"The industry is now immense, the teams are immense, the amounts of funding is immense, this is global."
"We shouldn't have a different threshold for anti-Semitism than we do for other isms or discriminatory statements."
"World domination for America is allowing American businesses to make deals in countries all around the world."
"Aircraft leasing companies buy around 60 percent of new passenger
jets and lease them out to airline companies
around the world."
"It has enabled me to work with companies in India, in the UK, and in the US. This is my Flutter story."
"This is a massive opportunity not just for the locals but for startup entrepreneurs around the world. If you solve a problem that is here, there's lots of business to be had here."
"Make a commitment right this instant that you are not going to let 2018 pass without being your own champion."
"From consumer goods giant Unilever to automaker Nissan, global firms have warned of slowing earnings in China."
"So many advantages for using crypto as a business. It is global, gives you more access to customers around the world, and the demographic group is typically younger, more technical, and has more disposable income."
"India is the king of outsourcing. 80% of European and US outsourcing is in India."
"We have an integrated global organization from production all the way to sales and delivery service."
"Don't limit yourself, build your business as a global business from day one."
"It's hard for me to think of a major company that's not multinational. Every major company you can think of is doing business around the world."
"We want to empower business owners globally to thrive with print on demand and e-commerce."
"...stripe is absolutely just a bet on globalization..."
"They now tend their own hides, design boots in-house, own the factories that make the boots, own retail stores in America that sell their product, and have agents and retailers all over the world."
"Being part of a global firm gives a distinct advantage doing business in China."
"It's all business, by the way; it's not only Chinese, it's Europe, it's America, it's everyone."
"Running a global business from Australia, how competitive are we on the world stage?"
"Our participation in global business is what we need to take Africa to the next level."
"You can sell from anywhere to anywhere."
"Technological advancements have made it easier for businesses to set up in different countries without many major issues."
"You can handle your business no matter where you live around the world and you can sell to any target audience, any market around the world."
"You don't need to be in Taiwan to build the world's most advanced semiconductors."
"New companies are created all the time, all over the world."
"It's been great. Once you start thinking of our whole timeline of being here as DonnyFL... it's crazy, we never thought... we still think of it as a small company, we just distribute worldwide."
"We don't claim to be the world's favorite home dealer, that self-acclaimed accolade seems to have been taken up by a number of dealers around the world."
"We work in more than 15 countries around the world, especially in the automotive space, industrial application, and aircraft applications."
"It's completely hands off, you can do this from anywhere in the world."
"You don't need to live in America to sell on amazon.com... you could live anywhere in the world."
"Congratulations, you're expanding the restaurant empire. You're going global."
"No matter where you're at in this world, you can start a successful business on Amazon."
"We understand how this global community comes together and really nourishes and informs our understanding of business around the world."
"The Power Rangers have grown into a billion-dollar business with a vast array of licensed products from over 250 licensees worldwide."
"I'm handling business internationally, so I have to do business sometimes at not the ideal hours."
"For a Nordic major like SF Studios, it is indeed a dream coming true to work with not only amazing individual talent but also with some of the leading companies in our business globally."
"You can sell on Amazon from just about anywhere in the world."
"Professional services firms comprise about 5.6 million businesses across the globe."
"Cultural diversity can allow a company to gain a global competitive advantage by bringing together people of diverse backgrounds and experience."
"We started selling balloons in Italy, and now we're selling them all over the world."
"We think very few companies are actually taking the global commerce opportunity seriously enough."
"The real beauty of the 3.0 agency model is that since we don't have an office and we're not attached to clients of any specific locations, we can not only get clients worldwide but we can also work with talent worldwide."
"Doing business is to bring convenience to people all over the world, learn from each other's strengths."