
Protective Behavior Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"His love and his loyalty would cross leaps and bounds, mountains and valleys, to do whatever it takes to make sure that his family was safe and that they were together."
"He put you back in the best moves so he'd be damned to see you get stepped to by a [ __ ]."
"This person's gonna fight for this connection."
"Gyarados protects the young of Milotic, ensuring the survival of its beautiful genes."
"Stay home for the vulnerable people who, if they get this virus, are in a really bad place in life."
"We want to protect women and children, it's an evolved instinct."
"They didn't want you to get hurt, so they pushed you away to protect you."
"You're not feeling a hundred percent today, so you're protecting me."
"Maybe just maybe I'm wearing the mask because I just don't want to be that dude who's making the employees come up to yell at me."
"Would you get up there and defend your woman if somebody's talking about your woman?"
"He saves Anne from a kid that's harassing her and asks if she had any dragons that needed slaying, implying that he wants to be her prince charming: 'You're welcome.'"
"He could see how much this affected Rinoa and instinctively he chose to let down his defenses and comfort her."
"I haven't spoken to my brother in three to four years. Last time I did, he went after my wife."
"I wish y'all had folks around you that cared about your well-being more than anything and weren't afraid to be the bad guy in your life."
"He's very protective of me and he's you know he I can guarantee that a week just never go by without him checking up on me."
"There's no power, no strength like a man that's defending his woman."
"Get out of there! All of the animals need to get out of there, you [__]!"
"Hey, you're my sister. I'd do anything to protect you."
"It wouldn't even have to be my mate, my mom would whoop ass."
"Hulk immediately sprang into action and held the man's sleeve until he was told to let go."
"Your sister called the cops when y'all were little on your boyfriend because she felt like your boyfriend, when y'all were kids, stole you from her. That's pure survival."
"It was very sudden but a woman and her three children came out of a cafe on the other side of the road and ran across to our side."
"They are very protective, caring, and nurturing."
"One thing that I have to respect about these guys is when a challenge was put in on their players, they were going for the next guy that touched the ball in a red shirt."
"Nora treated her rescuer's son like her own child, protecting him from any danger."
"Jackson would do anything for his little princess."
"Zuko is a character that people who are fans of Avatar are fiercely protective about."
"He lived to the end for the mission, did anything he had to do to protect that cause."
"Be better misters, be better brothers, protect each other from the others."
"Her most important priority is keeping her calf safe, who is the true target of the wolf pack."
"I'm willing to kill for the people that I love."
"When a male baboon defies nature and cares for a baby lion cub as his own."
"This ramped up vindictive and protective nature is a resounding success of a development for him."
"I'm obsessed with you because you seem very closed off and very self-protective, and I want to be the one who makes you want to open up, makes you feel comfortable, and makes you feel more trusting."
"Women do like men who are going to protect them."
"A man could cheat and still protect the woman he cheated on with his life."
"Stop trying to protect them from everything."
"Please don't threaten Amber, please don't put anything out there that puts any of this in jeopardy."
"I'd rather face the consequences than watch you go down a path you can't come back from."
"She protect, she attack, but mostly she just does both."
"Mama duck: ...a mother duck would be escorting her flock across the road... repeatedly and aggressively rushed that crow..."
"Whale saves diver: ...one of them started to nudge her something fierce... it pulled her head... tried to protect her under its fins."
"He's the protector of her, oh it is the sweetest thing in the world."
"You don't mess with anybody's mama, and the Mama Said Knock You Out."
"Folks, I'm your big brother. If I could be there with a shotgun on your first date with the guy pointed in his face and say 'what's your intentions with my sister,' there's a consequence for not being intentional. You're gonna get buckshot."
"I always want to like protect Harbor because I'm always worried that he's going to get sick."
"I love him being there like, 'I'll keep him busy.' You know? And he tries to keep him as long as he can until he gets knocked out."
"In retrospect whatever was harassing us he seems to be adverse to actually entering the room."
"The anomaly’s sapience allowed it to form a bond with its host, protecting and showing the desire to comfort them if need be."
"My protective instinct took over. I was concerned about someone because I care about people."
"Humpback whales have played guardian angels with seals, sunfish, and even baby gray whales."
"An adorable black and white cat from a family in Orlando, Florida, saved his human sister from being bitten by a rattlesnake. Meet Oreo, the little hero."
"Dogs pick up they protect the human body and they protect your physical and they also pick up lower level vibrations."
"Never let my comrades die, no matter what happens."
"Prince Charming is the archetype of the chivalrous Christian man... who will lay down his life for the women and for the children and for the people that he loves the most."
"Real men protect, respect, love, and care for girls."
"I'm always here for husbands who stand up and stand on business for their wives."
"He's kind of the big brother... the responsible one, the protector."
"Never underestimate the lengths that a mother will go to protect her children."
"The 'I was trying to protect you' thing is an overused cliché, but this particular time it's actually true."
"I moved in with him and his kids a little while ago. I have to say that he's super protective of his kids."
"This past person is an opportunist, Collective, and I feel like you guys have been protecting yourselves from this person for a while."
"A real man ain't gonna put no woman on the front line like that."
"The boys are so protective of Berkeley, so helpful with her, for the most part they do get along really, really well."
"These beings may very well be protecting us by scaring us out of a location."
"The irresistible impulse in this instance was the maternal instinct."
"She's super friendly but senses if I'm getting upset and will get defensive."
"The adults go absolutely crazy calling and attracting all the other birds to come and help scare the snake away."