
Seniors Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Remember those people around you who may well be; remember those seniors with underlying health conditions."
"In the United States of America, no senior should ever have to choose between whether they are able to fill a prescription or fill the refrigerator with food."
"No senior should ever have to choose between medicine and food."
"Our seniors are going to be saving an average of 66% in their insulin cost...this is nothing short of a godsend."
"Many seniors are forced to work beyond the retirement age to no fault of their own."
"Independence... I think that is so important for seniors but also for everyone."
"The fact that we're going to have seniors get dental, vision, and hearing in some ways is a big deal."
"You are the poster child for senior Fitness."
"I would dedicate policies to making sure that seniors and people living with disabilities are respected."
"Our job is not to cut social security... our job must be to expand social security so that every senior citizen in America can retire with dignity." - Bernie Sanders
"This is the stimulus check that seniors have been waiting for. We need this $1400 stimulus check to take care of seniors, to take care of those who are on SSI and SSDI."
"Seniors specifically need a bigger monthly payment to cover the increased cost of living."
"Seniors live on a fixed income, and inflation keeps making things more and more expensive."
"We gotta take care of our senior citizens."
"Chronic loneliness among seniors increases the odds of early death by about 20%, highlighting the need for community care."
"Three of the four seniors at least we'll get another swing."
"How Edgewater Hospital targeted vulnerable seniors for profit."
"This is a special moment because as a young person you look up to the seniors."
"If a senior can live within their means, that's huge."
"People over 50 in the United States generate seven point six trillion dollars annually in economic activity."
"Seniors will be paying no more than $2,000 a year out of pocket for prescription drugs."
"Scams affect all Americans but seniors are more susceptible to them and often are so embarrassed that they're unwilling to admit to authorities or their loved ones that they've been ripped off."
"Imagine a future with affordable childcare, paid leave, home care for seniors, and people living with disabilities. Tonight, let's all agree to stand up for seniors."
"Seniors apparently love virtual reality. Wow, yeah, well, why not? They can be young again. This sure is better than my real reality, where am I? My back doesn't hurt."
"Seniors were everything, it was all team."
"Love of these four seniors for each other is really been remarkable to watch."
"For seniors, it really does go a long way."
"Going back to school makes him feel young, and he thinks more seniors should do it."
"Senior citizens are one of our most valuable resources as far as folklore and things like that."
"take advantage of senior citizen discounts and senior citizen discount days"
"Our area has a van for senior citizens, they charge a very small fee to take some people somewhere."
"Be sure to ask if they have any different clubs or services that are available to those who are age 50 or over."
"I still have very important things to do. I believe our seniors also have reasons to live."
"Welcome to Giza Golf, a brand new YouTube channel devoted entirely to senior golfers ages 55 and older."
"This bodes well not only for the odds of having another stimulus package approved but to actually have that $200 per month for seniors approved as well."
"Seniors need someone on their side."
"Owning a pet improves the lives of seniors in nursing homes."
"Welcome to Senior Shape, today's workout is a quick cardio."
"As we honor the incredible contributions of our nation's seniors, we're here today to discuss the unprecedented steps that we're taking to protect our seniors from the virus."
"Our cherished seniors enrich every aspect of our national life."
"We thank you for your consistent leadership and unwavering support for our elderly citizens."
"I'm in a walking group called Striders and I'm in a senior citizen club."
"Boomers are different from any group of seniors that came before."
"We get really good discounts on a lot of things and they really appreciate their seniors."
"29% of US citizens who are seniors live alone."
"We've done a lot of things here like quieting the street, upgrading the parks, and developing programs for our senior citizens."
"It's the seniors, the very old ones, who have probably the most wisdom to pass on."
"Their mission is to enhance the quality of life for seniors by maintaining their independence and dignity."
"We really appreciate the work that Seniors First Incorporated is doing."
"They've just gone to work, but it has been the play of the seniors that has been so critical to the early success of this team."
"Free home health care for seniors and people on disabilities, wow, that is incredible."
"Before Social Security was created and implemented in the United States, three-quarters of U.S. seniors lived in poverty."
"At our age, we just want to enjoy life."
"We really stepped it up, I'm proud of each and every one of the seniors."
"Our seniors and those who are disabled deserve to live a life of dignity after paying into the system their entire life."
"God bless our senior citizens and God bless America."
"The majority of older adults are actively involved in their community."
"The majority of older adults are capable of taking care of their own lives."
"Check on the seniors in your life."
"Join us to celebrate our senior community and learn more about ways to improve your health, wellness, and overall lifestyle."
"Seniors are actually quite receptive."
"She volunteered every week at a senior center."
"Seniors will be getting the biggest increase in their Social Security payments in 40 years."
"I loved the mature youth. I loved senior citizens; they have beautiful spirits."
"Congratulations to all the seniors out there."
"Our five seniors, I'm just so proud of them and what they've accomplished, what they've built this program into be."
"For older adults, we know that health care spending is a bigger share of their consumption basket."
"I want to be one of the first pensioners to make 100,000 subscribers."
"Let us embrace this challenge with open hearts and resolute spirits, secure in the knowledge that by honoring and uplifting our seniors, we are truly honoring the very essence of what it means to be a just, compassionate, and enlightened society."
"It is a travesty that those who have sacrificed and toiled to secure our future should face such dire financial adversity in the twilight of their lives."
"Fear not, for a glimmer of hope shines on the horizon, a beacon of promise that could uplift the lives of countless seniors in our great nation."
"Democrats have been pledging forever to lower the cost of medicine, especially for seniors."
"The bill aims to cap the cost of drugs at two thousand dollars per year for seniors under Medicare."
"We don't treat our senior citizens with enough respect as we should."
"It's a place where seniors' romances bloom like spring flowers."
"I love to see the older generation just getting out there and being active and just enjoying life."
"It's time to increase this program and protect our seniors and widows and widowers."
"Our seniors, they led. We always say you're only as good as your seniors."
"This is dedicated to the class of 2020 seniors."
"The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a great choice for seniors seeking a four-footed companion."
"Seniors with serious underlying health conditions are our most vulnerable population."
"We already made a big difference to these seniors."
"It's the best feeling in the world, performing for the old age group."
"Can we just get America's seniors back into bird watching and gardening clubs?"
"The strongest predictor for overall health in seniors is the amount of muscle mass they retain."
"The Silver Snipers are a CS:GO team in Sweden where the youngest member is 62 and the oldest 81."
"Seniors are a lot smarter than you think."
"The thermal springs are the most popular way to relax among seniors."
"Over 600,000 seniors have successfully signed up for the Canadian dental care plan."
"It's important to have people like you helping a lot of senior citizens."
"...we've seen a disproportionate impact on older borrowers now who are seeing their Social Security benefits offset."
"A lot of seniors just want to talk because they're lonely."
"I wanted to address the older people who don't just like that, that are fashionable and have fun with fashion."
"It takes a community to protect our seniors."
"Our heroes are these 70 year olds and 80 year olds that are still working out."
"If age is less than 60, age group is adult; else, we will say age group senior."
"Sometimes senior citizens really do need help."
"This incredible story of scrappy seniors taking the law into their own hands."
"55 and over community, that's where the number one thing is pickleball."
"It's a really beautiful compassionate look at the old people in our communities and how they can go unnoticed."
"I love helping younger people. I love helping the senior citizens as well."
"Please respect your seniors and say hello to Pooh."
"It's a true revenge tale, a fairy tale ending for a group of seniors."
"Every senior citizen over the age of 55 years old can sign up to attend the University course free of charge."
"We're defending Medicare and Social Security for our great seniors."
"It's the responsibility of my generation to really step in and help these seniors."
"When the seniors in control, it's important to get the planning done, peace of mind."
"It's important for all our seniors that they're protected."
"I think our seniors who have spent their whole lives working in this country deserve to have a pension that they can at least live off of."
"Always think of the senior citizen and elders in the world because they don't get a lot of attention."
"Seniors deserve the best quality of care rooted in dignity and respect, regardless of where they live."
"Seniors can be rest assured we will always be there for them."
"Every senior citizen should have Life Alert."
"We should teach older people to use new technologies."