
Regression Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Regression to the mean is one I wish more people understood."
"We're going back to the Dark Ages in a sense."
"It's all about that. That's what's so shocking is that we're actually going backwards."
"Why do you think after all these years, after being the front runner of cannabis, and representing such a free place... why would they want to go backwards in cannabis?"
"That's not an improvement, that's a step backwards."
"We are regressing, the club has got no ambition to win titles."
"Now I'm running for Congress because we're going backwards on national security health care and women's rights"
"Many consider The Sims 4 a step backwards compared to the third iteration of the game."
"You can't watch this video and not feel a little sad by how much 2042 has regressed."
"The worst thing in life is to be somewhere, grow and then go backwards."
"If you antagonize people along racial lines, if you antagonize people along sexuality lines, you end up with a position where we actually start to roll back some of the advances we've had."
"I think there's going to be a step back for Josh Allen."
"It just felt like we've went back 30 40 50 years with regards to the rhetoric being espoused."
"We are not just dividing as a country, we're developing, we're moving backwards."
"We're not moving forward, we're going backwards."
"Everything is inversed; we began as technologically advanced and got more primitive."
"Regression testing's purpose is to make sure whatever used to work is still working."
"Wouldn't that be a terrible thing if the world got sent back to the Stone Age and then all of those terrible things started happening?"
"We're not building anything sustainable, we're regressing."
"Every time in recorded human history when freedoms are limited, humanity usually digresses."
"You can't take one step forward and then take 10 steps back on the policy."
"If you find the transparency levels that you used to have are regressing, this could be a sign of an issue."
"Black people are the only demographic that have a better chance of regressing financially instead of progressing."
"The narcissist is reduced by mortification back to a childhood state."
"The consistent rollback of civil rights protections in multiple departments."
"I'm going to regress to my childhood and play with my toy true infinity and beyond."
"When he's walking around the world and he's not stressed out he can act like a 24-year-old but when he's stressed out he decompensates he regresses to an earlier point in his life."
"The communists have regressed to pre-toddler positions."
"I'm in therapy now I hadn't been going to therapy for quite a while and just in a few months of not being in therapy I feel like I was already backsliding."
"When you curtail free speech it becomes regressive to society."
"Beings trying to regress humanity into a state where we're not sovereign anymore are seeking to control and feed on us."
"We're regressing, we are regressing, we need to come together again."
"I'm like a five-year-old child in it in an adult body... I had a really difficult childhood and for most of it I wasn't able to be a child."
"It's funny though because as much as we progress we regress because like so you know back in the day you used to go to a butcher shop for me you used to go to a fishery for you know all these things were separated and then now we have supermarkets."
"250 years ago, they recognized immunity from prior infection, but we've gone more than 250 years backwards because we don't recognize immunity that's conferred from an infection."
"Linear regression is just looking at samples and fitting a line to those samples."
"The coefficient of determination tells us how much error is eliminated by our regression line."
"The most likely outcome is for him to remain similar or possibly take a step back just because he was so phenomenal."
"18 years after Hurricane Katrina this total failure of leadership it's not enough to destroy a presidency anymore or even damage a political party this is what regression looks like."
"For the one step Mulan took Disney forward, the sequel took them five steps back."
"These residuals should be normally distributed around this line of best fit."
"R squared is equal to one minus RSS over TSS."
"This is what a line of best fit through this data would look like."
"Civilizations don't always progress; they sometimes regress."
"I kind of fell back in my old ways, partied even more, did way more drugs."
"The concept of regression goes back to the mathematician Gauss."
"I think the only cure for a society is going to be going backwards to the 45 LP."
"We are literally going backwards in time."
"The devil's objective is to make you go backward, to build up again the things you destroy, right."
"We take two steps forward, we take five steps back."
"...this person wants you to go back to having like nothing..."
"Shame is actually the most common reason that I see people backslide."
"You're now entering Louisiana. Set your watches back 20 years."
"It's amazing how these cars have suddenly slid back."
"Regression encompasses two mechanisms: inward regression and backward regression."
"The fantasy of regressing back to the womb is a fantasy of regressing back to safety, becoming your own secure base again, totally self-sufficient."
"If we stall out, that will over time lead to regression."
"The narcissist regresses you to infancy."
"Humans chose to descend back into chaos again."
"This disappointing moment when the minions seem to revert back to having no useful powers whatsoever."
"He regresses to a prior form... he comes back in his perfect body but even stronger as super perfect cell."
"If you're not moving forward, you're actually going backwards."
"Non-progress, anti-progress. Every time you have a dream, you see yourself where you used to live in your former apartments, it speaks of backwardness in your life."
"It's kind of like they ain't even getting better, like, you would be like if they getting better, fo getting worse."
"Regressing society back to the 50s and advocating for such a narrow, limited view of masculinity is hardly the liberation from an oppressive hierarchy you think it is."
"We have a whole world returning to the pit of their past because they have no vision."
"But it is a step backwards and very off-putting."
"If you're trying to use regression to predict the return of the market, typically the accuracy of predicting the signs suffers. So I would prefer classification."
"Regression: a regression tree is used when the target variable is numerical or continuous in nature."
"So anyway, I'm going upstairs now to change her nappy, but yeah, if anyone else is going through a regression or just going through any sort of feeling like you're taking a million steps back when it comes to your baby, I hope you know you're not alone."
"Regression testing helps us avoid regressing to a broken state and discovering bugs."
"The big way in which we've gone backwards is that there are more animals in industrial animal production now than ever before."
"Progress is not a given, it can go backwards."
"We're going backwards. We're de-evolving."
"I think the way people get treated in this country is like getting worse, and it should be getting better."
"Just disappointed when you're going backwards that fast."
"A really critical time to make sure that we don't step backwards."
"If you take away freedom in general and the freedom to use fossil fuels in particular, you can have regression."
"Relapse indicates that the old behaviors have returned."
"We use multiple pieces of information so that we can predict our one continuous value."
"Technology has made me realize, probably for the first time in modern warfare history, we've gone backwards."
"Starfield is the de-evolution of Bethesda."
"The placebo effect... just fully regressed to their original numbers."
"...we're right back to mediocrity..."
"Somebody is utilizing hypnosis, some type of regression."
"So right before I left, he would always invite people over all the time that were pretty strong. They would come in and they wouldn't be there long and next thing you know, they'd leave, they would actually start going backwards."
"Wouldn't it be great if the coronavirus made children regress in age just for temporarily?"
"that's what kind of pisses me off because then it's it's it's like they're moving backwards and forward at the same time"
"The main advantages of Lasso regression are solving overfitting, indirectly performing feature selection, and improving the predictive accuracy of the model."
"I think we're regressing faster than we think we are, and it's a horrifying thought."
"Regression models are one of the major tools that statisticians use because they help us describe relationships between two variables."
"You know, we didn't come this far for us to just kind of go back to, you know, segregation. It's a step back."
"I think reversion to the mean is one of the most powerful forces in the universe."
"Linear regression is a straight line, whereas logistic regression is a sigmoid function."
"We'll be taking a one-way road back into the Stone Age for ourselves and our children and their children."
"We're going to go ahead and try to run a regression problem about the medium household value in the area."
"If there's a regression... if over the course of the next couple days you're like, ‘Oh, like shit's getting worse,’ well then that's a pretty obvious thing."
"Reconstruction was a revolution that went backwards."
"Rush is going backwards, not forwards when it comes to gay rights."
"Reversion to norm is a very, very powerful force."
"He became worse, actually, when he got back."
"Though it may feel like you're going backwards, though it may feel like you're regressing, this is actually an important indication of growth. Many people do not make the choice to deliberately and consciously make that change in their lives."
"We shoved everybody back one to three life stages."
"Decades of hard-won progress getting turned back in a very short period of time."
"You won't admit it, but we long to regress to shed our adult exterior and vent the childish emotions that linger beneath the surface."
"Drake revolutionized the infrastructure of the music industry, but it changed from growth to a horrible, irreversible regression."
"I don't think that's possible. If you're not improving, then by default you have to be getting worse."
"It just felt like too much of a step back."
"Giddy man has definitely taken a step back."
"We are coming on to the dark ages of the process era."
"So, it probably stopped short of that, but I suppose there's always the opportunity to wind the clock back."
"What happens if you stop? You go back to where you were."
"It looks like we've taken a step backward now."
"If somebody is shooting his lowest percentages since 2019 all across the board, having the most amount of turnovers he's ever had in his whole entire career, how is that not regressing?"
"...let's go ahead and dig in and create some actual useful linear regression models so that we can predict values and have a better profit."
"I just can't believe that we have come to this. I just can't believe so many steps backwards."
"You may feel like you're positively going backwards."
"The easiest way by far for this one, oh my God, I put three exclamation points next to it, is to just use the Desmos regression."
"The good thinking smart people are propelling culture forward very quickly, and the sort of regressive frightened people are trying to hold it back."
"Progression is foreign for those content with standing in regression."
"When uncertainty in regression estimates can be tied to company bottom lines, then we've got a good reason to do that."
"This felt like such a regression."
"There's going to be days where you have regression."
"I think things were getting better and they're not getting better now."
"Hatred only brings you down to their level. You find you're going backward, not forwards."
"Symbolic regression is essentially finding analytic expressions that fit a dataset."
"We're not only back to square one, but we are even further back. We're kind of minus square one or two or three."
"I think we hit a peak and now we're going backwards."
"One step forward, six steps back."
"They just revert back to their old ways."
"Uninvent progress is like an autoimmune disease of the academic culture."
"It's the line that has the smallest mean squared error between the prediction and the ground truth."
"...the slope of this regression at least based on this 5-year period is 1.25... B is are estimates they're not facts... they tend to form ranges because that's what you get from a regression."
"Modification is regression of the narcissist back to borderline condition."
"An average of 100 bad regression betas can actually give you a good beta for a business."
"In statistical literature, these methods are called penalized regression. You can see why or Ridge regression which is the method one uses when multicollinearity is a concern."
"You now know how to perform a simple linear regression test in Microsoft Excel and how to interpret the output of results."
"The smaller the standard error, the more precise the linear regression model is."
"The curse of irresistible progress is irresistible regression."
"Regression trees are a type of decision tree where each leaf represents a numeric value."
"For regression, if we are trying to find some continuous values, you use regression; whereas if you're trying to find some discrete values, you use classification."
"It's like he had a taste of freedom, and then just after that, everything just went back to what it was before."
"Once the electromagnetic pulse hits and knocks out the power grid, we're knocked back into Amish times."
"Regression is when an individual retreats to a behavior pattern characteristic of an earlier stage of development."
"That would force the world to go backwards and everything come undone."
"We're literally moving backwards as a society."
"The most disturbing thing to me is after decades of increasing the franchise, more has been done since the 2010 elections to reverse the expansion of the franchise than at any time since I was a teenager."
"Gaussian processes are useful for regression, they are definitely the gold standard if you're interested in predicting with error bars."
"When it hits that extreme, there's a high probability that it's going to move back towards its mean."
"The health crisis consequences could undo several years of progress for the poor."
"In investing and finance, if you're going to build a regression, those independent variables have to start with common sense, intuition, and an economic model."
"Ultimately, we're going to use these regressions for predictions; you got to make sure that you are in fact checking for statistical significance and more importantly for economic significance."
"There are two main types of problems in machine learning: classification and regression."
"Once you know how to use a linear regression, you could very easily just replace the word linear regression with ridge, and you're still going to be able to do all your machine learning stuff correctly."
"We use logistic regression to build a model for this."
"Supervised learning uses techniques like classification and regression."
"We are going to use a lasso regression model."
"Ordinary least squares chooses the values of the intercept and slope parameters that minimize the residual sum of squares."
"It's insane that we're going all the way back to the way things were in 1970. It's a war on women."
"When we use this linear regression line to try to predict the price of a house based on its size, we're typically off by about thirteen thousand dollars."
"You either evolve or you regress into obscurity."
"The goal of regression is to produce mathematical equations that not only describe the relationships between variables but also provide us a basis for predicting future events based upon past observations."
"Classification predicts categorical, discrete, unordered labels, whereas regression analysis is most often used for numeric prediction."
"As technology has gotten better, we've only gotten worse."
"R squared is going to measure how well the regression line approximates the data points."
"Instruments... determine the endogenous regressor but it only affects the dependent variable through its effects on the independent variables."
"Logistic regression is used when we have a binomial outcome."
"Be careful of reversion to the mean."
"The coefficients in the main matrix are estimated by OLS (Ordinary Least Squares)."
"Varying effects are really good default and, I believe, the majority of the time when scientists are doing some kind of regression problem with repeat observations and clusters, varying effects are usually what they need to use."
"Regression testing is the technique or the testing type which is performed to ensure that the existing functionality of the software or application works as expected."
"If the residuals are not random, we have a non-linear relationship and cannot use the linear regression model."
"Multiple linear regression is just a sum of univariate regressions."
"We are going backwards, we are talibaning this country."
"The method of least squares finds the line that minimizes the variation or error around the regression line."
"The assumptions of simple linear regression include linearity, independence, normality, and equal variance."
"We always want to see children progress forward in their milestones, but with catastrophic epilepsy, we see the opposite."
"The idea behind multinomial regression models is that it's basically an extension of the binary logistic regression model."
"Sometimes progress goes in reverse, and nothing attests to the sheer brutality of World War I than the trench club."
"In regression, we define what is called a dependent variable and that is the variable we are trying to predict."
"The term 'simple' refers to the number of independent variables we are using; in simple regression, we have only one independent variable and one dependent variable."
"The term 'linear' means fitting a straight line."
"We can also use more than one independent variable when we feel it will help with the fit of the model."
"Beta knot is the Y intercept which means it is where the line would cross over the Y axis."
"The slope tells us two things: whether the line is increasing or decreasing and how steep it is."
"As good as our model is, there is always a random error term that cannot be accounted for."
"Least squares provides the best linear unbiased estimator."
"You can do analysis like we did earlier; we can calculate a regression that looks like linear data to me."
"Regression is a supervised learning problem where you're given examples of instances whose X and Y values are given, and you have to learn a function, so that given an unknown X, you have to predict Y."
"Teaching dogs really at all levels is about taking two steps forward and one step back."
"Testing is about making sure that whenever you do change something, you don't cause some kind of regression."
"Logistic regression is a really useful tool for modeling data which is sort of the other way around to what we're used to."
"MARS is a nonparametric regression technique and can be seen as an extension of linear models that automatically models nonlinearities and interactions between variables."
"Multiple regression is a more realistic representation of the real world."
"Best subsets regression examines all possible combinations of feature variables."
"We remember beta hat is X transpose X inverse times X transpose Y."
"When an independent variable is categorical, we use dummy variable regression."
"In logistic regression, the dependent variable may only assume two discrete values."
"For instance, a bank might like to develop an estimated regression equation for predicting whether a person will be approved for a credit card or not."
"The logistic regression equation is ideally suited to model the probability that the dependent variable is equal to one."