
Crash Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Suddenly, the troubled UFO lost altitude and crashed to the ground at a distance of about 500 meters away from him."
"Putting those two together I'm thinking it's extremely important for us to study the Scrolls."
"If a UFO actually crashed then it had to be something that is solid material."
"Folks, this is the biggest mania in history and it's gonna end up with the biggest disaster in history, the biggest crash in history."
"I think I'm crashing right now because of the massive amount of caffeine and sugar I put into my body today."
"Every single time a market crashes, two things happen."
"The rescuing of passengers continued throughout the night because of the lack of fuel on board, there was no fire at the crash site."
"...the stock market crashed. The S&P 500 fell by more than 50% over the course of the year."
"Not one of these crashes was the fault of the plane."
"Your mind has to be right, your body has to be right, and if it's not, then you're going to crash. I mean, you're just going to crash, you know?"
"I just wanted to chat because, you know, that feeling when you're having so much fun, yes, when you're so hungover and you're and you know the crash is coming inevitably hard."
"The app would crash when you search for people."
"The best way to minimize the effects of a crash is to simply not have one."
"If we're in a crash and you can't figure this out . . . you deserve to die."
"The investigation revealed that the combination of the severe weather conditions and the challenging terrain played a significant role in the crash."
"Despite not having an internal combustion engine to help absorb frontal impact in a crash, this electric XC40 remains one of the safest cars in the class."
"So is the real estate market crashing here in Southern California? Well, at least in the neighborhoods that we looked at the answer is no for now it looks like we hit a soft Landing in some of these areas for now."
"Every market crash and market crashes, in my view, are something that are a normal part of the process. You just have to learn to accept them if you're gonna be in the market and enjoy the long-term gains that it can provide."
"I really don't like the caffeine crash particularly around 2PM is when it hits and that's frustrating."
"The left flapper on... suggests that the pilot tried to ditch the plane smoothly on water rather than crashing it vertically."
"2023 crash and recession did not happen."
"A mere 10 minutes after Spitfire went live, Beatport crashed from the sheer amount of site traffic."
"The crash of 1929 was devastating to the US economy, to say the least, and ushered in the Great Depression."
"...I've started waiting an hour and a half after waking to drink it and now I don't get that crash..."
"A badly designed Soap Box seems destined to crash."
"The ship crashed into the bridge, taking the whole thing down."
"This defect may affect the crash worthiness of the vehicle seat strength and the driver's body in the event of a car crash."
"...this crash remains to be one of the more infamous crashes on this list."
"...this moment is hands down Monster Jam's most iconic and craziest crash of all time."
"I could see that coming from a mile away I mean at least you know it didn't look that bad of a crash definitely bad enough to injure him but I don't think that was enough to kill him."
"A replay of kleinco's Crash before transitioning to a neat point of view from Kai as he wakes up in the crash and gets out of his vehicle."
"The carbon fibers after a crash seem to be puncturing these tires because they're very sharp pieces of the bodywork."
"When the crash came, it didn't break my step."
"The best Liberty is the inability to crash, and that's what happens when we get to heaven."
"Passengers report that in the final seconds before the crash, the plane hit what felt like turbulence."
"We finished with him getting well getting better after his crash and now it's sort of a new chapter again now he's in Greece he's going back to the war and we'll carry on."
"Crash is Looney Tunes, it's not trying to be some edgy, you know, edgy but safe edgy."
"...it tickles all the right neurotransmitters to give you the flow and jitter-free energy with absolutely zero crash."
"If you're looking at the crash, where you don't want to go, you will hit the car in front of you."
"We have had, for example, a crash in 1929, a terrible crash that gave us a depression that's what it's called that lasted for 11 years roughly from '29 to '41..."
"If your dream is a housing crash that will level the financial playing field, that's probably only going to make things worse."
"Also kudos to this game for causing the video game Crash of 1983."
"By 1983, that market had grown to over 3.2 billion dollars of revenue until suddenly it all came tumbling down."
"Often referred to as the video game crash of 1983, this event saw revenues drop to around a hundred million dollars over the course of two years."
"It led to what some people consider to be the first stock market crash."
"In my opinion, there's only one way this ends, and that's in a brutal deflationary crash."
"...she's not a water goddess, that in fact she's a girl and she had just survived a plane crash and she really needed their help."
"The next crash will probably germinate in a different corner of the financial ecosystem before spreading."
"Just like all other crashes in history, they come swift out of nowhere."
"It was the first plane crash in commercial history because of a software bug."
"We have apparent signs of UFO crashes occurring in close proximity to places where high-end energy research has been performed."