
Military Operation Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The IDF managed to rescue two hostages last night out of Rafa in Gaza after an amazing and very dramatic operation."
"The fact of the matter is, we are on the cusp of the beginning of phase two of the special military operation in Ukraine."
"All hostiles neutralized." - Mission success despite setbacks.
"In reality, Market Garden was a high risk but high reward operation."
"The Ukrainian Army aimed to neutralize the Russian invader's biggest headquarters in Mariupol by flying Su-27 fighter jets and carrying out a faultless operation."
"The Ukrainian Army, which has learned the location of the warplanes of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine, has signed an incredible operation."
"The Crimea Fire Group carried out a remarkable operation."
"Ukraine's tank operation that astonished the world in Bakmut."
"Time is Zero Dark Thirty, the location of Badabod less than 100 miles away from Pakistan's capital, nestled here, a fortress of secrets, a haven for the world's most wanted man."
"The only time we turn the spoilers off is whenever we're doing air refueling."
"Given how important of AFA was... this Russian operation overall has been progressing quite fast."
"Despite having their helicopter shot down and the operatives severely wounded, they managed to extract the hostage and team without any fatalities on their side."
"Bravo 6, all Warheads have been confirmed destroyed in Flight. We got a ton of debris but most of it's Landing in the ocean so a massive crisis is averted."
"Rachel Corey was crushed to death by a US Caterpillar bulldozer that was run by the Israeli military."
"A miracle and the largest evacuation in military history."
"Most western nations would go on to praise the Israeli raid... congratulating Israel on an impossible operation."
"The success of mother operation was also the understanding of headquarters."
"Germanicus planned a massive three-pronged attack to surround the Cherusci."
"As the teams took to the air and headed for Abbottabad, the President and his closest team members retreated to the Situation Room to watch the raid on closed-circuit cameras."
"Ukraine has launched a new offensive in an attempt to retake Crimea."
"Rogers and his unit had been sent to secure what the military termed Hill 41, approximately 13 miles southeast of Da Nang..."
"The remains of the men from Operation Pyramid Plasma, the Advocates, were deranged. They are all ashes now. We will never be weapons again. Leave us alone or join the ash pile."
"The backing that Ukraine obtained from the United States and the European Union served as the foundation for this new operation."
"Operation was the first success of its kind in the U.S. government's new war on terrorism."
"That's when SEAL Team Six hit him with a nine iron."
"Task Force 141 returning, fighting a covert drug war with the Colombian cartels."
"We didn't capture G O'Connor unfortunately but it's all good."
"We've not only evacuated fifteen thousand people under Operation Pitting, but we've supported since then four thousand six hundred more."
"Baku responds over the radio making it clear they're taking down all of his men."
"Ukrainian Elite forces have breached the second and third tiers of Russia's main defense line."
"Operation Nimrod... remains one of the most successful hostage rescue assaults the world has ever seen."
"The big attack, the breakthrough attempt will happen."
"This is the story of Operation Overlord, the story of D-Day."
"Recognizing the strategic importance of these planes, the Ukrainian Army launched a coordinated operation."
"Everything deployed at the center of this operation was aimed at dismantling Russia's illegitimate occupation."
"Ukrainian Army assaults resulted in the total destruction of the ammunition warehouse."
"Ukrainian counter-offensive begins, pushing back Russian forces."
"Ukrainian Special Forces make historic offensive assault in Zaparazia."
"The rescue of Bet 21 became a watershed moment for the U.S. Air Force."
"At the end of 2016, Coldzera was considered one of the greatest players in the world."
"The Pentagon estimates that almost half of the creatures have been eradicated or put in containment."
"Armin plays a pivotal role in planning out their fight against the interior MP forces."
"Ukraine's Military Intelligence unit and Special Forces took off in armored vehicles known as hedgehogs in pursuit of the train."
"Congratulations task force, you're the first assets to make it into Metropolis alive."
"The armed forces of the Russian Federation will continue to conduct a planned special military operation until the task set by the supreme commander-in-chief, Putin, have been completed."
"They retrieved all the classified intel, as well as the bodies of the airmen who had died in the crash."
"The fact all of us got taken by surprise by this is a tribute to how well this operation was kept under wraps."
"Israeli commandos: 40 units united by one simple philosophy—attack anybody who opposes Israel."
"Schwarzkopf's men had a double mission: to liberate Kuwait and weaken the Republican Guard."
"India had captured point four four six zero and late me and this provided a base to direct fire under Tiger Hill."
"The Iraqi forces have opened a new front in the grueling seven-month long battle to recapture Mosul from the Islamic state."
"The Ukrainian Army's operation at this hour has once again shown how sensitive it is to civilians."
"The attack was blunted, the spearhead stopped, the Nazi columns contained."
"A sustained crossing of the Dnieper River at Kherson, followed by a drive across the top of Crimea to the Sea of Azov, would be the shortest route to cutting it off from the rest of the Russian forces occupying Ukraine."
"It was a sight to see on the horizon, all these ships merging into Normandy beach."
"Sixteen American planes and 80 brave men were about to prove otherwise."
"Large-scale operation conducted on Lyman, clearing it from Russian forces."
"Operation High Jump's encounter with saucer-shaped craft and mysterious anomalies fuels speculation over the hollow Earth theory."
"Planning, patrolling, and a daring move at sundown."
"Operation Dynamo has commenced, and it will become the largest military evacuation of all time."
"It was a remarkable operation, but events in Arnhem proved that this was a bridge too far."
"The invasion of Normandy codenamed Operation Overlord commenced in the late hours of June 5th, 1944."
"on the 15th of February 1945 an armada of over 600 warships and transports depart the Marianas Islands carrying three divisions of 70,000 Marines on route to Iwo Jima"
"on d-plus 1 draws to a close the Americans have secured a quarter of Iwo Jima at Great cost"
"night falls on the island with the American troops nearly at the summit of Mount zorobachi the Marines settle into their foxholes and are awed by an unexpected show from the sea"
"A logistical complexity unprecedented in a military operation, this was the Battle of Normandy."
"In less than 70 hours starting from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the team flew halfway around the world, stole a prized piece of military hardware and returned safely without firing a shot or losing a single serviceman."
"SEAL Team Six moves in and engages the al-Qaeda bomber, killing him and everyone with him."
"Montgomery came up with a plan codenamed operation supercharge that he believed would finish off the desert fox Rommel once and for all."
"Ukraine's counter-offensive is shaping up to be the biggest military operation in Europe since World War II."
"We captured Munich on April 30th, 1945."
"The mission was a hundred percent successful operationally, and from an execution standpoint cost us 18 American lives."
"Operation Cerberus was the last victory for the Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, and the Prince Eugen."
"The alert culminated with nuclear-armed B52 bombers flying over northern Alaska for several days."
"Despite the heavier fire from Australian AA guns, the Japanese lost only 1-0 and two vowels over Darwin. Another 34 planes were damaged in varying degrees so in this respect the Darwin raid was a successful operation."
"And it's a very very specialized group of people everybody has a unique role to play and the whole thing comes together is this amazing complex machine of War."
"'Major General William F. Garrison accepted full responsibility for the outcome of the raid.'"
"Northern troops and landing force Task Group 56.1, in conjunction with northern attack force Task Group 52, was given the following mission: land, seize, occupy, and defend Tinian Island in order to obtain the use of that island and destroy the enemy thereon."
"The day June 6, 1944, when the allied forces under their commander General Eisenhower landed on the northern coast of France."
"The night was ink black as the SEALs parachuted from an unmarked military aircraft, descending into the treacherous terrain."
"Amidst the confusion of bad weather, an aircraft managed to drop its torpedo on target."
"We were there to try to slow down or stop suicide bombers making their way into Kabul."
"We moved right into this, a couple of hundred men that moved across the river and dug themselves in."
"A tremendous amount rode on the success of this upcoming operation."
"The only attack in the First World War when everything went right."
"Operation Barbarossa had begun, and despite all the warnings, the Soviet Union was not prepared..."
"Every one of more than 5,500 men Turner had transported to the island that week arrived safely."
"The start of Operation Barbarossa on the 22nd of June 1941 unleashed three German Army groups onto the Soviet Union."
"Operation Frankton was a success; this victory, however, had come at a heavy cost."
"Argus was examined, approved as a project, assigned, prepared for, and executed in only five months."
"We breached the perimeter expecting resistance that never came. It was too easy, unsettlingly so."
"Joseph's unit was told they were going to be parachuted into France the night before D-Day."
"The long hard task of ferreting out the Communist enemy begins, and the Screaming Eagles are good at their job."
"Ahead of them lay a heavily fortified mountain that would soon earn the grim moniker ‘Hamburger Hill,’ and their mission was to take it – at any cost."
"The invasion of Europe would be launched Tuesday and the machinery was already in motion."
"Great fleets of the RAF and American planes laid a carpet of bombs over the invasion area from midnight to 8:00 this morning."
"It took a lot of skill to get here in the target area."
"The liberating assault fell upon the coast of France, an immense Armada of upwards of 4,000 ships."
"We're dropping deep into occupied Holland. Our job is going to be to liberate Eindhoven."
"As the Germans poured fire onto the span of the bridge, the Americans through hard work, grit, and determination managed to make it across to the Eastern Bank."
"Operation Market Garden, the beginning of the end of World War II."
"Without the glider pilot regiment and their targeted operations, the German counter-attack could have been catastrophic during the D-Day landings."
"The killing of Bin Laden in 2011... that was probably foreign policy-wise Obama's top moment."
"This is one of the largest airlifts in history, a massive military, diplomatic, security, humanitarian undertaking."
"Yet Operation 21st, the goal of which had been to either capture or destroy the 21st Hive, was considered a resounding success."