
Term Limits Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"I think the idea of creating a better set of incentives and systems and severely limiting terms [in politics] is an interesting one."
"We need term limits. Until we have term limits and people understand their goals, people are not going to touch the so-called third rail of politics."
"Term limits would free lawmakers from the burden of constant fundraising, allowing them to focus more on policymaking and less on reelection pressures."
"This has all led to increased calls for setting term limits for our highest court and our Congress people."
"All this reform does, all this amendment does is put the position of the presidency, it syncs it up with the position of the General Secretary the Communist Party, so now nothing has term limits."
"Term limits and ethics reform should be a big part of what we talk about."
"I think like in the medium term, the most doable reform that I think would actually have the biggest impact is term limits."
"I think the ultimate term limit is in the power of the people."
"What if you run for president and when you win you get four years?"
"Term limits, when there's so much economically invested in the status quo, you get no turnover."
"Limit supreme court justices to single terms of 18 years each."
"I'd rather be a one-term congress person that gets something done than be there forever and get nothing done."
"The change that I think has been rattling around for a long time that I am totally for, that would change this, maybe the most dramatically is just term limits for members of congress."
"That's why we need to have term limits for these guys, like they should not be lifers."
"Can we get term limits please? I'm sick of having these people in positions of power for 50 unchallenged years."
"One of the most popular ideas... limit the term of justices."
"Long-term incumbents weigh the system down. We need term limits."
"Term limits would allow folks to keep their focus back home on what they're going to do after Congress."
"82 percent of Americans want term limits... This is not a left or right issue, this is an American issue."
"Term limits would give us a legislature that better reflects the diversity of our society."
"It's about time we limit the terms of Congress."
"SCOTUS is the ballast of the ship. No term limits."
"I will walk into Congress and say, 'We need to make this place more responsive and dynamic so we're going to have 12-year term limits.'"
"I'm in favor of term limits three terms for congress two for the Senate."
"The guy should not contest for another six years."
"I think one of the first things that we would have to do is establish term limits which is exactly the opposite of what these people seem to want."
"... it would be better for the nation to have one six-year term."
"Now the president has two more years in office. Now he has no control of the senate or the house, that makes him what they call a lame duck president."
"Political jobs weren't made when this country was founded to be there forever. They were supposed to be a public service."
"Term limits need to be a thing because these corrupt [ __ ] who literally do nothing but just keep winning their elected seats over and over and over again."
"U.S. Representatives can't serve more than 12 years, U.S. Senators can't serve more than 18 years, and Supreme Court Justices can't serve more than 24 years."
"When it comes to limits, nothing should be off limits, including term limits."
"No one should be president for life."
"Nobody should be president for life."
"Presidential term limits are good and it's a key feature of democracy."
"Term limits prevent arbitrary and violent leadership; power alteration through term limits helps to check corruption and abuse of office by incumbents."
"Term limits help because they actually give people that choice as well."
"The constitution explicitly bars changes to some of its clauses, including the term limit."
"He cannot be in line for succession for the presidency because he's already served two terms."
"The term limits, I think helps remind people that this is a political process."
"There will be term limits, which I think is a great idea."