
Contrarian Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"If you're not a contrarian, you're going to be a victim."
"We lock in that round, we need a round, come on guys."
"When everyone says it's dead, it's the most alive for me."
"As the saying goes, 'When others are greedy, be fearful.'"
"Being contrarian and not being where the crowd is going is hard to do, but the most lucrative if accomplished."
"Innovation tends to have to run the edges. The people who successfully innovate, they're often quite happy to go against the drain."
"The best investments I've ever made are when nobody believed in them."
"Buy when people are fearful and everyone is claiming that Bitcoin will go lower. No, you do the opposite of what everyone else does."
"The best science is when you go against the grain."
"Some of the world's greatest investors are very comfortable with people telling them they're wrong for long periods of time."
"To be contrarian in a world where people don't believe in anything is to actually think about things, to have well-defined beliefs."
"He's comfortable going against the grain to find objective truth."
"I think everybody's got a little bit of contrarian in them."
"Sometimes the best time to invest is when the masses say it's the worst time."
"Imagine if you had that part of your psyche that told you that you were right and everyone else was wrong."
"The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself."
"As much as Kyrie is taking the contrarian view, he's not afraid to be his own guy."
"Be a contrarian or you're going to be a victim."
"Jesus Christ went against the grain a lot. He had to tell people the truth even if it offended them."
"The most profitable ideas are not just right, they're contrarian."
"If Liberty means anything, it's the right to tell people that which they do not want to hear." - George Orwell
"There's always one guy who has to go against the grain and ruin it for everybody."
"There's tangible benefit to being anti-establishment."
"Perhaps this presents an opportunity to you if you're a contrarian investor."
"If you want to make money in Bitcoin on a very simple level just look at what the press is saying look at what the Talking Heads and the pundits and the want to be economists on TV are talking about and do the exact opposite."
"In life, when everyone's going right, go left."
"They're just flipping a narrative on its head... saying 'sure I worship the devil whatever.'"
"The consensus view on any one position is not always right; it's the vast majority of the time wrong."
"In order to make money investing, you must bet against the consensus and be right."
"When the whole world is running toward a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind."
"I'm opinionated, I'm contrarian at times, I'm nuanced."
"If you really want to build your wealth, you have to go against the grain."
"To really make money, you have to be a contrarian."
"During the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, we were contrarians."
"I have been hardwired from the beginning as something of a contrarian. I was always willing to cut against the grain."
"In order to implement this simple strategy of buying low, you have to by definition be able to buy when the majority is selling."
"He was this consummate contrarian value investor, very, very brilliant, able to see what other people kind of couldn't see and able to apply this temperament, really this willingness to be lonely that we were talking about."
"When every single headline is negative, it's time to buy."
"Honor his legacy by asking yourself what would McNasty do and then do the complete opposite of whatever that is."
"You've got to be contrarian in this space."
"You've got to be in it when everybody hates it."
"I'm a contrarian, so when I see a stock that hasn't had an uptick all year, I figure, okay, well, I'm not saying that it's not going down, I'm just saying that maybe its downside is limited."
"I think we do well as investors when we buy off people who are not enthusiastic, by contrast, we buy off people who are fearful, people who are pessimistic."
"Invest differently from the herd, invest idiosyncratically."
"Buying when people want to sell, that's my strength."
"I want to be at the opposite ends of where the retail traders are. I want to be the guy that's selling them the ask or buying the bid from them."
"Take your instinct and do exactly the opposite."
"Buy when there's blood in the streets... sell when everybody's buying them."
"The actual things that make you money are contrarian things that you catch early."
"You're also a contrarian, you like to flip things on their heads and say wait a minute that's not the way things work. This is, let's take a completely different view."
"Some of the best trades that you're gonna take come from when identifying the other side of the trade is completely wrong."
"When everybody's panicking out of the stock, usually it's time to buy. When there's blood in the streets, go buy stocks."
"It makes me feel better just because I like to fade the public. If everyone's thinking left, I'm going right, you know?"
"Your highest probability of success is to get in when other people are getting stopped out."
Contrarian mentality: "I think we need to popularize calling people contrarians as an insult. So many people do this just to prove they're interesting."
"Smart investors are zagging as well okay everybody's zigging right now but the smart guys are zagging."
"When the entire human race is running towards a cliff, the guy running in the opposite direction looks like he's nuts."
"One thing about me, I've always been the opposite. If everybody's going left I go right."
"When one plays the devil’s advocate, they do not defend Satan but argue against popular opinion."
"Diversification actually is overrated."
"Do the opposite of what everyone else is doing; that's where the opportunities are."
"Don't follow the herd. Whatever most people are thinking, you want to do the opposite."
"A clear sign of evolving into your higher self is when you start to develop a contrarian view, thinking differently from the majority."
"It's always harder to do the opposite, so maybe it's like a stupidity thing, and to give people courage to go against the thing that maybe we should go against more often, to challenge thought, to have more critical thinking."
"...the truly contrarian thing is to think for yourself."
"Contrarians are often wrong, but when they're right, they're very right."
"I just think most people have it wrong."
"It's much better to get a good deal when no one else believes in it."
"If you can see something early on that most people are skeptical of, and you're contrarian but right, occasionally you get these massive wins that come out of it."
"Every instinct you have is wrong, so maybe think the opposite might be right."
"He gave me the courage to think as a contrarian at all times and to be aware of where the herd mentality is."
"Find the obvious and do the opposite."
"Scientists, by nature, were contrarians; we kind of like to just do things which were different."
"When the majority of people say that a given space is dead... that's usually the kind of place that you'd want to look to find something that is valuable because no one else is looking there."
"When everyone's doing one thing, do something different."
"It's pretty easy to be contrarian, it's hard to be contrarian and right."
"Anyone who tells you otherwise is just being a contrarian."
"Look at what everybody else is doing and do the opposite."
"Something about the fact that everyone hates the StairMaster makes me love it."
"The majority opinion on most things is usually wrong."
"If you want to be successful, look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite."
"If you want to be successful, look at what people are doing and do the opposite."
"The way people think about startup equity is backwards."
"Don't overthink it; sometimes you need to do the opposite of what your brain tells you."
"Most people are wrong; you will only ever make money when you do the opposite to what most people are doing."
"The unpopular opinion is to never have opinions ever."
"Be comfortable when others panic, and panic when others are comfortable."
"Tell me something that's true that almost nobody agrees with you on."
"When all are bearish, there's cause for prices to rise."
"Seeing something that can be contrarian or misunderstood from the outside and you have to nurture that."
"If we did everything opposite of convention, we would be much more right than wrong."
"What we want to do is actually trade the opposite of what they're doing."
"Be a contrarian, doing things that might be unusual or unique."
"The best investors and the best business people do the opposite; they zig when others zag."
"If you're a Christian, your job is to find out which way the world is going and go against it."
"I had a phase where if anything was popular, I hated it because I wanted to be different."
"I just trained myself to think the opposite, so that way I allow myself to be me."
"If you are not a contrarian right now, you're destined to be a victim."
"Whenever nobody believes in something, that's when you should be buying."
"If you want to be excellent at something, whatever that is, then you have to look at what the average person does and then do the opposite."
"The way to make money in the market is to do the exact opposite of what new traders are doing."
"It just goes to show that often times it pays to go against the trend."
"Being greedy during these times is very difficult; it's something that you have to go against the grain."
"Successful investing requires you to do exactly the opposite of what your gut tells you to do."
"I think investors should go out of their way to buy things that are hated."
"When many are bullish, find out ways you could be bearish; when many are bearish, figure out how to be bullish."
"You buy what no one else wants, and then you outperform."
"Remember always do what's different. If people are doing all the same thing, do the opposite."
"Historically, to do the best, you have to go against the herd."