
Ideological Criticism Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"This ideology is parasitic, and it will destroy whatever it takes over."
"If this is an ideology that's going to require locking people up and killing them and putting them on trains and hurting them off to concentration camps, maybe we shouldn't go there."
"If you don't think Saul Alinsky is sinister enough, he dedicates his book, and I'm not joking, to Satan."
"Everything they suggest about the right is true of the left."
"Ideologues never blame themselves or their agenda."
"Institutions are wholly embracing neo-racist ideology when they say it's anti-racist."
"All ideologies lack self-awareness; they refuse to explore new perspectives and have radically new experiences."
"It's not good so long as it involves you know genocide against a population or so long as it involves socialism and communism and destruction of the rights of the individual."
"If I was a grifter I'd just be a right winger."
"Nazism fascism Marxism all these isms claim to be scientific but in reality are all religions and Cults."
"Blaming these events on mental illness is a really quick and easy way to avoid the difficult conversation, more specifically, toxicity in popular, often right wing ideologies."
"You need to call out the ideology for what it is, you need to expose it and you need to shut it down."
"This dangerous anti-American ideology has no place." - Governor of Georgia
"They are so committed to their ideological vision of how the world should work that they are neglecting how the world actually does work."
"I think it's incredibly sad that those are the ideas that are getting pushed and promoted as answers to man's problems."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse: secularism, liberalism, communism, globalism."
"It's crucial that those of us who are not true believers continue to try to live according to reality."
"Communism is probably the most evil governmental system ever. It's worse than any other systematic destruction of honesty, objectivity, truth, the deification of government, and the destruction of humanity."
"Reason can prevail over ideology, consistency over hypocrisy, common sense over academic quackery."
"The Jordan Peterson generation is waking up to the hypocrisy of liberalism."
"The reason woke-ism and modern leftism has caught on is because it's a mind virus, a virus is very easy to catch and hard to get rid of."
"Woke corporations that put ideology ahead of returns should be on notice."
"The problem with ideology is it's a universal set of solutions and you think, well, that's great... except it'll eradicate the particularity."
"Both on the basis of lies like the lies put out by the critical race people but also on the basis of truth a creeping illiberalism in American life."
"The legacy of People's Temple is, and I quote, to cherish the people and remember the goodness that brought us together."
"The left is so wrapped up in their feelings."
"Amateur governments ideologically driven, unable to grasp power realities, failing to grasp technological and industrial realities either."
"This is demonstrative of a massive double standard on the left."
"The UK Conservative Party is being led by Communists."
"What we have seen here is the feminist thinking that other people are as reprehensible as they are."
"The people who don't like Nazis are the real Nazis, and conservative dudes from the 40s would absolutely be considered reactionary today."
"Liberalism in today's society has become maladaptive."
"By accepting that any race is inherently Superior to another, you've basically made white supremacy the template of whatever ideology you've built."
"American exceptionalist ideology is a bad thing but it is also a stabilizing force in times of uncertainty."
"The totalitarian aspect of wokeness can be much more dangerous because it can go through and reinterpret basically everything."
"Only the right is condemning the hate on the right but the left is not condemning the hate on the left. The left exemplifies the hate on the left, the left amplifies the hate on the left."
"He's a fascist and this is textbook fascism you know assists against fair supremacist is gonna lose do this absolutely the premises or the news Fox then white woman the areas then white biker gangs ain't [ __ ] the police ain't bullshittin."
"All that they told us about not destroying history is bs... designed to topple every single thing that we have known to be America."
"It's not that the progressive left is trying to tell white people that they are colonizers, that they shouldn't breed, etc. etc., that leads conservatives to use the phrase anti-white. No, no, it's just that you're secretly a white supremacist."
"I think identifying with an ideology as an identity for anyone at this point in time is just playing into the strategy that the people who are doing the damage to society want to play into."
"The vast majority of people know that this ideology is wrong."
"The left doesn't have common sense because they're disconnected from reality they have their ideology."
"Canada is now seen as a cautionary tale for other countries to avoid the extreme left and keep any liberals in check."
"It's straight Marxist Leninist strategy. They've got a war against God, against traditional values, morality, the family, the church, government, law and order."
"There's a lot of ideologue who are just totally puffed up with pride and they think they're geniuses because they have a paycheck."
"Corporate communism: an oxymoron as senseless as Marjorie Taylor Greene's intelligence briefing."
"CRT is racist indoctrination, it elevates race as the most important aspect of a person's identity."
"Ideology is like a cult, it doesn't care, facts no longer matter."
"Socialism cannot be reformed... the very principle upon which this system was built must be changed." - Vladimir Bukovsky
"Power to the people truly not power to the centralized people of the government of the Soviet ussa."