
Life-changing Event Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"That really changed my life, changed my career."
"Taking a life was part of God's plan for me."
"Something happened that day, I can't describe it... I couldn't go back and be the same gang-banging little kid that I wanted to be."
"That was the worst night of my life, but it was also the night that gave me the reality check that I needed."
"We tried to appear calm and maybe others were but to me this was the most exciting moment of my life."
"In that moment, I experienced a fear that I've never felt before."
"I can't believe it, I won the lottery yesterday. 10 million dollars!"
"Your student loan debt has just been canceled."
"A significant moment that will change everything."
"Okay, that's actually perhaps the best thing that has ever happened to me"
"I'm building an entire web platform with private content, private chat groups, and everything and I am going to be developing an app for this website as well."
"If Roger Goodell calls your name this weekend your life changes forever."
"The accident that almost killed him saved him."
"Charming people know how to speak to people that they feel good when they're around them, right? And everybody has a good time because they are magnetic. They bring people to them."
"When someone dies in front of you the way that Claire died, it's like your whole world snaps into focus."
"It was at that moment that my life changed forever."
"The image of their picture-perfect marriage was shattered by gunfire."
"This will haunt me for the rest of my life, this is torture."
"The birth of my daughter was absolutely transformative."
"My life absolutely changed after that, and that game truly became my launching pad to a better, more successful life."
"One of them is going to be crowned world champion for the first time in their careers which is obviously going to change your life is amazing to watch."
"So there you go that is the grand tour of the electrical system we've been working so hard to build it's kind of hard to believe that like it's finally up and running and it really is just such a life-changing event that happened yesterday."
"Something huge is coming huge huge yes it's going to change your life and it's going to rock your world and I know what wrongs yes."
"Tonight is literally going to change the trajectory of someone's life."
"Having a daughter was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Mom got eaten by a shark and it really woke me up for a day."
"Honestly, it was like the best kind of deja vu you could possibly imagine. How many people get to win the proverbial cultural lottery once, much less twice?"
"That was the only time I had really seen someone lose their life."
"This event completely changed matthew afterwards as i'm sure it would anyone."
"This is a one in a lifetime experience. It's something different."
"This is like one of those moments in your life where it's never going to be the same after this happened."
"Fowler admitted to murdering the carpenters and is reported to have said she had me suckered the whole time I just threw my whole life away."
"When God interrupted my life, I can never thank him enough."
"How does it feel... you just won three million dollars how do you feel?" - The elation of victory and life-changing rewards.
"It could be the most exciting or the most terrifying day of your life."
"Once you see your first exorcism, it's very hard to go back."
"I'm so happy that that happened in my life because it caused so much change and transformation to occur."
"Significant life event powerful revelation that they used to change time to spread your wings."
"I knew that the Lord had spared my life at that moment."
"You're about to experience a wonderful Financial miracle that will change your life forever."
"The most frightening experience that we had that entire summer was very soon to happen and, believe me, it changed my life."
"That was like heaven opened up, you know, it was the first time anybody ever did anything for me."
"This is the greatest thing that could possibly happen to me, genuinely."
"Let's just get it out there because it is what it is. It's a seminal moment in my life, yet there's before that moment then after that moment."
"The biggest success in my life which is why it's tattooed on me now it was the first day of the rest of my life."
"Right from his botched wedding day, Derek became a changed man."
"When they did that to me, it was just like, 'What the [ __ ]?' Like, it was crazy bro, like that changed my whole life."
"A Blue Streak is something that happens in our life that changes the direction of our life quickly."
"When that head comes out, it's about this big around. It's never going to be the same for us."
"This is a big, big deal. This is not passing a test; this is a life-changing event, and you've got to treat it like it's a life-changing event."
"I went to the Ryder Cup there in '99, and on Friday and Sunday, that tournament changed my entire life."
"My life was changed, now I want people to know what happened."
"It did change my life. It's not the type of thing that you plan, to play your career to be acknowledged or rewarded that way."
"A year ago this month, my life, my family's life was completely changed."
"I felt something break free from my body, and the machines monitoring my vital signs flatlined."
"Wow, that's like a humongous, life-changing jackpot win today."
"Having a child was one of the most terrifying things that could possibly have happened to me."
"Your number is four four seven eight, and it means that you are going to have probably the biggest moment of your own Awakening."
"To understand how important that ladder match was, it can literally change your life."
"There was also this guy who told me how crashing his motorcycle to avoid hitting a turtle in the road led to him becoming religious and finding God."
"I had a wreck back in 2007 reaching for my phone. I got off on the side of the road, lost control, broke my hip, my pelvis, I was down for months."
"Everything changed for me in 2017 when I had my accident."
"In an instant, Major's world came crumbling down."
"It's the most insane moment of my life."
"As a Green Beret, Ryan has a remarkable story in which he survived stepping on an IED that changed his life."
"What you're about to see is the biggest jackpot we have ever hit in our entire lives."
"That fateful morning was the beginning of a mysterious and dark story; it changed their lives forever."
"In one day, something happened that changed my life professionally and personally."
"Night two is where my life changed forever."
"The trial has been an absolutely amazing experience so far; it's life-changing."
"It was actually the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
"It was really the events of 9/11 that shook me to the core and made me risk and take a chance."
"This is one of the most pivotal moments of my life, something that happened to me that forever changed who I am as a person."
"I don't remember a whole lot before the age of eight because at the age of eight, there was an experience in my life that changed the dynamic and the trajectory of where I was headed."
"The crash really helped save my career and my life because it put me back on the right track."
"My life is before and after that video; it's a checkpoint in my life."
"I'm gonna start crying, it was so amazing, and I never saw this moment happening."
"The miracle of flight 811 is it gave me my life back and made me realize who and what is really important to me."
"It was my mother's death that changed my life."
"I had a near-death experience when I was sort of in my mid-20s."
"I fully admit that the cardiac arrest was probably the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Watching this happen was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen in my life."
"Unbelievable feeling this is just incredible costing Penrose everything we [__] dreamless hey believe me dream like."
"The encounter with the giant rat changed me; it made me realize that there are still so many things in this world that we don't understand."
"That car accident had changed the trajectory of Lucy's life, and I was a pivotal player in her existence, so I had no choice but to intervene."
"You're getting everything you want, especially with this eclipse happening, game-changing, huge."
"Frida's encounter with muralist and artist Diego Rivera at the National Preparatory School took on a new significance after the accident."
"Tomorrow is possibly the biggest day of my entire life."
"There's nothing like when your wife goes into labor and all of a sudden, you have a baby son or have a baby daughter."
"Being released from probation was one of the most powerful things that ever happened to me in my life."
"My world as I knew it ended right there when my father died of a heart attack at home in bed."
"I was so scared, I thought my life was over."
"That was the day that changed everything, the day that changed us forever."
"Everything I had for life just drained out of me."
"I never thought anything like this would happen to me."
"Tomorrow potentially will be the best day of our life."
"What's happening right now and going to carry over all the way into 2026 is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event for you."
"I lost my eyesight in an accident, an accident which changed my life completely."