
Moral Reflection Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."
"A major function of stories is vicarious experience. We are hungry for these opportunities to use sympathy, empathy, admiration, and disgust as guides for how we ourselves can face the moral challenges in our own lives."
"What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world and lose their own soul?"
"Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
"Breaking Bad forces us to look without flinching at people who do evil things."
"Probably matters less than the fact that they did and that after they do their unwillingness to care about it or take responsibility, that's the point that you need to think about it from."
"I've made so many mistakes and I feel I've been greatly forgiven and so you have to be able to forgive greatly if you've been forgiven greatly."
"You exploit your power over others, you play God."
"We have intrinsic value... even if you do something terrible."
"The primal sin is to abandon those that need you, but also that this sin is the foundation of existence itself."
"What will it profit a man deep divers if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his own soul? Hmm."
"The line separating good and evil passes right through every human heart, including our own."
"Would you like that for yourself on the day of judgment like would you like Allah to hold you to such scrutiny that you held others to?"
"Where I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask what is the cost of lies."
"I killed someone in Guillen Hill Station. I did so out of my own volition and I don't regret it one bit. But just because I killed someone doesn't mean that I enjoy doing it."
"If Jesus is the standard, prepare to be lonely because no one, not even you, not even me meets Jesus' standard."
"Just because a story tells you you're a good person, it's no guarantee you are one."
"It's just wild... It just sucks that when you're in the moment you have the conviction to stand for your beliefs... and then years later after all the devastation... it's like, 'Whoops.'"
"Rediscovering our love and respect for animals is not a process of learning anything new but unlearning the moral status that we've unjustifiably placed upon these animals."
"Many people do wake up and they realize like holy crap what I was doing was wrong."
"We do endless amounts of cruelty to others overseas."
"Two wrongs don't make a right and two war crimes definitely don't make a right."
"Even good people can miss it and always have."
"That's a good way to look at it, you're only doing good for yourself or evil against yourself."
"If guilt is the soul's call to action, then Aiden was hell-bent."
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that his justice cannot sleep forever."
"George Floyd wasn't an angel but does that make what happened to him any less awful? No."
"Noe apologized to Hikimaru for doing evil things to him."
"It wasn't illegal, it was wrong, and I totally violated the spirit of what I was preaching."
"Christ said this, 'For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?'"
"There lies your evil, reference see your very face."
"Acknowledging just how complicated selfishness really is, but the shadow of degeneracy still looms large."
"What good is it to gain the world and lose your soul?"
"Murder is murder. So if we're killing someone who murdered someone, then we're murdering them too."
"Perhaps I have been wrong. And I say Zangief, you are bad guy, but this does not mean you're bad guy."
"Even though we're separated by three or four hundred years, you know, this was still a large amount of innocent people who were murdered."
"The whole of this text is designed to demonstrate how wicked man has become."
"Greed is not measured in possession but an infection."
"Death knows you're not perfect, therefore the law is Holy and the Commandment holy and just and good."
"You can never make up for all of the loss of life. You can never do that."
"I'm always crime don't pay, no it did pay, it paid me."
"Conscience is an open wound, only truth can heal it."
"Don't allow the politics of ideology to evaporate the soul that still exists inside of you."
"Someday you're going to be judged for everything."
"You're doing the same thing that someone else did to you and you paid the price of it."
"The road to hell was paved with good intentions."
"Sin can take you to such a pleasurable place... where all you will see is sunshine and rainbows."
"May God grant us grace to believe this truth, to proclaim this truth, and to reflect this truth."
"The things that we really should be afraid of aren't the fiends that haunt our imaginations but the monsters we create in reality through gluttony, sloth, and indifference."
"Will our grandchildren hold us in disdain, that we sacrificed their world in order to starve the leviathan, our bestial savior from armageddon?"
"He yells at the host that the old man who fell proved he wasn't a loser because in his last dying moments he was thinking of someone else."
"They do say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"Shere Khan was right because humans have done more damage than good in his point of view."
"You can make a mistake and be a good person, but you are not."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions sometimes."
"Piccolo's connection with Gohan gives him a chance to rethink his morals..."
"If you're being honest with yourself, I think that we can all admit that we are not morally perfect and that there is a need for us to be joined to Holiness."
"What's more damaging than a lie? It's a half truth."
"It's always good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"Educate yourself as to why it was wrong, don't just repress it and say, 'Well my friends say it's fine so it's fine.'"
"Regret is a form of repentance, it's a form of getting rid of your ego."
"What will profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul?"
"Conscience, remember, is an open wound. Only truth use it."
"The first step of becoming a good person is understanding that you're a bad person."
"Life is a precious gift from God and if we don't respect that what do we respect."
"The main lesson that Le Guin is trying to tell us is how easily we are able to put forward our own desires and luxury over those who sacrifice themselves for it."
"People choose to go after good people. It's the bad people doing stuff from a bad place that get second chances."
"Pursuing a life of passion, lust, and materialism led them to regret."
"When the pain of your sin becomes greater than the pleasure you get from it, you will stop."
"The goodness of God brings men to repentance."
"It matters that you should have never kicked that person; he's made in the image of God."
"Crashes are necessary to break what is corrupt, to bring low what has lifted themselves up in their hearts."
"Sapling's innocence and Harold's demise evoke a poignant moment of loss."
"Repent, God wants you to be sorry for being a fool, being wicked, being of the devil."
"I think to cheat at something you have some sort of issue."
"Half of the truth isn't the truth and half of guidance isn't guidance."
"If you recognize why it was wrong, you should be forgiven."
"Do you think it's possible to write your wrongs?"
"The believer's Deeds are only shown in front of him or her but they don't deny, they admit everything."
"All punishment has an element of revenge. The issue is whether it is just revenge." - Dennis Prager
"You don't have to keep yourself busy, you have to keep yourself employed."
"We're all guilty, we're all sinners, it's the great equalizer."
"The show ends by asking us, the viewers, to be more empathetic, expand our capacity for forgiveness, and do what we know is right even when the world tells us differently…"
"In the end perhaps it's the humans who are the real monsters."
"Animals don't kill for pleasure. Man's the only animal that does that."
"God forgives, but the world doesn't necessarily forgive."
"If you devote your life to trying to ruin someone... it's going to come back to you."
"Pride is a massive issue... one of the worst sins to fall into and one of the easiest to fall into."
"I got tested on it, and it just boils down to where your heart lies."
"We find a way to justify our worst impulses and imagine ourselves to be very good and virtuous when we're doing that."
"Don't get so focused on the monsters out there that you become one yourself."
"But don't get so focused on the monsters out there that you become one yourself."
"It's a hell of a thing killing a man; they take away all he's got and always every gun on."
"I guess they had it coming. We all have it coming."
"I think they'll look back and say I cannot believe I behaved so disgracefully. I can't believe I smeared all these people as Nazis."
"Everyone has a story they tell themselves to justify bad decisions, and it never matters in the end. You are always alone with your actions."
"In the end, all that matters is that you're like a good person."
"Stop and ask yourself: Why is there right and wrong?"
"Cruelty springs from weakness, not strength."
"Revenge says more about you than it does about the person you're trying to get revenge on. Not a good look."
"There's real value to having statues of evil people or bad people or people who are tragic flawed because it reminds you that you could become that person."
"We're all going to give an account of their deeds in this life."
"Escaping Hellfire never got so easy. What on Earth am I talking about? There's a Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which blows my mind to this day."
"It's weird how I do all these bad things and I continue to. The way I look at it, I continue to live on. And good people always go."
"When the Israelites invaded a Canaanite town and took a sword and they cut off the heads of two-year-olds and they ripped open pregnant women... could that be good? No, it's not a good at all."
"Let's talk about the judgment to come people don't want to think about that right."
"Worse than sin is to consider it trivial after committing it."
"The love of money is the root of all evil, but we all have our vices. That is not the quote, that is misquoted. Sprinkle, sprinkle."
"Seriously, this is the most evil that we've ever gotten, we hands down look for this."
"It's time now for you to start repenting, what is repentance? When you're truly sorry about the wrong you've done from the heart."
"Can we find it in ourselves to forgive the wrongs they have committed? Can we forgive ourselves?"
"Think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report."
"Godly sorrow will lead to repentance."
"It's just sad that humans, for all of our achievements, still don't know how to be decent to each other."
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is dignified, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there's any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, consider these things."
"The evil that men do lives after them."
"Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things."
"Better than this is childlessness with virtue, for in the memory of virtue is immortality."
"That's the power of fandom and of art that reflects morals and dilemmas, not political sides."
"We want to reflect on our morals and our values."
"If we become what we despise, then we only perpetuate the cycle of violence."