
Divine Call Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Rise, receive the joy of her glory, giving thanks to God who has called you into the heavenly kingdom. Alleluia."
"It's your turn. That's what He's saying. It's your turn to jump in."
"May we rise each morning not to the sound of an alarm but to the call of God's mercy and love."
"When God calls you out, He calls you to solitude, not loneliness."
"It's time, this morning, to say yes to the Holy Spirit."
"God is the force that calls you out of your father's house into the unknown."
"Joy profound awaits him who was able even in a small degree to respond faithfully to this call."
"When the Lord calls us home, nothing can stop us."
"At any moment, be ready for the invitation of the Divine beloved to come closer."
"He wasn't calling me with his wrath, he was calling me with his love."
"You are on the wrong path, and Jesus is calling you to leave that path."
"We really felt that God was calling us to a different type of life."
"God is calling his beloved to fully devote themselves to himself."
"In the midst of your trial... God is saying I still called you, I still marked you."
"You've been called by God. By God's foreknowledge, He's predestined you."
"Don't be left behind, please don't be left behind because the Lord is coming."
"Jesus' heart is crying out for us. He wants us to forsake the things of the world."
"When God calls your name, respond: 'Here I am.'"
"Often in Scripture... when you see God calling someone's name... they, in the natural realm, didn't seem to be very important."
"All it takes is one woman. God said I need one woman."
"God is calling his faithful people to be his element of surprise."
"God says, 'Today is the day for you to say God, you are my priority.'"
"Let us press on toward the goal, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
"This promise that I've just described to you—it's for you, for your children, for your children's children, and for all whom the Lord Our God will call."
"If you are called, you cannot be stopped. You're gonna move through life with grace."
"When God wakes you up at this specific hour, he is inviting you into a sacred time of communion with him."
"He called us with an irresistible call."
"What happened in the past to make you a Christian? The call of God upon you, your call upon Him, which makes up a decisive setting apart or sanctification."
"God's call often disrupts ordinary life and directs individuals towards Divine purposes."
"God doesn't just drop calls to the priesthood like bombs."
"If He called us, He'll give us what we need to flourish."
"All my responsibility is just a response to His divine call. He draws near to us, for no other purpose than just to bring us into His own beautiful life."
"It's time to wake up child of the most high, son or daughter of the king."
"The church is not the result of brilliant leadership. The church is the assembly of those called by God."
"The church is the gathering of people who have been called by God into His kingdom."
"Return to me, return to me, return to me," says the Lord.
"Don't let the whispers of people distract you from the call of God."
"Approval addiction could derail the very call of God."
"Are you listening when God is speaking to you? He's calling you right now, so how are you responding?"
"Because God called you, I believe God called you here."
"Call upon the Lord while he's near."
"God calls us into Covenant, not what is convenient but what is covenant."
"Tonight, God is calling you to himself, tonight, if the Holy Spirit's been speaking to you, this is precisely the place and time that God has intended you to be."
"God is waiting on you to make a move."
"Allah called out to all the people: 'O people, worship Allah alone!'"
"Essentially Church what I need you to know is that when God calls us we have an obligation to respond to the call of God."
"God is calling us somewhere tonight."
"The call of God on your life is not your struggle, the call of God on your life is the tension it creates between your revelation and your reality."
"A call from God is first and foremost a call to personal development."
"God does the calling, man doesn't."
"The call of God to the people of God is a call to obedience."
"The times that we are living in are so special because God is recalling his people back to himself."
"Every single new power that we have comes with a call from heaven saying use this to enhance life."
"God's voice actually is a call from the future walk towards me and I will walk towards you."
"God made us for relationships and calls us to be in community."
"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other."
"He sees you as who you really are, a daughter of God, and He calls to you, 'Come unto me.'"
"Jesus, You come close, You call my name, I am free."
"Every moment Jesus is crying out, 'I love you, love me.'"
"For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."
"You called, shouted, broke through my deafness; You flared, blazed, banished my blindness."
"Will you be my child? I am waiting for you."
"God calls you tonight. He calls you to trust Him, to trust in His mercy."
"The vocation to religious life for women is the response to a call from God to be loved completely by Him."
"When you belong to him, he will find his ways of calling you."
"Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it."
"I, Yahweh, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand."
"God is calling in these latter days, and that He expects us to respond to that call and to be more Christ-like, to be more holy than we now are."
"We are not under the law, we are called to the heart of God."
"O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord."
"The Lord is asking us to serve the hearts that are in front of us."
"God wants us all; harvest is at the door."
"I have dedicated myself to this community as a response to the call of God."
"In the midst of it all, God calls them to himself."
"The call of God hath been raised, and the light of His countenance hath been lifted up upon men."
"Fear not, for I am the Lord and I am calling you."
"He's not distant from you; He's calling you to another level."
"God calls you to salvation, God calls you to repentance and faith."
"Divine Mother, in essence, is saying to us, 'All right, My child, you’ve played around long enough in My delusion. Now, come home. Here’s how.'"
"Angels to beckon me nearer, my God, to Thee."
"Faithful is He who is calling you to Himself, and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it."
"I am your God who for your sake have become your son. I order you, O sleeper, to awake. I did not create you to be a prisoner in hell. Rise from the dead, for I am the life of the dead."
"God has called you unto greatness."
"Arise, O Lord, and call God to action in confidence of not his own righteousness, but in God's character, in His mercifulness."
"The priesthood has been so battered and abused, and priests have been mocked, but Father Stu's call begins with Mary playing an important part in his call."
Jesus calls to all His children, "Don't fear."
"Can you hear Him, the rider on the white horse?"
"God was calling me, and he was knocking at my door."
"God actually actively calls people."
"It's not about a holy land, it's about a holy God calling out a holy people."
"Give me three of you, give me two of you, who say, 'God, we will fully give ourselves to you.'"
"Amid the din and strife of men, the call Divine I hear again; its telling is of things apart, above the tumult of the Heart."
"Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, and I will receive you."
"Sleep on sweet one and take thy rest, God called thee home, he thought it best."
"Jesus sees me as I am, Jesus loves me as I am, Jesus calls me as I am."
"God is calling his church to be faithful to the everlasting gospel though the heavens fall."
"He cometh into the world that he may save all men, if they will hearken unto his voice."
"Salvation is free, but the call of God will cost you everything."
"God's Holy Spirit is calling and has always been calling Gentile and Jew alike to put their faith in Christ."
"God is doing a thing, and He's calling His people to repentance and to a deeper walk with Him."
"When God tells you to do something, he's looking for somebody that will be yielded to him, that will be obedient to him."
"Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God. Your sins have been your downfall!"
"God is calling us to come back home, to return to what he called us to be."
"Wherefore the voice of the Lord is unto the ends of the earth, that all that will hear may hear."
"I'm moving in closer, love is calling my name."
"If you're called, God Almighty will make it when you can preach."
"God is not calling a part of you, God is calling all of you."
"Nothing can stop the call of God on your life."
"What grace is mine that He who dwells in endless love called through the night to find my distant soul."
"When the Lord says it's time for you to shine in the presence of other people, when the Lord says it's time for you to be exalted, don't you shy away."
"If you want to hear the call of God, silence yourself, sit in the presence of the Lord."
"Thou shalt hear the Lord's voice, Samuel, Samuel; thou shalt be equal to thy brethren."
"The Ruach ha'qodesh does not have any problem calling you while you're in your sin."
"God had chosen him, God had called him."
"It's not that God isn't calling us; it's that we've grown so accustomed to ignoring the voice of God that it does not make any impression on our minds anymore."
"The greatest demonstration of your loyalty to God is in your obedience to the call of God."
"At wit's end and melting within, call on God."
"God has called us to success; that is, God has called us to be obedient to His word."
"God is calling you, get up from where you are."
"Relationship is what God is calling us to; it's relationship that he desires more than anything."
"God is calling you, His Temple, and He's going to spare no expense at resourcing His purpose in your life."
"God is calling all men everywhere to repent."
"I heard the Lord whisper 'marry me'."
"Before you were ever formed in your mother's womb, I knew you, I ordained you to be a prophet to the nations."
"God is calling every woman to rise. God is calling you to rise up."
"You will be to me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation."
"God's everlasting love persistently draws humans to Himself, calling individuals to respond freely to His love."
"He's calling out from the world a pure bride without any spot or without any blemish."
"God is calling you out of your hiding place."
"He cometh to save all men, if they will hearken unto his voice."
"Say to the north, give up; and to the south, keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth."
"Submit to the call of God for your life, and He is going to supply your every need, not your every want, but your every need in order to live a victorious life."
"If God asks you to do it, you're up to it."
"Beloved ones, God has called us to live a life of freedom in the Holy Spirit."
"God is not rejecting you; He's calling to you this evening."
"God wants to reveal to you, call to me and I will show you Great and Mighty things that you do not know."
"God calls his people out of Babylon."
"Is God calling you to adopt a child and to love that child as if it was born of your own womb?"
"Help us to understand the great call that you have given not only to the Israelites but also to us."
"But God is not calling the world now. He is calling individuals."
"Hear what Yahweh is saying: Arise, contend with the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice."
"He's standing at the door of your heart and knocking."
"The celestial call to shift is often subtle yet profound."
"Beloved, God has been speaking to you. Will you respond to his call today?"
"God's call is His invitation to salvation, to save your soul so that you are not lost in the bondage of Satan forever."