
Hiring Practices Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"If you want to know the cost of hiring somebody expensive, hire somebody cheap."
"Higher slow, do 3-hour interviews... the higher the position, the slower you should hire."
"I focus on strengths-based hiring. If you think I'm terrible at relationships, fine, don't take my relationship advice."
"Hiring manager interviews will always pick a candidate whom they feel they can trust over a candidate who has better experiences and skill sets."
"I've made some hires that weren't the best... but I've got an amazing team around me."
"It's way more painful to hire the wrong person than to spend time hiring the right person."
"This is why you don't do diversity hires hunties."
"I don't hire people who are sycophants or who have my opinion."
"For me, I would like to see if in a school like that, for them, the thing about hiring new educators who are of color that do understand this."
"Anti-bias training should be required for people on a university hiring committee."
"If hiring is important, you should probably pick Next."
"We have not made offers to very qualified competent people because they were nasty to our driver."
"Hope is not a strategy, not hiring unless the applicant is perfect."
"I need to take action and ensure that black engineers are hired... because when the black people that are brilliant are separated from our culture we forget who we are."
"Hire people based on whether they can do the job, not whether they wear a tight dress."
"Resumes are a terrible way to find top talent, this AI face scanning isn't any better."
"When you start hiring people based on political ideology instead of talent, merit, skill..."
"People who can hire other great people... I actually spend about a third of the interview asking questions designed to ascertain whether or not they can hire great people."
"My thing is hire the best person, let them do their job."
"Terrifying to hire in America today if you ask the wrong questions in an interview you're going to get yourself a lawsuit but if you don't ask those questions you're going to get a bad culture fit and then you're going to get a lawsuit."
"Google, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world, is gonna cut down massively on hiring."
"What's the point of having a salary range if you're going to eliminate people who are requesting a salary in that range?"
"This is getting stupid. Tech hiring is broken."
"We heard that we should go back to Trump's hiring procedures... we should hire people on Merit you know."
"People don't like to be told what to do... we hire really smart people."
"Film crews should pick the best people for the job, period."
"Shout outs to all my business owners, man. Treat your people right and know who you're hiring, bro. Just be careful out there."
"People should be hired based on their talent, nothing else."
"Some people keep saying, 'Well how come many people keep hiring him?'"
"How is hiring unqualified writers any different? Football needs more Asians."
"You shouldn't hire somebody like John Brennan or James Clapper you should hire somebody competent."
"Hire for attitude, especially in the beginning, because you're going to go on this kind of really large journey of learning and people are just going to need to adapt constantly."
"We have a problem with hiring game designers to do the game design job."
"Our hiring process is absolutely rigorous. We're still going to have high-quality teachers. We're just being intentional about making sure that we're bringing diverse candidates into the interview process."
"It's both. I think it's in the hiring, making sure that they align with your vision, whether it's short term or long term, that alignment is really important. Hire slow, fire fast."
"A players hire A plus players. Hire people smarter than you. Hire people more talented than you."
"Companies can jerk job Seekers around, make them jump through endless hoops, pull offers at the last minute... a terrible experience."
"Companies stopped hiring Uyghurs out of fear, not because of slave labor accusations."
"Your best engineer is only as good as your interview process."
"The president's going to be taking a major step forward at the end of this meeting in ending the bias against skills-based hiring in the federal government."
"If a company is hinging exclusively on the basis of creating a diverse workforce... they should hire based solely on Merit."
"We only want to hire people who are really they get our mission they're all in on our mission."
"Diversity is incredibly important to our team and our company so we're looking at only diverse hires at this time."
"Leaders would do very well to hire for attitude and temperament wildly before skills."
"I think it would make sense to hire a female filmmaker."
"Hiring people who actually like the source material is really a good start too, what a concept."
"It's like Marvel had magic in their hiring process for a while and they just don't really have it right now."
"But fundamentally it's like Marvel had magic in their hiring process for a while and they just don't really have it right now."
"They hired rafts of people to check boxes, hired without merit and more for their activism than their actual skills."
"So, I mean what's your thoughts on this whole Rooney Rule thing? What is your thoughts on the NFL Troy Vincent doing this right now in 2020?"
"Disney didn't even hire animators unless it was absolutely necessary."
"Hiring well is learning how to figure out who had the right characteristics to be great."
"You have to surround yourself with the best possible people... hire slow, fire fast."
"When you hire one person at a time, you hire for conformity. When you hire five people in a group, you go much broader."
"Leaders raise the performance bar with every hiring and promotion."
"People in charge want to be in charge, and they don't know as much as somebody they might hire that may know as much."
"Making the new employee really excited about doing the work, which is why you hired that person in the first place."
"It became very important that when I hired somebody on, I had this conversation that I had practiced over time."
"If you hire on any criteria other than competency, you will get less competency."
"You're fired. I respect you guys. Okay, you're hired now."
"Hiring based on gender rather than merit is a recipe for failure."
"We hired you because you're you, not because you're a robot or an automaton."
"People hire people like themselves; people buy from people like themselves; people date people like themselves; people lend money to people like themselves, and so on ad infinitum."
"79% of workers in hiring managers said that skills, experience, and past accomplishments are more valuable than credentials and education."
"We hire for attitude, train for skill."
"We never yell at anyone, and we hire people that are not the types that would yell at people."
"Hire for people for their skills, not just their degrees."
"Business only hires if it likes the return on equity, it's going to pay too much they just won't hire anybody."