
Early Development Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Humans are actors... we learn how to manipulate our parents by crying when we need to cry, being charming, saying certain things."
"These are very early steps, but we're determined to support the science."
"Kids today learn things a lot faster and earlier than we did."
"You have to talk to your kids about the problems and have helped them develop good habits early."
"We need to start coming into the light a lot earlier in our age so that men can build with us."
"If you're disturbing the system in very early development when there's just a few cells... development is altered by the alteration of these hormones."
"The pause buffer clip was an exploit that we discovered early on in this game's existence."
"Not only is it fun for your child, but you're giving them life skills from a very early age."
"It would appear that some people are just born smooth or at least taught from an early age."
"He was drawn to music because just at the age of four, he started playing and learning how to play the piano."
"I think it's vital, but I think we're just a bit on the beginning, the starting point of that."
"A sequel to Interstellar is reportedly in early development at Warner Bros."
"Child prodigy: he could speak multiple languages by the time he was six."
"A child can learn a language by the time they're two."
"It's really, really important for a child to have the love experience as early as possible."
"Crypto's NFTs are technologically in the AOL or Windows 95 phase of development. We haven't seen nothing yet."
"From zero to three chemistry: The new system explained."
"You're lucky that you've done this inner work in your teenage years versus doing it in your 50s after a lifetime of suffering."
"Mark's early years were very promising since his dad noticed that he was very interested in how things worked."
"Da Vinci was encouraged at a very young age to Simply follow every curiosity."
"He has been rapping since he could talk."
"Stimulus at an early age is vital to the development of the growing brain."
"First 16 weeks of their life is extremely important because that's when their brain roots are forming."
"We had a great win today with early crate training with this young puppy."
"I love the fact that at an early age we get to stimulate those problem-solving skills."
"The little neurons. The little brains are coming together. Those first years are critically important."
"Kids who practice elimination communication do tend to potty train earlier."
"I've been singing since I came out the womb pretty much."
"Education is just as important to dogs as it is to kids. In both cases, the earlier, the better."
"Personal Mastery at such an early age... Master their time energy and their entire existence through understanding themselves."
"Integrating changes in the curriculum at an early stage of education is essential."
"As schools, we have an obligation to start young, maybe children are only hearing one side of things from their parents."
"We don't know what the future holds with this project, we're in the really early stages."
"It is difficult to see how the world could end poverty and inequality without addressing early childhood development."
"I want to give my grandson extra love and attention because the first stage of his life is very important for bonding."
"Healthy Living is a habit that must be developed early."
"Typically with social pragmatic communication disorder, the onset of symptoms is in early development."
"I've been reading at a college level since I was like nine years old."
"One must have that relationship with the mother in the first several years of one's life, and that must be a healthy relationship, a nourishing relationship, an ideal relationship."
"The sooner that you get your puppy after eight to ten weeks old, the stronger your lifelong bond could be."
"I really hope the changes that they're implementing start from early school, not just at high schools and stuff."
"Everyone said that babies just live in these the first couple of weeks."
"From an early age, you have showed yourself to be a very strong-willed person."
"Using baby sign language with your child before they are verbal is incredibly helpful."
"She wasn't supposed to be able to do that at three years old, but she could."
"This country must change its way of thinking about education clear back to the kindergarten."
"High quality early education is good for all children, but it is especially important for children from disadvantaged backgrounds."
"Provide a rich language environment from the very beginning because even in that first year of life, they’re absorbing it all in like a sponge."
"You should be taught how to think critically from a very young age."
"They've got a really good head on their shoulders from a young age."
"Our genetic expressions are very influenced by our social relationships, particularly early in life."
"Turn-taking develops really, really early in typical development."
"Developing your weak foot as early as possible will give you an advantage as you grow up because many players do not develop their weak side."
"It is never too early to learn about love."
"Oh yes, he could sing before he could walk."
"Intelligence and adaptability... operating at the very earliest stages of life."
"It's never too early to start reading to your kids."
"The importance of the mother in that critical period in those first few years."
"Self-advocacy begins early on, where the child is making choices and decisions for himself or herself."
"He's super chill, really smiley; he started smiling when he was three days old."
"If you start separating kids by ability as early as the first and second grade, then the kids who are in the lower half of the distribution will never think of themselves as math students, and it's too early to do that."
"The importance of the earliest environments that children are raised in is the importance of the parenting they receive."