
Political Expression Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Political speech is usually referred to as the core of the First Amendment."
"We really need to hold their feet to the fire."
"People are able to speak up and say, 'I have very serious concerns about unfettered, unchecked immigration.'"
"Descent is patriotism and the height of descent treason is the greatest form of patriotism."
"It's live and let die on the political stage."
"Just because there potentially would be more hate... doesn't mean we should stifle political dissent."
"Is it really divisive for somebody to say liberate my country?"
"Strong liberals stand out however as the only political group who feel they can express themselves nearly six and ten fifty eight percent of staunch liberals feel they can say what they believe."
"That gift is the political expression of the sanctification of the word freedom in speech, imagination, and thought."
"Congress does not hide elephants in Mouse holes." - Josh Hammer
"We proved that the left cannot cancel people if we do not let them."
"I went from being incredibly anti-yard sign to incredibly pro yard sign, and that's not just pandering folks, let me tell you, that's sincere."
"For the record, I voted for Kanye just for the record wow 2024."
"Everybody got a voice, and you know what? Nobody should be silenced for their truth. Trump 2024, you know what I'm saying?"
"It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong."
"Casting spells is a form of political protest."
"You know, it's saying the stuff that the American people want to say and they can't say it. Final Boss can say it, we can say it, we could say it in the ring, some politicians can say it too as well."
"Representative Demings clearly expressed the passion that a lot of Hardcore Democrats wanted to hear."
"You have a legal right to speak negatively about your own country."
"Never ever ever should we turn to violence to make our opinions and our frustrations with the government known."
"They suppress your ability to speak, they don't let you advocate for who you think should be voted for, they won't let you say it, they fire you from your jobs."
"Trump voters they're vocal. They wave the flag, they yell Trump Trump Trump MAGA. It's easier for them but there are Democrats who are scared to speak up but they're not scared to email in private someone they trust."
"Support for Israel is an expression of American patriotism."
"The four greatest words ever spoken in the democracy are: The people have spoken."
"The idea that you have to take some stance as a matter of optics, I think it's a privileged position to be able to wear a political flag optically or rhetorically rather than out of necessity."
"If you burn the American flag, you are burning symbolically the First Amendment."
"It'll be the greatest thing to see a wave of regular Americans saying 'we the people, for us by us'."
"He's going to use this as a forum to make himself a martyr for his beliefs."
"It gives her the power to do it anywhere she wants without having to feel like she's a slave to the nine to five grind."
"Being angry as a black woman is in and of itself a political statement."
"Live Free or Die by the way as I know New Hampshire knows these words very good."
"John Kelly has become more and more openly political."
"You can't be scared to have your opinions. You can't let the left try to demonize you for having opinions."
"I'd love to see one person wear a MAGA shirt in the NBA."
"We have a silent majority the likes of which nobody has seen."
"Elections do not give you the opportunity to express that in Britain, but this referendum did."
"I am personally writing in 'Let's go Brandon' for the next presidential election."
"The first amendment is not there to protect basic speech like hey I'm going to go to the store and buy bread and water it's there to protect political and social opinions that are controversial."
"Let's go Brandon is the perfect phrase for these times."
"Remember it's all about flexing on the left and demonstrating what conservatism is in some way."
"Eminem took on Donald Trump in a rather infamous bit he did a 4-minute freestyle rap on BET's and had most of it focused on Donald Trump."
"We are no longer going to be the silent majority for you. We are outspoken today."
"The silent majority is no longer going to be silent."
"It's not just about the first amendment; it's about freedom to speak truth to power."
"Freedom is not eastern, not western; it is universal."
"If people want to express and campaign for a change in any governing body in this country then they have the right to do that."
"If anyone can start a let's go Brandon chant at the World Series tonight, please do that."
"Nearly 62 percent say the political climate prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find it offensive."
"Nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"The most troublesome thing about the research is that nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"The shy Trump people are putting up their Trump signs slowly but surely."
"He's saying you shouldn't have the right to speak your mind... it's worrying."
"People are hungry for something else, and it's the system itself... that is keeping the people from being able to express their will."
"We need to show them that the Republican party is the vehicle to express these values."
"Elections are representations of our values, our ideas, and how we want the country to proceed."
"Voting for him was like taking out the trash."
"This is rather interesting because he's attacking your freedom of speech and my freedom of speech, he's attacking the world's freedom of speech."
"When Hollywood skews solely to one side, I think we have a right to be a little angry."
"I'm Lithuanian, and I simply want both Germans and Russians to get the [ __ ] out of my country."
"The idea that the riot happened because people were frustrated over the inability to express themselves in a country that has a First Amendment."
"The First Amendment safeguards an individual's right to participate in the public debate through political expression and political association."
"We need to make political expression a civil right in this country right up there next to the other protected classes."
"I don't take a reprimand from the government over political speech. I don't equate political speech with speeding. I don't equate criticizing the government with a real crime."
"Art can be used as a political mouthpiece and a method to bring people together for change."
"It's democracy in action, we're vomiting them from the system."
"People of the western nations are becoming extremely discontented."
"Bernie was the strongest expression so far of the burning desires that working people have."
"Campaign speech is the crown jewel of First Amendment protections."
"The first amendment protects political speech. It protects political opinions, political viewpoints."
"Could you imagine if a Muslim member of Congress said their entire worldview and approach to every political issue was based on the Quran, and no apology there."
"If you want to support wokeness, buy your garbage Bud Light. And if you want to support those who actually care about American values, seek out companies that actually support your values. Vote with your dollar."
"Political tyranny masquerading as justice, such is the reality of our times."
"Love found me, that's political of putting it. No matter how shy you are, there's things you can't run away from."
"And suddenly, Xi Jinping started looking a little nervous."
"There is a substantial proportion of the people who don't vote who are voting with their feet by not voting and saying this system is not going to do anything for me."
"It is an act of peaceful protest and criticism."
"Violence is never an acceptable or legitimate form of political expression, ever."
"Please exercise your right, go be heard, regardless of what side you are."
"Punk has always been political music."
"Political views can and should be expressed without hate."
"There are plenty of people who utilize the dark web as a way to express their political views or views in general anonymously."
"It's becoming more like it's a lifestyle, and sometimes political as well."