
Societal Awakening Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Stop buying into this consumerism... people need to wake up from that reality."
"Just see it guys, just see it, know it's there, and then hopefully as time goes on you can wake more and more people up to that fact."
"Beauty and wonder...slowly but surely you realize how corrupt the whole system is."
"I love the stories of people waking up and getting red pilled."
"When the lies are so brazen and overt, that it wakes people up for you, I'm like okay, you know I'm not gonna cry about it."
"You have to trust your common sense... there's a new majority coming along, people are waking up."
"I truly love the exhilaration of feeling like we are all beginning to wake up out of a suppressed state."
"It saddens me that everybody woke up because of Harvey Weinstein. On the other hand, thank God we've woken up."
"How many have chosen to believe blindly supporting official narratives?"
"People are waking up to what this ruling class has done to them."
"It's about all of us waking up to how the world has been a lie."
"They just have to keep dribbling it out... more and more people have to be awake."
"People are now getting attuned to the realities, to the facts, and they're not going to let the government fool them again."
"That's the end of us if we don't wake up and realize what's happening to us."
"Humanity is waking up, and the crazier it gets out there, the faster humanity will wake up."
"Humanity is waking up through all of this that's being revealed right."
"This is about the people waking up and realizing it's a global problem."
"Perfectly rational, reasonable people who had been asleep, who had been f*cking asleep and I mean asleep watching The Bachelor, asleep, are starting to wake up now."
"People are waking up, realizing the emperor has no clothes, and saying we don't want you guys in charge anymore."
"Donald Trump is the symptom he's a manifestation and so I'm running for president because we need to wake up Americans."
"It's insane. Someone needs to say it's insane out loud and break the spell, the hypnotism."
"We need to be pillars of light while this awakening happens."
"More and more people are waking up. I really believe that."
"2020 is a revelation for a lot of white people."
"Saturn in Aquarius really slapped some people awake."
"I think there is a slow awakening happening and it's not just so-called New Age or fringe authors and researchers."
"We are coming to a time in our history in our present known as the awakening. People are just tapping into information, people are tapping into the truth, people are tapping into what has previously been hidden from us."
"We are entering a period because people are beginning to awaken."
"The totality of what's unfolding can no longer be rationally denied."
"The world is waking up as a service to others world."
"When bad things happen, the only positive thing is it wakes people up."
"I'm challenging you to be the mosquito that wakes America up."
"I see more and more people rising up no longer simply accepting fuzzy thinking in the world."
"The truth is slowly coming out, and as we see it coming out, we now see the lies and deceit."
"The failure of the federal government is freeing us, their inability to perform their job well is going to wake all of us up."
"Once people understand what's going on, I think this thing will crumble quite quickly. It just needs a few more people."
"In 2020, the veil of all of these elite is coming down, people are seeing them for who they are."
"Now the people are rising up and going, 'Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.'"
"The revival is not on the way, it's already here. The awakening is already here."
"I think you out there are feeling it as well. We're on the cusp of something, and people are waking up."
"It's about disclosure truths coming to light awakenings of people and the awakenings often happen as a result of the truths coming to light."
"Humanity is awakening. They ain't gonna stop us."
"There really is a widespread awakening amongst a large section of the population that something deeply transformative is happening here."
"2020 is approaching and the vision is very clear everybody's wakening up and they understand that the system is totally against us."
"It's no longer about being woke, it's about waking up."
"It's gonna be shocking to people when they wake up to really what's going on."
"More people are waking up right now more than ever."
"If people do wake up, if they realize that the billionaire-owned media is making us blame each other, then it's all over for them."
"People are waking up and asking how is this possible."
"Feminism represents opening our eyes when we’ve been living with them shut."
"Humanity is awakening to its interconnectedness and the illusion of separateness."
"The only thing they fear is public awakening. No more fear."
"This is an Awakening time. We have to start doing things that show that we know who we are."
"Exposing the fake news, conspiracies, and corruption within institutions that govern our lives and red-pilling the nation's one fact at a time."
"It's like a heartbreak, a breakup, but on a massive scale, popping out of the matrix."
"The real change comes when enough people just wake up to what's going on and they just say it and they stand their ground."
"There really is a massive awakening taking place... people are really waking up to the system."
"First indictment to be unsealed will trigger mass population awakening."
"Why are people awakening from the dream that you have to spend your whole life tyrannized by labor?"
"Ideally, in an ideal world, we need everybody to wake up."
"People are starting to wake up, really understand things, or at least entertain information that they once would not have."