
Political Narrative Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"The work of improving Black lives has largely been stripped from Black Americans by liberal politicians and thought leaders telling Black Americans they're victims of America."
"It is not a false political narrative to say we should make it easier for people to vote."
"For years, politicians told Americans that a strong economy and a vibrant energy sector were incompatible with a healthy environment... that's wrong because we're proving the exact opposite."
"The left is pushing... a false narrative about you. They say that you are a racist if you believe in America's systems. They're pushing a false narrative about America's founding principles and using that as a fake crisis in order to ram through tremendous change to a system that is not only functional but is the greatest system created in the history of mankind."
"China did not cover up anything about the coronavirus. That's Western propaganda."
"They have to start defining the contrast, the narrative. He did that tonight."
"What a great look by the way; they were chanting at Rand Paul 'say her name.'"
"The only thing that matters is the overarching narrative—a narrative that the Democrats keep backing."
"If you dismiss political activism as belonging solely to the easily offended and overly emotional, you've been sold a false narrative designed to neutralize you."
"Never forget the plot, and the plot is the people."
"Putin did attempt to affect the election, and Donald Trump is not in Putin's pocket."
"Red pilling is the belief that that which is presented as fact by the corporate press is in reality a carefully constructed narrative designed to keep some very unpleasant people in power."
"We're all responsible for our society, our history, our destiny. When you say America is nothing but a racist imperialist exploiter of the weak, it's such a blatant untruth. And you say that so you can get into power and cause tyranny and anarchy."
"The Democrats have a narrative right now and the media views their job as defending the narrative at all costs, facts be damned."
"Shows like this, shows like Joe Rogan and other shows, even conservative ones and even some left ones like Jimmy Dore, are eroding at the establishment narrative."
"Cancel culture isn't about canceling the right, to a great degree a lot of people on the right, it's the left is trying to censor us."
"It reads more like for the protection of the weers and the globalists."
"Trump's got to finish that character Arc he's got to finish what he's what he came here to do."
"There's no such thing as history which can be on your side."
"I think she might be in the mix as the dramatic Narrative of the presidency unfolds."
"Vladimir Putin created a narrative that suggested most Ukrainians desired reintegration as they longed for the good old days of the Soviet Union. This, of course, was not true."
"I think one narrative that does make sense to me at least at this stage was it was a clear repudiation of Trump but not Trumpism."
"When journalists start arguing against reporting the facts because it goes against their political narrative, yeah, we're in a dystopia."
"The final narrative that was pushed really, really hard is, of course, the biggest one which is that Trump is himself a threat to democracy."
"Especially all the political commentators who continue to push this narrative, please holy [ __ ] please, I can't take it anymore."
"We are absolutely anti-war and we're talking about the narrative that gets people to continue to support a dragged out bloody war where people get killed."
"As we move toward the election, you can see this narrative being set up...it seems as though almost it doesn't matter how the election goes... Democrats and media and the left would like to tear down the system."
"Do you realize you are describing a coup?" - Navarro
"Israel declared her independence May the 14th 1948... here she is 75 years later... not only is she still in her land but her territory has actually increased."
"Oliver Stone's fascination with Putin was to challenge America's sense of exceptionalism."
"The idea that they're taking this family and trying to turn him into the Biden crime family... it's creative but it's just not true."
"The narrative quickly intertwined with elite politics."
"Actual athletes speaking out against the prevailing left-wing narrative."
"He's putting a substantial chunk of his vast fortune on the line to save free speech in America. This is a narrative conservatives love."
"Trump is a billionaire who could spend the rest of his life eating off golden platters, and he traded all of it to save you."
"They're consistently behind the narrative on things like this and it's... Optics related but this is a state that used to be considered purple as recently as like 2012."
"It's the biggest myth in American politics... Biden is a puppet."
"The whole point is they've got this idea now that if they say like, 'Why are you trying to find the origin of the virus while people are dying?' That's their new narrative."
"They're losing right now... the narrative is falling apart for them."
"I think this fake Russia collusion narrative is the greatest crime committed against the American people in our generation if not ever."
"It's never been just about Trump, it's been about you."
"Triumphing in the race for a vaccine would help China reinforce the narrative that its authoritarian mercantilist system is superior to our democratic free-market systems."
"Trump casting himself as a victim is worth fighting over."
"Daily Wire's constantly working to bring you the truth. That's why we've launched our own publishing wing, DW Books, and we're proud to be publishing books that are actively fighting the left's monopoly on storytelling."
"That's the best story here for the Republicans."
"Putin describes the wars defending Russians in Ukraine and ties it to Russia's reputation."
"There's a narrative that's trying to be promoted by the conservative government, that just doesn't seem to match up with reality."
"If all the parents stand up and push back, this anti-American narrative, a victory is guaranteed."
"Hillary Clinton had a built-in narrative about her."
"If President Putin says, 'We've got enough of the Donbass now,' this is preserving the integrity of the Russian minorities in the Donbass who were suffering from all these Nazis in Kiev."
"It's a show about a politician that is also about policy."
"Men like Trump and PewDiePie, and anyone else who has the balls to stand up to them and fight back, are now deemed the evil tyrannical populists."
"With this law, the American people won and special interests lost."
"Jon takes charge he doesn't lie about Danny trying to kill him and everyone especially the common folks seem to want him as king."
"Trump's tweet that Senate investigators found no evidence of collusion explained Trump wants you to believe that Richard Burr is the final word on Russia. He isn't."
"Propaganda is just the mythology of the victors."
"It's not a Trump story, it's a Biden story. It's just the story of what they're doing to make things better."
"Eerily prophetic: the story isn't just about politics; it's about the very principles of justice and fairness in our Republic."
"There's a much bigger story going on than just what Biden did or what Trump did."
"This kind of attack is what Russia says has been going on for eight years and which its military action against Ukraine is intended to stop."
"We are only allowed to talk about Palestine through the view of the colonizer."
"I don't like using the word Witch Hunt at all but here's the thing when they go in and they try to demand a ludic iously speedy trial nakedly for the purpose of getting it done before the election you feed that narrative."
"What Trump is doing is painting these people as dangerous criminals who are coming in to murder everyone."
"We may never know exactly what happened to Alexi Nal, but there is no doubt that this is Vladimir Putin's fault."
"We're heading right back where we were with the indulgence of the press."
"I just want people to remember this: Do you remember the Russian bounty story that ended up being completely fake?"
"You'll be ruling over a dead king, a dead king Seven Kingdoms."
"Biden as the defender of our Republic's values and Trump as the opposite."
"This destroys so many left-wing narratives about the NHS and immigration."
"Trust the plan. Q has said, reminded us right in the beginning of 2018 that we were watching a movie, and that a good movie required good actors."
"President Donald Trump is unafraid to tell you hard truths and not carefully crafted lies unlike Joe Biden."
"Despite what republican politicians would have you believe gun control is actually overwhelmingly popular in America."
"The numbers simply do not add up to the horror story being told by conservatives."
"We've normalized who's a terrorist and who's a freedom fighter."
"The job of politics is narrative creation." - Professor
"No one's talking about this success story that Donald Trump has had because they said two million people were gonna die."
"I'm so glad that you know, there's outlets like yours and and myself and the Young Turks and everyone else like trying to combat this narrative."
"The Ukrainian government interfered in the 2016 election and helped influence the Russiagate narrative."
"Democrats and even some Republicans accused Carlson of cherry-picking the footage to push a narrative and sanitize what happened on January 6th."
"It's not just about strength its very existence may inspire the people of the world to rise up against the world government."
"It's not my legacy that's in question. I will not be the victim or the villain of Donald Trump's story."
"Investigations into this are being suppressed, and the narratives the CCP has released to the world have proven to be false."
"The reality of the situation in the United States is very, very different than the narrative that we are told by the left."
"The narrative was on his side tremendously, yet somehow Biden gets 81 million votes."
"The narrative of that is being used on the same grounds right they're trying to say that Trump incited a riot that Trump incited violence."
"Let's not pretend that RT hasn't been one of the loudest voices in supplying this narrative. They don't like NATO because it keeps them from invading Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania."
"The media has been pushing this Russia story for two years and it ends up being really not being true."
"These heart-wrenching scenes brutally shatter the party's narrative of a poverty-free China."
"If you question the narrative, you must be the Kremlin."
"The footage shows Trump's supporters peacefully touring the building, contradicting news coverage."
"Alex should just point to these Discovery videos and CBS News and paint him as a lone nut deep State operative."
"The Russia gate narrative has expended itself."
"Well, dwarves, when you get down to it, we have not done so bad for ourselves in the past year. It feels pretty nice to get out there and finally overtake some of our enemies."
"The narrative is driven by the Christchurch massacre on the left and pushed by the mainstream media have been that white supremacy is driven by President Trump."
"The narrative has fallen apart. It's not what they said it was and the Democrats are running out of tricks to hold on to power."
"I think the January 6 committee has told the story."
"The Democrats are always looking to fill their narrative. The facts don't matter, the issue does not matter."
"The story that Ashley Babbitt was improperly killed by a police officer doesn't help that cause."
"President Trump's election as an outsider... threatened that entire coup."
"Some of them would blame Putin, and I think that’s part of the reason why the levying of economic sanctions against Russia in an unfortunate way plays into a narrative on the part of the Russian leadership."
"Only a political narrative that explains inequality and oppression in a way that connects with subalterns emotionally as well as intellectually can hope to mobilize the kind of movement that might actually bring about significant change."
"It could be a way of the world government defining an enemy of theirs like Dragon."
"What we want in the end is a situation whereby we can tell a story about our political world and where it's going that is at the same time capable of reconciling hope with robust truthfulness."
"As a political drama and a character study, Andor is just exceptional."
"Each candidate is going to present their story for how to solve for the dissonance created between the narrative of living the American dream and the reality of life."