
Sequencing Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The biggest key to success...is their sequencing. And what I mean by sequencing is the following: If my order of steps I take to go here isn't as efficient as yours because your sequencing is better, you're going to get there faster than I am."
"One of the important tools and techniques used in sequencing activities is the precedence diagramming method."
"Sequencing is now over 10 million fold cheaper, and most people can get their genome sequence inexpensively if they so desire."
"Let's sequence the genomes and see where that happened."
"Sequencing is like the door that we're opening to rhythm. Rhythm is like manifested because of how you sequence movement."
"So if you have more samples or you need greater depth of coverage, you're going to want a higher throughput platform, and those could be and are most likely the two-channel chemistry systems on the NexSeq and NovaSeq."
"RNA-seq allows us to reveal the presence and quantity of RNA in a biological sample at any given moment as well as to look at the changes in gene expression over time."
"The read length is considered to be the number of nucleotides that are sequenced per read. For RNA-seq, 75 nucleotides is a common read length which would be great for studying gene expression or resequencing samples."
"Poly-A enrichment allows us to pull out mRNA sequences from the total RNA population, enriching for the sequences we actually want to sequence in our project."
"Once the next-generation sequencing has been complete, you will go from raw data to a format called fastq with intermittent steps before you can do data analysis."
"The game is a layering game, it's a sequential game. Which one will you introduce first and how can you layer the next one on top of it?"
"If we drill down to our note, we have input all of those individual notes as a chord just as if we had recorded it into the sequencer by playing every note on the pad."
"Start from the beginning and go in order because it helps comedically, contextually, you know, callbacks, characters, certain jokes."
"The third strategy is using deep sequencing. So here we take the entire region PCR the mixture and then actually just sequence a single molecule and then count how many amplicons and the sequencing reads have indels and how many don't."
"Definitely a master sequencer for all of your synths."
"Sequencing is allowing the back leg to work and the pelvis to rotate before the torso rotates."
"The best solution to achieve a gapless assembly is to combine deep sequencing with shorter and long-read sequencing."
"Doing whole genome sequencing is a way to identify exactly what is going on."
"There's a reason why he go last bro."
"Follow action basically means we can make the clips activate each other on the same track."
"Let's just create a sequence, add a level sequence, let's call it tutorial test, and let's add him to the sequence over here."
"The material on this album is better sequenced and warmer."
"Power supply sequencing is an important concept in many areas of product design."
"DNA sequencing is the process of determining the sequence or order of base pairs in a given molecule of DNA."
"It's a really fun little box that takes a unique approach to arpeggiating and sequencing."
"Let's spend just the last five or 10 minutes here talking about some applications of next-gen sequencing."
"Nanopore sequencing is quite new and maybe that's because it's quite different to the existing technologies."
"You need to know how it went from the raw sequence all the way to VCFs."
"We will talk about how 16s amplicon sequencing is useful to study the microbial communities and their impact specifically on human health."
"When you do deep sequencing looking for off targets... it's actually remarkably accurate."
"The sequencer is really cool because you can record all the parameters, and when I say all, I mean up to 20 parameters you can record per step."
"Assignment is the process of identifying each of the peaks and connecting them in the protein sequence."
"Genomics has ignited the digital biology revolution with the cost of sequencing outpacing Moore's Law."
"We create music by sequencing music data across various sound channels."
"Quality values estimate whether the variant call at that site is due to sequencing error."
"The gene encoding the microbial 16s RNA ribosomal RNA is a common target for amplicon sequencing."
"It's almost like having these small little islands of sequencing and MIDI that you can then choose to commit to your track."
"So what does one do? Well, one sequences genomes, right?"
"If the same condition is described as both acute and chronic, and separate sub-entries exist, we code the acute condition first and then the chronic condition."
"Let's move on and talk a little bit about sequencing."
"X-Lights is all about sequencing your lights."
"The sequencer tab is where you're actually going to create a sequence for a particular song or a particular animation for a show."
"The power of sub-modeling is each one of these sub-models will be something that you can sequence."
"The NerdSEQ is unique, is different from other Eurorack sequencers right from the start."
"It's a quick and intuitive and really powerful step sequencer program that allows you to not just stack sequences on top of one another and combine them, but combine them with massively assembled sounds and kits inside Nectarine."
"If you want even more data than you would get in one lane, then you might decide to do two lanes of sequencing or a whole flow cell for one sample."
"Every Illumina sequencing experiment consists of three steps: planning our experiment, our actual sequencing experiment, and finally, the fun part, we conduct our data analysis."
"This presentation is meant to orient you to general considerations, concepts, and tools for a successful Illumina next-generation sequencing experiment."
"You can also chain patterns together."
"DNA sequencing really just shows you what order your nucleotides are in and that tells you whether or not you have a type of mutation."
"Xlights is a very easy to use, totally free, feature-packed sequencer."
"Next Generation sequencing literally is A's, C's, T's, and G's in a text box."
"Magic-BLAST can work with RNA-seq and DNA-seq and it can align RNA-seq to a genome reference or to a transcript reference."
"Sequencing run didn't really matter that much, so that's good news."
"We need to sequence carefully with increasing complexity."
"Look how cool that is, right? There's the door numbers here one, two, and three and they automatically sequence."
"For the actual raw sequence data you actually need to go to a different linked repository which is the Short Read Archive."
"The TRS is a sixteenth step sequencer with built-in TR-909, 808, 707, and 606 sounds, which is the basis of a lot of dance music today."
"Anti is a perfect album. It's beautifully sequenced."
"I'll make a cool pattern randomly with the mono sequencer, then record the output of the MIDI into a live MIDI clip so I can more easily arrange with it and modify it later."
"Instead of layering a bunch of low RMS but high crest factor sounds on top of each other, bass music producers will take really high RMS sounds and sequence them so that little slices of those higher RMS sounds sit side by side and never layer with each other."
"Exome sequencing has become very popular; it's probably the most popular form of genome sequencing right now."
"The sequencing is getting cheap, you can do sequencing almost anywhere."