
Financial Expectations Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Reading their Discord, watching their YouTube channels, none of them ever talk about how they're excited to play the game. They just talk about how rich they're gonna be."
"If I come out of uni and I get on a graduate scheme that pays 25... that's like an insane starting wage."
"Anyone who's going into medicine just with the intent of getting rich is a bit misinformed."
"I wouldn't mind paying if it's a shared expectation, but not if it's an obligation."
"I think 10,000 is definitely the minimum... 15 to 20,000 is extremely likely."
"You can't pay me to ever miss. What are you gonna do? Get a man again? Because older men always give more. The quarantine is proving this daily."
"Men tend to want to date outside of their league, but they don't want to spend the money."
"Do not expect to spend an hour and return thousands of dollars."
"Maybe you think in the future their earnings are going to increase not decrease maybe their spread is going to increase not decrease maybe that's what you think but that's not what the market is pricing in."
"It's an inheritance and you don't get to decide how he uses it."
"You're gonna give them more money but like right it's just like what."
"I don't think the average everyday joe investor should expect or will ever see something like that on their account."
"I want us to be challenging to win the league. You cannot give a manager 50 million pounds and expect him to compete with teams like Manchester City and Liverpool with the players that they've got."
"Money is not everything. That's what the makers of The Cave found out after they released one month after Neil Marshall's The Descent."
"I don't know if this is going to work a picture I was gonna make a billion dollars in a year because like we did that one then you made like 250 Grand."
"We've kind of been here before, and the common experience is if you lean on what it's done before, that's most likely to happen."
"Who pays for the first date... it just sets a nice little tone."
"They are expected to merge in October like Henrik Fisker has stated, and I do expect a huge pop."
"I paid three dollars apiece for those, I think because of the wear I can probably expect to get 45 to like $50 for the pair."
"Why isn't his care enough? Why does it have to be in money?"
"If you're only ten thousand dollars worth of funny and you want five million dollars you're probably not gonna get it."
"Whenever you invest, expect a thousand-fold return."
"Earth 2 is about to make me thousands of dollars."
"They really do be feeling entitled to a dude's money though after the breakup or during or whatever like you should be taking care of me this is how I came into relationship this how it should be."
"If he asks you to go 50-50 on the bills, it's time to let him go."
"Men are just never satisfied, period. Of money, they're not satisfied with themselves."
"Save money now here what I'm telling you I see so many people who go oh I'm going to get that machine and make all my own t-shirts for all of our events and save money you're not really going to save that much money."
"I wouldn't be paying a cent and that our friendship is over."
"Without these media narratives supporting the ecosystem, you can't have $50 million a season."
"If I knew that I was getting paid from the Lord or from him, I would want my money."
"If I buy under 45, I'm putting that money to work with the expectation of a 15% return."
"I wouldn't build a business specifically that's going to happen but if I would say my base case is I would I would expect to see six figures over say the next three years."
"I am not satisfied. I will not accept press releases until I see the flowing of checks being deposited."
"I'm the star of Driving with Goldbridge, I ain't paying people thousands of pounds to sit in a car and be driven up by me."
"180 million open the weekend is not a win, yeah. Wow, how much do they make the movie for?"
"The problem is, if the results come below expectations like really bad, then the stock will move down."
"The world has shifted five times and y'all talking about reparations. Y'all waiting for Joe Biden to give y'all money. You got one life left, you got one life."
"We're getting like $60 per chapter right now which is the most I've ever gotten for a book I'm pretty sure so this is going to be I think a best-seller I'm hoping"
"A lot of them are starting to think that this means that FNCS is going to have a pretty low price pool as well."
"When you say what do I want, I want Netflix to come back and say because we said she was a legend we're gonna give her a 20 million dollar payday like we gave to Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle."
"Will she get paid? 33 say that yeah, she'll get paid and 67 say no, we're getting a rage. This will be interesting. It'll be disrespectful for sure."
"The only reason Joel and Avram are staying is because they think 700 million for their 10 is not enough right now, so they obviously think in the next few years that 10 is going to be worth a lot more."
"You cannot blow up these people's spot on the left hand and demand their money on the right. That's just the short of it."
"He's a rich man. Show me the money," says Daddy Blogs.
"If you sign a three-year contract on 250 Grand a week you when you sign that contract you've got every right to think for the next three years you're going to earn 250k a week."
"If the net spend is under 100 million quid, this club ain't serious."
"You want your man to pay all the bills? Yeah, of course."
"It's not getting Call of Duty numbers, you're not giving me five hundred million dollar opening weekend numbers."
"Investing your money and making profits consistently year-over-year is not normal."
"Giving is expected for New Testament Christians, but the amount you give is not."
"If you want a Rolls-Royce you have to pay Rolls-Royce money."
"You're supposed to be the prettiest one in the group, not him. But yet you want good-looking guys, and you got the nerve to want them to make money."
"Probably looking more towards like 17 maybe even 20 bucks."
"I'm not stopping this, the only way I'll go back to work on a cruise ship is if they pay me a lot more money than they're paying me on YouTube."
"It's a trading app, it's a day trading app, it's not an app that you can just download and make a bunch of money on like most people think."
"I feel like you're definitely going to find someone you're going to want to go at least one day with and have them pay for sure definitely."
"The street expects about $4 of earnings for next year."
"You're waiting for news, something solid, possibly waiting for money."
"Should a man pay your bills as a girlfriend?"
"When they ask you to pay for something for them or suggest that you do it for the next time."
"We better get paid more than 1500 bucks for this."
"Realistically, Disney won't be happy with anything under a billion dollars."
"You want regular guys to take you out to Houston's and Papadeaux and Ruth Chris and I was like, 'Wait a minute, this dude is making forty five thousand dollars a year and you want him to take you out to a four hundred dollar dinner?'"
"15 million might be a lot. I actually am leaning more with Kevin and that like I hope it does because I'd love for it to hit that 1.5 billion dollar mark."
"Expecting somebody to work 50 years of their life and not make more than sixty thousand dollars is kind of unrealistic for how expensive things are getting and will continue to get."
"The problem with unrealistic financial expectations or financial projections is that basically it shows that you don't really understand your business."
"From a business standpoint, it's very much smaller. Sometimes you might think somebody's getting 10,000, they get 500. Sometimes you might think a league made a million dollars, they made a thousand dollars."
"Developing is a lot harder than it actually is and we didn't make as much money as we thought we would."
"I mean truth be told, I don't think there's any obligation whatsoever to give you money for your wedding, that's why it's like you know like a gift."
"You'll be paid all the way up to almost $80,000 per year."
"I think we should be able to get at least 150 dollars for that."
"If you're just starting out, you need to forget about making a whole lot of money because you've got a whole lot of learning to do."
"Do it for your pleasure, don't do it with the fact that you think you're going to make huge amounts of money by selling your collection."
"I expect them to generate above-average returns with below-average risk."
"You're Mommy's lottery ticket now."
"I feel like a place that I'm giving this much money to should be offering me a place of peace."
"It's just salary. There will be dividends at the end of the year."