
Food Processing Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The toxicity of the food lies not really in what the food is but in the refining."
"Junk food is so bad for you because it's highly processed."
"Ultra processed food is not an informal term like junk food; it's a formal category of foods. It boils down to this: if it's wrapped in plastic and it contains at least one ingredient that you don't typically find in a domestic kitchen, then it's Ultra processed food."
"Processing is what's really bad because it strips out the fat and strips out the fibers, taking out these major protective factors."
"Blending up a smoothie is still processing that fruit."
"We alkalinize our food in the upper small intestine."
"For none first animals and excessively stained batches of crawfish processors may do for the cleaning external cleaning of live crawfish."
"Hot dogs begin their journey as a blend of beef, pork, and chicken trimmings. That's right, when you bite into a hot dog, you're actually dining on all the leftover parts."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me these several days while we can and we processed we got three different products out of our 380 pounds of tomatoes."
"You only refine grains when you have an excess of grains. Refining is a process that throws away perfectly good food."
"Traditional healthy food can be turned into an addictive substance by ultra-processing."
"Utilizing automatons for efficient food processing."
"Whole food has all those different things but when we process food a lot of times we destroy it, we make it non-food."
"What does it mean when something is cold-pressed or extra-virgin? It's the first press with zero heat, high in heart-healthy polyphenols, this stuff is so darn good for you."
"Literally, they've taken away two parts of the grain and they're making this flour out of just one part of the grain."
"Ultra processing is like one of the biggest problems with the modern food supply."
"We're gonna use our hands to just kind of stir it and break up the leaven."
"Symbolizing modernity and efficiency in food processing with its unique Helix reel feature, this machine ensures food is mixed thoroughly creating the Perfect Blend."
"High fructose corn syrup is a highly processed industrialized product."
"Most males at the grocery store are made of highly processed seed oils."
"Fermentation is when food is modified by microbes to produce something that is taste different, taste better, and is also healthy for you."
"The current focus of food processing is on profit, uniformity, shelf life, and addiction."
"The more the meat is processed, the more you lose the good stuff."
"Cooking allowed us to process food in a way that increased its nutritional value."
"It's not what's in the food, it's what's been done to the food."
"How do they milk almonds or cashews?"
"It's the fact that it's aged for so long that it doesn't really need that pasteurization."
"Fermentation is another process where we enlist the services of bacteria and fungi to break down the food into smaller, easier molecules."
"Nova is a classification of foods that pays attention to the degree and the purpose of processing."
"Olive oil is a highly refined food no matter how extra virgin."
"I highly recommend and I highly value foods that have been minimally processed or not processed at all."
"I staunchly believe that we want to do the minimal amount of processing to our food as possible."
"Digestion is the breaking down of food so that it is small enough to be absorbed into our body."
"It maintains like all of the nutrients whereas with dehydrating it retains about 60% of the nutrients."
"The inhabitants of Gobekli Tepe were masters of food processing and from the vast amounts of finds in the rock garden where grinding and processing wild grain and cereal was on an almost industrial scale."
"Pressure canning is very safe, it is very easy in this kind of a pressure canner."
"Roasting is a sensory driven process."
"So this is a food processor. This the best friend of those who offer catering, accept order and those who plan to enter food business."
"Our processors require advanced infrastructure to ensure consistency and food safety."
"When they come out of this Smokehouse, they smell very spicy, very persimmon-like, kind of a cinnamon odor."
"I can't believe they actually bleach flour so it's white."
"We finally get to start drinking some of our own milk and making ice cream and cheeses."
"Anywhere from five to ten weeks you can start processing these birds depending on what size you want."
"This kitchen processor has been a life changer."
"We're really excited to have this second kitchen that can just handle huge amounts of processing happening at the same time."