
Tempo Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The great thing about corrupting pot is that it actually allows for tempo-based advantages."
"Everybody's riding their own Tempo and it was right. You can kind of be doing your own thing, but no more than your Tempo zones."
"Aggro decks are all about tempo over card advantage and power, trying to get damage through as quickly as possible."
"I'm just happy to see quicker tempo of football, that's all I'm happy about."
"This guarantee is tempo in the early game if you play it for free."
"Some really good passes and good tempo to their performance as well."
"I absolutely love the tempo in this song, it's so upbeat, it's so catchy."
"We're not going to be shredding or anything like that; we're going to be playing slow."
"It's a very nice midtempo, jump in the air kind of pop."
"It's not a case of how hard you hit, it's a case of good tempo and your club accelerating through the ball."
"I was like I wonder what would sound like my same voices my same setup my same everything but if I just brought the tempo down and so I did."
"A lot of pop music really just keeps a standard tempo so you don't have to worry about this."
"Giving up all the space, slowing down the tempo, and then opening up a surprise shooting angle was excellent for him."
"...it primes you to expect another return to the hook, probably with even more layers, but instead they use that time to let you forget the original tempo so the new one isn't quite as shocking."
"It's that increase in excitement effectively that's what increasing Tempo does."
"They have found something special in the tempo and the condensed formations."
"just a perfect kind of up tempo almost pop song"
"The tempo the Rams offense is coming out with when they get a first down."
"Grime is one of those contenders for Grime as a 140 plus tune."
"I'm liking the tempo of these openings so far. Though, hey, hey, hey, I'm trying to figure out who the main characters are through these openings."
"Tempo is one of the strongest drivers that determines the whole energy and vibe and feel of a song, and changing the tempo is a really effective way to get away from the original feel of a reference song."
"...it's got that frantic electric tempo that is so fun to see as each member gets to put on display their singing chops..."
"The tempo relatively recent addition to the omnium in general."
"We played to their pace, and that pace dictated that third quarter."
"Tempo has a big influence on the timing rhythm and sequencing of the rest of the throw."
"This naturally works best when Tempo synced."
"The level is getting better and better I have to say I think that technically and tactically it's it's right up there and I think the tempo of the games getting quicker and quicker."
"Drill gave us a tempo and an energy that was infectious."
"As soon as you start slowing the tempo down, it becomes a lot harder to play rhythmically accurate."
"Just because a song is slow does not mean it has to be boring."
"...so now we know how to set up the grid we know how to find the tempo and line everything up properly."
"Logic then identifies the tempo of your performance moment by moment bar by bar beat by beat and creates a custom Tempo map."
"Using the smart Tempo editor you can make adjustments to the analyze tempo of your different regions."
"Playing in those slow to slow medium tempos, those are really difficult because there's just enough space to cause problems."
"We feel like you know we might have a couple more turnovers because we play so fast but we feel like it's going to wear the defense down and absolutely by the fourth quarter we're going to have the advantage because we play like that every single game."
"This is a tempo team that can create some momentum."
"House music is one of the most popular electronic music genres, featuring a 4-4 beat and dance-ready tempo."
"It's a nice range, we'll leave it at 116, which is a nice comfortable bpm for a demo."
"Fast and slow, fast and slow, fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow."
"If you can't play slow, you can't play."
"They played the game at their pace."
"The tempo operations provide us with various operations that we can effect onto the tempo track lane."
"We did it slower and the changed beat was put in because it was fascinating to the audience."
"And it's worth noting you can change the tempo later on if you like and everything in your song will still work together if the audio is warped correctly."
"The tempo is very important... You could use 174, 176, 175. Doesn't really matter. Use whatever you want. I like 172."
"This phase lasts so long because the tempo actually slows down here."
"By taking the initiative, you control the tempo of the game."
"I love the tempo, I love the speed, I love the vibe and everything."
"What I love about Schuster, he's really good at changing his tempo. So, he'll get the ball at almost a walk and then like pick his man out, and he picks his tempo up real quick."
"I'm a huge advocate of situational tempo... I'm a big fan of situational tempo, catching the defense in packages that they might be using for short yardage that then you can exploit and go down the field."
"If you want to play fast you got to play slow."
"I knew it was possible to win if I kept this Tempo until the end."
"A Pacer has a preset designated tempo requested by either an athlete or the event itself."
"New ideas started to emerge within the confines of 170 beats per minute."
"All we got here is FL Studio, a blank template at 140 BPM."
"What I hear is that the singer is on top of the beat; he's rushing, and that creates energy."
"I love the slower tempo stuff, it's so chunky."
"This is something that's especially important against teams that spread you out and use tempo."
"He eventually recorded the song on a whole new beat with a faster tempo."
"Bebop was characterized by fast tempos, too fast to dance to, crazy virtuosic improvisation, bright colorful harmony, and explosive drums."
"If you play slow but the phrasing is good, you are going to sound awesome."
"His playing was just so beautiful and lyrical and slow."
"It's been very much a very heavy tempo every time we've gone up the climb."
"Days alone is a big reason why blue-based Tempo decks in Legacy have been so strong for such a long time."
"Using your tempo well, using your tempi, the plural of tempos, well in the opening is what will make you a good opening player."
"You need to be able to relax and control the tempo from start to finish."
"Some of my favorite records, the tempos slow down or speed up, but it feels good the whole time. So that's what matters."
"Are y'all trying to turn up again another time or y'all trying to slow it down?"
"What we call an Italian 'accelerando', so the whole tempo is going to accelerate up to a particular point."
"Someone once said to me, 'Alex, never lose that tempo.'"
"It's really about the tempo that I allow people in."
"When you play a move with tempo, it's a move that is played with a threat."
"Organize, organize, good tempo, take care of the ball."
"Sometimes you go hurry up to get the tempo moving, get you get in a little bit of a flow."
"The operative word in this is tempo and smoothness."
"Some days your tempo is much greater than others."
"The game is played at the tempo they want, the ball goes to where they want it to go."
"The pacing of this show is unlike anything that I've ever watched."
"The tempo scrollbar is really valuable when you're practicing."
"Let's change our BPM to about 84 because that's like the boom-bap BPM."
"I'll start by setting my tempo; there's a dedicated tempo button."
"So I'm going to type in my 360... and there we go, we have 136 as my tempo."
"It's very clean, very big; I think 'Cold' is really cool, has a nice tempo and a really cool sound."
"It's a different tempo and it's so exciting to watch."
"I'm really enjoying the slower tempo that's just kind of chilled out. I like that it's a little bit darker, a little bit slower, a little bit more moody."
"It's not just the Philadelphia sound, it's the Philadelphia sound in Tempo that makes it so wonderful."
"How to choose tempo for film music cues and how to know if and when to change it? Let the music decide how it fits around the picture."
"We win by operating at a tempo that they can't keep up with and by putting them on the horns of multiple dilemmas."
"Tight drumming and solid coordination are built at slow tempos, not fast tempos."
"It's essentially just a reverse Grand Prix; you're down a tempo, so there are some differences, but in many cases, you'll still have these attacking ideas on the Kingside."
"It's about control, it's about a good tempo, it's about doing things with good form."
"Speed implies that things seem fast or slow according to whether or not they are in rhythm."
"Again, can't play anything fast you can't play slow, take your time on that."
"Conducting consistently at tempo 50 is actually really hard, anything under tempo 60 is really hard to maintain because it's slower than a second and you tend to rush a little bit, which he didn't do, so kudos to him for conducting marvelously as usual."
"Being able to be slow and sensitive and feel that swing and really slow time... is just really the best of the best."
"You talk about people who came in and influenced that group in a positive way about how we wanted to play and fast tempo."
"One should take one's time with everything, do everything at one's own pace."
"The animation is really, really slow because we need our animation to be kind of slow to get the slow organic effect."
"He's the living breathing percussive click track on this."
"The slowest possible tempo of 33 beats per minute is often linked to something called the perceptual present."
"...I just came to really love those tempos and leaving lots of space and just playing a big note and letting it be."
"Black is developing his pieces with tempo and this is something which is quite important to learn."
"You can actually have a different BPM for every single song in your set."
"Don't think that every combination has to be forcing; it's just about being energetic, gaining tempos, activating pieces."
"What a workout, that was amazing tempo."
"The great thing about this game is you've actually got two teams that love playing quick tempo rugby."
"Play a tempo, play with a purpose, play with confidence."
"Blues and boogie almost sound the same, but boogie is played a little faster."
"I love classical music with a fast tempo; it is so upbeat."
"Given the right tempos, you can actually harmonize with your own echoes."
"Keep on going and don't slow down, that's what matters, that you pick a tempo and then you maintain it."
"Things feel very smooth and slow; actually, you don't feel like you're moving frantically independent of tempo."
"This is amazing tempo of yours; you're not holding back, you're not wasting your time, right?"
"The tempo is at 140 beats per minute, it has a medium swing feel."
"It's useful to play along with a musical file at a tempo you're comfortable with in order to learn a piece."
"Make sure you go with a slow and controlled tempo."
"A metronome is our worst enemy and our best friend. You need to have a sense of tempo, and that is something that needs time to develop in you."
"The lower your BPM, the faster and shorter your melody should be."
"The faster your BPM, the slower and longer your melody should be."
"This piece is called Anxiety. It's just silence but it keeps getting faster."
"Allegro ma non troppo, which means Allegro but not so much."
"Sometimes the end of the world is just one tempo away."
"Developing with a Tempo is a very, very important Concept in the opening."
"It's important to be able to play all 12 of those scales in tempo."
"They're willing to be patient with you... not trying to rush things."
"It's gonna dictate how you cut your footage, lay it over top of the music, and it's gonna dictate the tempo and pace."
"Something like this played at a quick tempo absolutely does sound like there's two things going on at once."
"Tempo is the speed at which the beats occur."