
Cash Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Investors are used to thinking of cash as a safe asset, but in the environment you describe, where governments need to print money and finance big deficits in order to stay out of deflationary depression, cash can be the most risky asset as it depreciates in value."
"Cash is pure liquidity. When something corrects, and I want to buy it, I'll have the firepower to do it."
"Cash is bad and it's all terrorism... It's complete nonsense."
"Cash is one of the dirtiest things in the world."
"I want that truck, so we're gonna go buy it straight cash on me."
"We're very strict on we don't buy anything unless we can buy cash."
"You're also going to want as much cash as possible to protect yourself."
"It doesn't make sense. There's also a lot of cash on the sidelines."
"Never underestimate the value of cash. Plus, cash specifically is untraceable."
"Germany has a pretty big cash culture and there might be quite a few occasions where you won’t be able to pay electronically."
"Bitcoin works in a way not like a bank account where it's just a balance; it's more like cash in your wallet."
"It's hard to turn down. Yes, I would say 50 in cash."
"I paid it cash... I'm kind of scared of debt now."
"You can buy Bitcoin from a Bitcoin ATM using cash."
"Use cash to buy things because that will help build that discipline when it comes to spending."
"Make your picks, win big, and collect your cash."
"Cash is kind of hard to walk away from."
"If you want to make cash fast and use the cash to eventually quit your job and make a full-time income, I would say Etsy is not the best way."
"One of the biggest rules and principles to stick to is to actually go ahead and buy everything for cash if you can."
"A wallet and some cash should be with you at all times."
"Cash is fake, it's not, but you're also putting the people that are in the situation through traumatic events."
"I'm gonna give out five thousand dollars live in the chat cash absolutely comment down below right now yo cash be giving away five thousand dollars"
"Agents recovered twenty-three thousand dollars in cash."
"Who doesn't like a nice surprise cash in?"
"50,000 cash, that's not bad, I'm gonna take it, sweet."
"The winner tonight is going to take home over $273,000 in cash."
"Cash is outperforming dividends today."
"We made some decent cash back there. $250 each and $100 for Doc. Hey, on the bright side, no car means snowboard deliveries for the rest of the day."
"I am offering $2,000 cash upfront, off the books entirely."
"He has duffel bags of cash, like twenties, hundreds, fifties. Are they legit or are they counterfeit?"
"Somebody stole your 40. That's what happened. That's why you don't send cash in the mail."
"It's not about the quantity of cash buyers. Really what it's about is the quality."
"Owning cash or holding on to cash is really, really difficult because you're losing the power of your asset every day."
"An American money, $500 cash dollar everybody."
"Wallet cash tied up is so bad it's good."
"Cash is the friend of the rich man, not of the poor man."
"Only in Germany: Germany likes to keep it old-fashioned, so having to carry some cash on you is critical."
"Cash has always been king here and you definitely should arrive with a bunch of notes."
"nearly forty thousand dollars in cash."
"Cash is still King. I still leverage debt as well, but this notion that you should have all this debt and no cash breaks my heart."
"Phil expressed surprise at Yuri's spacious room and he explained that he had some extra cash to spare."
"If you can't buy something in cash, I don't buy it."
"It's important to have some cash to cushion against down days especially severe down days in your best stocks."
"...paying cash when you buy new properties."
"'Sometimes you have to show a little respect,' said Ford. 'Probably have to show a little cash as well,' said Arthur."
"Just that's not a superhero movie that anybody wants to see and one that's not going to make a lot of cash."
"If this was a game, we'd at least get some basic gear and enough cash to cover us for a bit."
"Bring cash because they do have merchandise in there specifically for the firehouse itself."
"I think everyone's lives were changed. No one carries around cash anymore."
"I've never held a hundred thousand dollars cash in my hands before."
"That's why cash deals... I tell people all the time, cash is the worst way to buy anything for both the seller and the buyer."
"Longer runway in the sense that we have $30 billion of cash."
"Cash is king in this country so you're probably going to end up always having cash withdrawn."
"Cash gives me a little bit more flexibility and with cash, I also get the yield on the cash and the premium from cash secured puts."
"No one has ever been like damn I didn't want that cash."
"It's free money, and what's not to like about getting free cash?"
"Controversy creates cash." - Eric Bischoff
"You can fake watches, you can fake a rented car, you can't fake cash."
"A million dollars! Five million dollars in cash in a locker, we're gonna be talking about this for years."
"Save up pay for your cars with cash."
"Cash is the only tool that actually does stuff. If you don't believe me, go try to pay Facebook with some of your accounts receivable."
"Rule number one, I have a lot of cash."
"One thing to be aware of especially here in Las also in Cabaret day so many places do not take credit cards so be prepared to have cash."
"For one it'll be their first home but the other it could be their last but both have the same worry finding somewhere that's going to make them want to part with their cash."
"Maybe even more unusual than the letter though, was the $32,000 in cash they'd stuffed under the driver's seat."
"US Treasury securities are essentially sort of cash in some way."
"Cash and profit are not the same thing."
"At least a million in a duffel, all cash, no tax, nothing."
"Controversy creates cash. Do you know what doesn't create cash? Credit card debt."
"Tell them bring the G, and we take cash."
"The fundamental reason why cash is being outcompeted is because other payment methods give people a variety of benefits that they can't get from using cash other payment methods."
"There it is, 50,000 cash and new Yankee folding money, good as gold and easier to carry."
"Kangsun paid for the treatment in cash."
"Cash is just like Whoever has it, that's yours. It's truly Finders Keepers."
"They have so much [ __ ] and I'm not going to be here spending like 200 on bakery items that's just pathetic you don't got the cash."
"Another important must know is to bring cash."
"I remember what that meant for somebody to slip me, you know, a little bit of cash, that was a little extra change."
"Cash always works. So, I would highly recommend just using cash for this transaction."
"When you come to an expo like this bring cash cash is key you can get better deals on reptiles if you have cash."
"There's nothing like a roll of cash."
"Do it for the right reason, do it with cash and then you'll have no regret."
"It never hurts to get a little cash in a care package."
"If you can't pay cash, you cannot afford it."
"From a reported profitability standpoint, because you've got over 140 billion dollars in cash in the business."
"I pulled out some cash before this so we might."
"If you have cash sitting and not earning you any interest at all, then that is a massive difference."
"Just try to make it work for us. Does that excite you? Like you're making some cash and then being able to invest it and then like seeing the returns?"
"Cash only, that's the only thing I understand in this entire ad, cash only."
"There once was cash in there, okay?"
"What you got in there? We got a luggage, okay, filled with cash."
"When you give cash, you need a receipt, no matter what."
"Packing some cash is actually a good way to save money on your cruise. By packing enough cash, small bills, 20s, whatever, you don't have to go to the ATM on the cruise ship or in port and pay those redonkulous charges that you have to pay to get cash out of the ATM."
"If you can't pay cash for it immediately, you can't do it."
"in these stuffel bags is 200 grand in cash"
"Cash will be used primarily for illegal activities. If you got rid of cash, you could probably clean up a lot of crime."
"If the government bought bonds from you, they're gonna take the bond from you and give you cash. This would stimulate the economy."
"You don't buy anything that you wouldn't be able to pay for in cash."
"Cash is always king so when you can go to cash get your you know I don't mean literal cash you put the money in the bank but when you have the money in the bank you can take advantage of deals."
"Cash is still King, but because of the convenience factor, a lot of people make their everyday purchases with cards or apps."
"Not only will you be taking this badass truck, but also you will be taking $10,000 in cash."
"Use cash instead of credit cards... you begin to get more intentional about your spending."
"Cash transactions offer secrecy and anonymity that you need to have financial freedom."
"Cash by itself has never hurt an investor."
"That's what 10 million in cash looks like."
"This is a perk that people love because it's otherwise hard to get cash-based value."
"Suddenly, everything on the Magnificent Marble Machine is worth not points, not prizes, but money, cold cash."
"He's up to two thousand dollars, over two thousand dollars!"
"Gary Cornell won four thousand eight hundred dollars in cash on the Magnificent Marble Machine."
"There's nothing irregular about a cash deal, money right here."
"We're offering a thousand dollars cash giveaway."
"Always a good idea to have at least $60 cash hidden somewhere in your vehicle."
"You need to absolutely have cash on hand to pay for the unexpected."
"I paid 100% cash out of my own pocket."
"It's always good to keep a portion of your portfolio in cash, and right now, when interest rates are so incredibly high, you'll be earning a really good return on your money."
"One of the most important survival tools you can have with you is cash money."
"There's something kind of magical about holding physical cash every once in a while, especially 100 bills."
"It's basically just like cash; if I give you cash in your hand and you walk away, you've got it."
"It's always good to have some cash just in case."
"The car buying process is a whole lot more simple when you pay cash."
"By having access to cash, we can have a say over what happens to our money."
"Cash is not always better than credit."
"I want to make being debt-free sexy, I want to make buying things cash cool."
"Pay cash. Cash will save you money."
"I put the cash down, I ain't got no time for no credit."
"Pay with cash to avoid the risk of card cloning."
"Japan is a country we still use a lot of cash."
"Cash is involved here, that's why it has good effective internal control in contrast to other accounts."
"This Jeep right here also comes with one of our biggest cash prizes that we run: $50,000."
"I personally like the older style of wallet; I like to keep cash on me, I have a bunch of cards I like to keep in there."
"If you don't have the money to pay for it in cash, you don't have the money to buy it."
"Keep your powder dry, there's no shame in having cash."
"Have some cash ready because I think there will be those buying opportunities down the road."
"If you really don't know what to get someone, just get them cash. They can get their own gift, and that's all that matters because you technically got them that gift, but without the disappointment because you didn't pick it, they got to pick it."
"The idea with this and having cash on hand is to be prepared."
"You don't use your credit card unless you have that money in cash."
"I would tip in cash instead of doing it on my card because I like for the waitress to actually get the money."
"I've never had debt, folks. I've always paid cash."
"Cash is king. With cash, you can acquire your competitors, you can buy back the stock price if it drops too much, you can reinvest back into the business."