
Unsung Heroes Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"He went to his grave not having told anyone about his work."
"A toast to the people who thought of things. The unsung heroes."
"You care about how your actions affect other people."
"It's often the doctors and nurses who get the praise but... there are many heroes within the NHS not just doctors and nurses."
"Grocery workers are some of the unsung heroes... give them credit."
"Fusee chain makers...unsung heroes of longitude."
"Thank you for being the hidden heroes of the progress of civilization."
"The people who did some of the worst jobs in history shaped the world in which we live."
"It's those unsung heroes that sometimes win big games for you. Who Turkish leg soon she. I like him, him in Van Dyke alike in here."
"Sometimes the real heroes of a game aren't the main characters of a story."
"The men and women who work in these fields work in secret and without recognition on a daily basis, all in the name of serving their country."
"The world is in your debt, though they may never know it."
"This individual is largely forgotten today, but if it wasn't for him, none of us would be here."
"The heroes, the unsung heroes, the people that really they saw the future, they bled for the future, they dragged this thing on their back, they went through hell."
"You can't count the amount of lives saved any amount of careers and people."
"Stunt doubles really are the unsung heroes of many films as they ensure the realization of a film's vision."
"The power units are absolutely incredible and they really are the unsung heroes of the current sport."
"When you can put a face, you know what I mean, to these people that were really before the unsung heroes... I mean, the Intel Community people are deep inside."
"In every great United team we've always had the unsung hero."
"Volunteers are the true heroes of our movement."
"Not all heroes wear capes and sometimes the smallest of actions can have a colossal impact."
"We see the movie stars, we see them but we don't see the people who actually make the movie."
"They're literally saving the country. They're doing the jobs that even politicians wouldn't even dream of doing for a single day, and yet they themselves are unprotected. The government failed them, the nation failed them."
"That’s a shame since there are plenty of singular sleuths with fascinating careers worthy of mention."
"Not all heroes wear capes, and not all reporters are only interested in capturing the next scoop."
"It's about celebrating people that aren't always celebrated publicly. Absolutely, absolutely, who mean so much to what we do."
"Just remember, there are people out there, like the forest rangers, who work in the shadows to protect us from things we can't understand, and they do it all without the expectation of glory or recognition."
"I think moms are great, they're the great unsung heroes of our society."
"The heroes that no one talks about."
"The people who quietly do so much for those in need."
"Dion F and Quag Smith for me feel like the unsung heroes."
"He really is like this unsung hero, a funk guitar."
"To the heroes that didn't get caught on camera, you have a special place in my heart."
"There's a lot of heroes out there that you never know about."
"I just saw some serious bravery from these guys. I loved seeing it, and there are unsung heroes in this community."
"It's interesting to invite quote-unquote regular people, the unsung heroes who have been through real stuff, to break stigma and to show us who the real teachers and the real heroes of our community are."
"We're here today to shine a spotlight on these unsung heroes."
"Our story may never be recorded in the history books, but we know we're the good guys, damn it."
"The true heroes are the overlooked and unknown heroes who probe daily to solve a really great mystery."
"So go ahead and give a shout out below to someone that you know, who has been doing great work for the community, but often goes unrecognized."
"There's enough shows honoring celebrities and wannabe celebrities; we're not going to do that. We're going to put a spotlight on the people you don't see at three o'clock in the morning working—those are the people we're going to highlight."
"Respect for the heroes working hard behind the scenes."
"You don't get the glamour, but the show can't go on without you."
"I love a person who's behind the scenes."
"The real winners on YouTube channels are the people behind the cameras."
"Stunt people are the true heroes of filmmaking."
"Can we get a round of applause for the crossing guards in society? They are the real unsung heroes."
"It is to these unsung heroes that we owe so much."
"Shift workers are superheroes because just like superheroes, when we are asleep, they are the ones who are awake."
"Not all heroes wear capes, guys. Some of them...hold briefcases."
"Just because they go unnoticed doesn't mean they're paperweights, every company needs its unsung hero."
"Everyday heroes keep the electricity going, the sewer going, the infrastructure, the transportation system going."
"Another unsung hero of this series is the music."
"The families who took people in were the hidden heroes."
"Cargo planes are the true workhorses and unsung heroes of the skies."
"We're the heroes they didn't ask for."
"The biggest unsung heroes of teaching are the substitute teachers."
"Gamekeepers are the unsung heroes of conservation."
"Gamekeepers are the unsung heroes of conservation as their work ensures the countryside and its wildlife are protected for future generations."
"It's not like you're Martin Luther King, you're Rosa Parks, your Ruby Bridges, the people that we really know about and that we learn in textbooks, but it's people who have done so much in the community that you never ever ever heard of."
"These faceless officials who history often forgets were the people who made the wonders of the world possible."
"You guys are like the secret heroes of the world."
"They are the real story, the real heroes in this."
"I grow to respect such men who have stories that will never be told."
"I've always felt that they're kind of the unsung heroes of British pop music."
"Pathologists are unsung heroes; there's very little appreciation for them."
"We could not do what we do if it were not for those people whose names are never called."
"These are the true unsung heroes of this great land."
"They're the unsung heroes on set."
"Everyone always talks about the nurses and the first responders... but what about the people hauling all that stuff everywhere? These are the truckers."
"Knights die in battle, as ladies die in childbed. No one sings songs about them."
"There are no crowds to cheer us on, and nobody thanks us for our service, but still, we keep on fighting in our unsung battle against the Kaiju."
"We appreciate them even though they probably will never get the proper accolades on camera."
"They really are the unsung heroes working behind the scenes."
"Let's give it up for the unsung heroes."
"People who sort by new are the real heroes of Reddit."
"Not all heroes wear capes; some of them heal baby chicks' legs."
"Remember, the news only covers the planes that crash. They don't cover those who faithfully serve."
"They remain the unsung heroes of the skincare world."
"The story of the brave men and women of Buxton is hardly known outside of Guyana."