
Founder Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Bitcoin is a fairly unique project in how it has this kind of mythical, quasi-god-like founder who just kind of popped in, did the thing, and disappeared."
"Its founder, Frank Cifaldi, had a hand in releasing most of the unreleased NES games we have today."
"The Enzo, the car that wore the name of the founder of the company himself."
"Vue's history started in 2013 by its founder, Evan You."
"Founder should be doing the job of value and viability before hiring a product manager."
"I see a lot of writing as bringing those things together. You are this founder, you are an origin point for a lot of ideas, a seed."
"Supreme's founder set the stage for the cultural identity Supreme would have."
"Every founder is a Marketplace founder it's going to be a choice they make after they grow."
"Canonical was founded on March 5th, 2004, by South African British multi-millionaire entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth."
"He has been the epitome of what a founder should be like."
"Mark founded the church in Alexandria and has been honored as the founder of Christianity in North Africa."
"Rolo's Legacy is enduring and multifaceted as the founder of Normandy."
"As the founder is supposed to be, 'That's a lot of money to me.'"
"The spiritual Legacy of our church came from the Founding Father Bishop CH Mason who was about helping people."
"William Irvine was the founder of the group, despite claims otherwise."
"Ikea is an acronym which stands for some [__], which is the founder's name."
"Instead of being the CEO of Onnit, it's now the founder of Onnit with the amazing exit."
"She was the young lady who would start the Girl Scouts of America right here in the city of Savannah in 1912."
"he's the chairman and founder of a company called The People's corporation which I started when I was 23 years old in Washington DC"
"You know our founder once said Bonnie, she said we sacrifice our bodies to save our soul."
"Our investment philosophy really starts with the founder and when we look at Founders we judge them on the magnitude of their strengths not the lack of their weaknesses."
"I'm the founder of Trimark professional services company."
"Yeah, my name is Jimmy John, I'm the Jimmy John's founder."
"Alexander Hamilton as a founder, a statesman, and one of America's best and most significant writers."
"The hardest part of being a founder is managing your own psychology."
"The sisters of Mary is founded in Korea 59 years ago to help the poorest of the poor by our founder who is venerable Aloishe Schwarz."
"Savannah was founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe, a British general and philanthropist who was seeking to establish a new colony for marginalized groups."
"Chuck E Cheesus was founded on May 17th, 1977, and opened its first location in San Jose California. It was created by Nolan Bushnell who was also the co-founder of the video game company Atari."
"The number one thing you can do for a founder is just go check out their website and their company."
"Ian is the founder... it's a privilege to be on the show."
"It's never easy but any great founder, someone's some great engineer is going to want to work for you."
"I think ultimately, being a founder is actually a pretty lonely role."
"The ideal brand is one that is really kind of completely separate from the founder."
"The Mars name starts with Franklin Clarence Mars, born September 24, 1883."
"The founder of the Tesla car is actually South African. I think his name is Elon Musk or something like that."
"The founder of the faith was a Persian prophet named Baha'u'llah."
"Founders' Honor, the 50-foot tall monument, is made in honor of our great founder, the hero Alcadian Indros."
"He's much more important in terms of the lore; he's the founder of the holy church."
"Dr. Zhang, Zhong Jing is considered to be the father of TCM."
"Beastie is the founder of the Rama Academy for Vedic astrological education."
"You can never take the founder out of the DNA of a small business."
"Jesus wasn't a Christian... Christianity is weird as a religion insofar as the person who founded it wasn't a member of the religion."
"The works of art themselves are welcoming visitors to their home, the home that was made for them by their founder."
"There's a streak of lawlessness that goes all the way back to Joseph Smith."
"The Baal Shem Tov... is known as the founder of Hasidism."
"The founder of the Orthodox Church simply is our Lord Jesus Christ."
"He's also the founder and co-owner of several companies and studios."
"The history of Heuer begins in 1860 with Edouard Heuer."
"Listen carefully, Playtime Co is the product of a great man by the name of Elliot Ludwig."
"John Neely Bryan, you could say, is the founder of Dallas."
"By a fortune absolutely unique in human history, Muhammad is a threefold founder of a nation, an empire, and a religion."