
Dog Behavior Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The unknown can be scary, but the dogs that get me right in the heart are the ones that can't hide their expressions—those little mini eyebrow beans that just make it where he can't hide his fear, his concern, his anxiety."
"A dog that will exhibit steadfast bravery and willing to protect his human companion."
"Digging is a nice release; it seems to be satisfying and recreational to dogs."
"French Bulldogs are known to be the clowns of the dog world but they're quite intelligent with a mischievous and playful streak in them."
"Bullmastiffs are well-known for being sensitive, well-behaved dogs."
"Teaching them how to leave something alone that they want to go after is a really basic concept that every dog needs to understand."
"American bullies are brilliant dogs who can easily learn and pick up simple commands."
"Bonsai come on dude you gotta stretch those legs."
"I have some photographs here of what can happen when a dog bites."
"American Bulldog: gentle, friendly, but fiercely protective."
"They need a job to do mental stimulation will get you so much farther than physical exercise."
"When Indy has the appropriate amount of exercise and stimulation, he becomes a different dog."
"Anything is okay with permission if it's okay for your dog to be on the couch sometimes."
"Teaching tricks is to really build communication with dogs."
"They're known for being very good with children."
"If you're looking for the kind of companion dog that wants to be in your lap wants to be cuddled they're definitely not like that."
"This dog is walking herself up and down the train so everyone can stroke her."
"Dog senses earthquake aftershocks... Sophie the Labrador appeared to feel the earthquake before it hit."
"We've got this horrible 80-pound aggressive dog that looks like he's mauled his owner."
"Training your puppy to love being on his bed can be really valuable down the road."
"Believe the freaking dog, man. Dogs never lie."
"I know recall off leash was a big thing, right? I'd love for her to have some freedom. She's a working dog, she needs to absolutely exercise, and that makes a huge difference in her behavior in general."
"By far the most challenging part of training my dog."
"Breed is not a very reliable predictor for an individual dog's behavior."
"This is not a breed thing, this is just a dog thing."
"True love is when your dogs wait for you at the window every day for a month while you're gone."
"That's actually one of the things people don't think about is with dogs right they're super sensitive to the world around them."
"It's really important though. If you can't supervise them that closely, you're going to put your dog in your crate, using that crate to manage their behaviors when you can't supervise, what makes the biggest difference in the long run."
"Eleanor is about 95% potty trained... she's trained, I mean she comes to you."
"I never give affection when the dog is excited...it confuses the dog."
"I really like dogs too, but a lot of people who love dogs usually get dogs that are overly hyped and extremely jumpy."
"Here's a dog that knows how to play volleyball."
"One thing about Great Pyrenees dogs is they don't listen very much, and it's not because they're not smart or lack intelligence; they're very intelligent dogs but they're very independent."
"The dog would sit, stare upward, and slowly lower his head."
"Giving a dog hands and bigger head is very likely to make other dogs dislike that dog too."
"Your dog is tilting its head when you speak to it to pinpoint where noises are coming from more quickly, this is done to listen out more accurately for familiar words such as 'walkies' and helps them to better understand the tone of your voice."
"Living life is what really teaches the dogs how to behave."
"It's a great sign if your dog initiates play in the first few encounters, but just because your dog tries to initiate play with the other dog doesn't necessarily mean that he won't suddenly feel overwhelmed when actually playing."
"Your dog decides what's positively reinforcing, not you."
"You're like a dog, smart and calm, but when you're spooked, you act on instinct."
"Despite their bulk, they can jump walls, jump fences, dig under the fences, and if their considerable exercise needs are not met, they can take out all that energy on your couch, your rugs, your carpets, you name it, your walls even."
"This is the other problem with the hound dog, when they decide they're done playing, they are done playing."
"Sadie starts barking like crazy, her hair's standing up. I thought I saw a light flash like maybe a car had come in, so I looked out. She's going nuts."
"When you know a dog has been maybe used for breeding and then running the streets, you gotta be careful. It's sometimes more complicated than 'oh, the dog's protective, oh, the dog's dominant.' There's always a lot of things going on."
"If you get your dog to meet 100 people and 200 dogs in the first years of its life, they'll be the most social dog you'll ever have."
"It's known as overshadowing. Two things are presented to a dog at the exact same time whatever is more relevant to the dog is what they're going to focus on."
"You can tell your dog is mouthing and not attacking another dog when it's bouncing with happiness or lies down during the game."
"You now have a physical cue that means ‘go on your spot’, ‘get on your bed’, ‘hop it up’ or whatever verbal cue you want to add to that."
"Your dog's body language will give you… it's as if the dog speaks your own language and says, 'yes, I get it and I want more'."
"She's actually figuring out that she needs to go into the crate and that holding a sit stay for a period of time is very likely to get her what she wants."
"Best online course for dog behavior. I'm getting surgery and will be out off my feet, need something to do."
"Animals, let's say our dogs, have generally three general areas of reinforcement: food, activities, toys."
"One of the qualities of a good gun dog is they have to be good in company. They need to fit in well around the campfire and settle easily with different people."
"Most dogs really are good dogs; being attacked by a dog is incredibly unlikely."
"Everyone should be aware of their dog's genetic and behavioral potential not only for safety but for the dog's own well-being."
"Concerned dog refuses to stop hugging his owner."
"Dogs have better hearing than people."
"Just because he's big and has the scars, that doesn't make him a scary dog."
"That is a confident, in his own skin dog, who has respect for people and what they say."
"Reactivity can be one of the most challenging issues that dog guardians face, but with the right mix of knowledge, compassion, and trainer support, you can strengthen and energize the relationship between you and your reactive dog."
"A tired dog would never get you in trouble."
"Every time your dog checks in with you, give it a treat."
"A dog with a slow rhythmic wag in conjunction with a relaxed body, relaxed face, relaxed mouth, relaxed ears is a happy dog."
"I strive to teach my dog what I do want in a certain situation instead of all the things I don't want."
"You're just creating a dog who looks forward to seeing other dogs around because they know that's when good things happen."
"Despite the blindness, she was a very sweet and well-mannered dog."
"Understand your dog's history, understand what genetics are possibly in the background of your dog and why your dog does what he or she does."
"These dogs don't attack from nowhere; it's always arousal, and they show you a lot of warning signs generally before they do something bad."
"They are very social dogs and are happiest when included in family activities."
"This is to get your dog to listen to you at any given time and place with any types of distractions."
"Any time they do what you want them to do, that's how dogs and puppies learn."
"Whoa, good dog, that's a great response right there."
"We want you to be able to have a well-behaved dog so you can take them places and incorporate them into your life and enjoy them."
"Turning can make a massive difference in your leash walking training."
"It's great if your dog is looking up because they're waiting to see what you want next."
"Using the dog's food is extremely beneficial."
"Any dog can be mean if it's treated incorrectly, but you treat them right, and they grow up to be good dogs."
"Boy, he's got a mean bark already, don't he? I like that."
"It's so easy to just suppress and stop a dog from doing something. Does that mean we change the dog's perception of that? No."
"Our dogs always do the best they can with the education they've given in the environment that we've put them in."
"Dogs will do what's rewarding. So if you set your dog up to understand that when they put in a little bit of effort, something good will come of it, then you're going to see that behavior repeated."
"If we really just take the time to teach our dogs how to behave without demanding quick fix results, I think we can get a lot quicker results long term with them."
"We've got to move past this idea in dog training that it's all about the physical position of a dog."
"He loves to sleep completely flopped out on his back with his legs up in the air."
"Havanese are just some of the funniest dogs that I know, they like games, they like exploring."
"That's the best thing about Grayson, he's such a mellow dog for the most part."
"You will see measurable gains in the amount of time that it takes your dog to understand where you're trying to get him to go."
"Funny how dogs can be so different, same environment, very different personalities."
"They're almost human in their intelligence."
"He was a friendly dog, there were no strangers to him, he loved everyone."
"When a dog goes 'do it again, do it again,' it was just magic."
"My dogs pay more attention to me than other dogs pay to their trainers."
"I like dogs that have outgoing attitudes, are very confident about what they're doing, and they enjoy the work."
"This is not a violent or aggressive dog; the temperament is usually described as being suspicious, stubborn, strong-willed, gentle, dominant, and calm."