
Spiritual Openness Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The Lord desires to pour out his mercy in abundance on you, possibly more than any other day of the entire year."
"Open your heart chakra, opening your heart space, having your heart wide open to love."
"Don't close your heart. Be open to what God is doing right now."
"David had such a willingness and a desire to say 'Search me O God and know my heart.'"
"I open myself to you, and I rebuke doubt and fear."
"When you're open to receiving those signs you're also open to letting more joy and light into your life."
"Even though it may have been offered to a false deity, it is still a creature of God."
"You have to have eyes to see this, you have to have ears to hear this, and you have to have a heart that's willing to realize that maybe you were wrong about some of your Christian perceptions of our nation."
"Advaita is not for erasing our experience of the universe. It's for being open to every manifestation in the universe."
"I want to marry a man that will give me peace. I want peace."
"Behold, I've set before you an open door that no man can shut."
"Christ is the open door to all those who believe."
"As we begin to pray and intercede, heaven will open wide on our lives, on our ministry, on people's lives."
"We may have the desire to connect, the desire to include, but we can never really know the form in which the miracle will come through."
"You can't be in charge of the miracle, but you can be willing to let it come through you."
"The Earth itself has an open heart toward wherever an entity may be in their seeking and advancement."
"Opening yourself up so that you can receive it from divine, from the universe."
"I hope that people will be at least willing to ask themselves, 'Is there something God wants me to say yes to?'"
"It's about surrendering to the path of this and opening up to energetic shifts."
"We shared our message, you shared yours. At the end of the day, it's in God's hands."
"You can only be an inspiration, a beacon of light, and those who are ready and open can align with you."
"We have to look at what's good in the past and what's worth celebrating and talk about that."
"It is up to us to have eyes to see and ears to hear."
"The door to union needs to be open, the energies are flowing, rushing in."
"God alone has the ability to get inside your mind if you're willing to open up."
"Universe, I'm available to you. What would you have me do? What do you need from me?"
"When you get to that place where you say, 'This is something I never saw myself doing. This is something I never saw myself dealing with,' just turn your palms to your Father like this and say, 'Surprise me, God.'"
"Trust in the process and remain open to the signs and synchronicities."
"I open my heart to the universe. I believe only positive experiences are coming to me."
"God, I'm all-in, do whatever you want with me."
"Surrender to miracles because they're coming towards you."
"I allow every energy in, whether it's a demon, Satan, or Lucifer."
"He gives his heart so completely, so preposterously... yet he opens up and allows us in every time."
"I'm open to receiving Divine wisdom and knowledge."
"Lord, I'm ready for open air, I'm ready to walk in the favor that open heavens bring."
"I want to be a place where the Holy Spirit can work. Make me a house of prayer." - Ephesians 2:18-22
"The Holy Spirit does not want closedness, he wants openness and welcoming communities."
"Being open to enlightenment and expressing your inner song."
"Surrender to wonder and awe. Open to the magic of every moment and sense the awe and wonder in all life."
"Open your heart to let God in, let heaven reign in you in preparation for heaven in the afterlife."
"The universe responds to the light of your heart; open your arms to receive."
"By the grace of God, foundations have been laid right from Wednesday. I believe our spirit man is really open to receive and to be blessed."
"I believe that the gospel of grace makes you generous, it opens up your heart."
"We stand with open hands under an open heaven."
"As you face dense energies and they are therefore dissolved, you are more open, you're more expanded."
"We ask you, Allah, to open up the doors for us."
"Expect God to speak through almost anything."
"To laugh, to love, to burst open our hearts and let our souls fly free."
"Whoever you want to bless, Lord, you can bless through me."
"You need to tune in to your intuition, okay? You need to be open to the divine, you need to see the forest before the trees."
"Allow the universe to open the doors for you."
"If all were willing, all would be filled with Holy Spirit."
"Invite the universe to wow you. Bring on the Miracles."
"Let spirit come in and let that love in." - David Palmer
"Open your arms to receiving. You've prayed for help, now be open to accepting it."
"Gratitude is the key that opens up the gateway of the heart and allows love to come out."
"You cannot receive a miracle with bitterness inside of your heart."
"Open up our hearts and our minds with a clear understanding."
"We throw open our doors to God and discover at the very same moment that He has already thrown open His door to us."
"When your spirit is open, you can take wisdom and take knowledge and take the encouragement."
"For those who have an open heart and mind and want to receive what Jesus is saying, they'll be given more, and the parables will draw them in."
"Holy Spirit, open our hearts to the ministry of your word."
"Please use me so that I may see the world differently, to bring a blessing."
"We're living under an open heavens."
"The doors of repentance are always open."
"It is safe for you to see the energy of love in all of its forms, such as Angels, auras, and visions."
"God is one and we are one with God, so He is within us, and when we knock the door will be open to us."
"I want to open up every area of my heart to you... Fill me with your Holy Spirit and bring me into this New Covenant."
"I open up my heart and my spirit to receive the impartation that positions me to manifest this Kingdom Authority."
"When you live a blameless lifestyle... you are open to receive every blessing that God has for you."
"I'm not a superstitious person, and I know that not all spirits are bad."
"The combination of Edwin's openness to spirits and numerous attempts to contact the spirit world created the perfect storm and catalyst for an especially intense haunting."
"Let's open our hearts and make room for the Holy Spirit to make His presence conspicuous in our midst."
"Prayer opens the door that the father may do for you what he is wanting to do the whole while."
"The heart that is open is when Allah casts light into the heart and causes it to expand and you feel ease."
"When Heaven opens, angels are dispatched, they bring you the blessing."
"Come with your doubts, come with your questions, but mostly come with your heart."
"I'm not agnostic, I'm just about energy and good feelings."
"May our ears be open, may our minds be open, may our hearts be open to receive what You want to tell us."
"We are being asked to protect our energies while keeping our hearts open to signs sent by the universe's vastness."
"Lord, I repent of my sins. Wash me, cleanse me tonight. Tonight, I open my heart and I let You in."