
Local Sourcing Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The recognition of these negative aspects of globalization has now caused the pendulum to swing back to local sourcing."
"The solution is to become more local than global. Take the time to seek out local sources for at least some of the food you consume."
"If we're interested in sourcing local sustainable and nutritious ingredients directly from our landscape, then we'd be wise to pay more attention to these plants."
"They're locally sourced, of course. Very good, very good, very good, excellent. You didn't think I just came in here haphazardly?"
"Stop buying feeders at your pet store... find someone breeding feeder insects locally."
"I like the idea of getting back to the source of your food."
"So, is it possible to eat well using only locally sourced and seasonal food? Finland says yes."
"Root Cafe is committed to sourcing 100% of its ingredients from small local farmers."
"Everything here is kind of locally sourced but from what I'm seeing here this may be one of the most efficient houses in Missouri being built today."
"I couldn't encourage that more for you I think for hundreds and thousands of years people had a garden or their own animals or they knew their farmer whereas nowadays people don't really know where their food's coming from."
"Perhaps you can introduce a local farm or some kind of coop, you know, the grocery store ain't the only option."
"Everything you are going to see today, everything you are going to eat today, come just from the organic vegetable garden."
"Buy from a local butcher or farmer... the best is to grow it yourself and it will always taste better."
"So we're moving in the direction of larger stampings that make sense to have a local regional supplier."
"We sourced all the parts and components that people needed to repair their proprietary things in America."
"Red Sea chaos causing Global oil buyers to shop locally."
"The locavore movement has created a lot of opportunities across the country, especially in dense urban cities."
"Sourcing these things locally is more sustainable."
"Eating locally produced food reduces the carbon footprint of our meals."
"We need to own it more widely as a society and say, look, we need to be producing food locally."
"Local materials minimize transportation and pollution."
"I was able to find it locally and there's actually a really fun story that I'm going to share with you guys in a little bit of how I came to find this Coral."
"We sourced it somewhere local to us, we knew the background history from it, and it's been well looked after."
"Cantonese people strive for the original flavor of ingredients; they look for food in the countryside and drink in the open."
"We care very much about that everything comes from the farm, except cheese, which we get as locally as we possibly can."
"Everything you see in this room is sourced locally."
"We learned on the farm how important it is to get the highest quality foods that you can, as local as possible."
"The moral of the story is try to source things locally, do what feels good in the long term and health."
"They eat organic food. Most of the food and most of the ingredients that they use in their hair are things that they would just find in the area, naturally grown."
"Having a different culture where we're more in touch with how we grow our food, we're more in touch with where our food comes from."
"Why would I go buy bees from a faraway place when I can raise a bee like this that's better than anything I can buy?"
"I'm super passionate about buying meat from a local butcher and filling your freezer with locally sourced meat."
"I don't grow all my own food... I buy from the Amish, which is a wonderful thing to have here."
"I hear people say it's a farm-to-table restaurant, for me it's kind of silly. Why wouldn't you be? We have a really good relationship with all of our fishermen, our farmers."
"I love buying my meat whenever possible from local sources."
"The walls are made of several layers of honey-colored wood all sourced from local beech trees."
"We're seeing changes in policy so we can do things like local procurement or sometimes called Farm to School."
"By using a US fiber, it's a smaller footprint as well, which is also important."
"I'm trying to also source local materials because not everyone can order online."