
Hyperinflation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"My biggest concern... is the hyperinflation that I really fear is coming."
"The hyperinflation of the 2000s and 2010s, which was the result of decades of economic mismanagement by Mugabe’s governments, has decimated the economy."
"High inflation always precedes hyperinflation."
"In order to fully understand the Weimar hyperinflation, we need to understand them: who these ideologues were, what they believed, and what they were up to."
"Hyperinflation, not fun. Very demoralizing, very stressful, makes daily living very difficult."
"We've reached that limitation and what limits us is that we lose the printing press if you have hyperinflation you cannot print more money."
"Once inflation goes above a thousand percent, that's deemed to be hyperinflation."
"Hyperinflation: this is literally the best thing that Bitcoin could have ever asked for."
"The worst thing you can do in a country with hyperinflation and a tremendous amount of economic inequality is to literally eviscerate social spending."
"The only thing standing between us and hyperinflation is everybody coming to the conclusion that these currencies are doomed."
"The US dollar is in a hyperinflationary collapse right now against Bitcoin."
"In every hyperinflation or economic reset, there's a period of gradually then suddenly."
"In the end, if you print too much, you end up in something like Venezuela."
"In five years I would say that we would definitely be in the midst of hyperinflation on a global basis."
"Hyperinflation think that this rapid expansion of money and credit to counteract the effect of this crisis will be what triggers demand pull inflation."
"Hyperinflation will wipe out any Fiat money any Fiat assets or instruments absolutely 100."
"Our choices are another Great Depression or another Weimar Germany hyperinflation."
"Hyperinflation is on its way, it's coming to America and it will not be avoided."
"In 2009, when Zimbabwe was experiencing extreme rates of hyperinflation, the nation issued a 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar banknote, roughly equivalent to 30 American dollars at the time."
"Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It's happening now." - Jack Dorsey
"Like in Austria you know after world war one Austria's money hyperinflated like a super expensive place today."
"We are driving relentlessly toward a hyperinflationary event that's likely to swallow up and engulf the world."
"What you have here with the extreme money creation but also very low money growth is very low velocity and that is the type of circumstance you see in hyperinflation."
"Super Hyper Bitcoinization is the way to fight super high hyperinflation."
"The German State lost the First World War, and then deliberately hyperinflated its currency to pay off its domestic debts, so the German people suffered."
"During the hyperinflation period in the Weimar Republic, an eerie and perplexing mental disorder known as zero stroke or cipher stroke emerged."
"This bizarre disorder captured the attention of the public and drew the concern of physicians; it highlighted the devastating effects of hyperinflation on the mental well-being of individuals."
"The sheer magnitude of the currency figures drove people to the brink of their sanity, attempting to cope with the unimaginable scale of the crisis."
"Historically, when they have hyperinflation, they want to keep enough order to keep the government in power and at least a modicum of peace in society."
"Few factors can damage an economy so swiftly and so completely as hyperinflation."
"...every society that has freely printed money in the past eventually collapsed their currency and fell into economic turmoil."
"Hyperinflation forced the Weimar government to fear for its own existence."
"The vast majority of Germans were badly affected by hyperinflation."
"Many people lost their life savings and pensions."
"What are some of the initial causes of hyperinflation? One is some radically increased monetary supply."
"Hyperinflation is something that doesn't happen too often anymore, especially because of the checks on inflation."