
Dog Breeds Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"A Pomsky dog is a hybrid between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian...owing to its attractive looks and social media presence."
"There are five classes of American Bullies: the Pocket, the Classic, the Standard, the Extreme, and the XL."
"Great Pyrenees are trusted livestock guardian dogs known for their protective and independent nature."
"Boxers were developed in Germany as hunting Mastiffs and are known for their agility and strength."
"Huskies are athletic, energetic dogs used to pull sleds in polar regions."
"Huskies: athletic, energetic, need a job to do, and require a lot of stimulation."
"Kangals are banned in some countries and heavily restricted in others."
"The Australian Shepherd was actually developed in the western United States where this versatile and intelligent breed has been valued by ranchers for decades."
"The Pembroke Welsh Corgi was developed in Wales as a livestock and family dog, recognizable by their foxy face and sturdy build."
"The American Staffordshire Terrier, commonly known as the 'AmStaff,' is described as assured, clever, and good-natured."
"German Shepherds are known all over the world for their utility in catching criminal individuals and preventing break-ins."
"The Akita, like many things in Japanese culture, represents health, happiness, and longevity."
"Don't be fooled by their appearance, though, as Great Danes are known for being gentle Giants and make excellent family pets in our modern world."
"Kangal Shepherds were initially explicitly bred to herd livestock and to fend off wolves, taking advantage of their natural size and temperament for a guard dog."
"The Tosa Inu is the most feared of Japan's canine species, deeply rooted in the traditions and culture of ancient Samurai Warriors."
"Another trait temperament trait of a Connie Corso is they're extremely gentle."
"Meet the super dog of all the smaller dogs: the Staffordshire Bull Terrier."
"German Shepherd: The intensely loyal and highly trainable German Shepherd is one of the most enduringly popular breeds of dog."
"Rottweiler... confident, calm, and brave with an imposing presence."
"With its powerful and huge astounding physique, the Neapolitan Mastiff has been intimidating intruders since the ancient times of the Roman Empire."
"The English Bulldog is now sadly considered one of the unhealthiest breeds."
"The American Pit Bull Terrier, 100 times more dangerous than a wolf."
"The Rottweiler... known to be scary-looking, fierce, and pack a mean bark and bite combination."
"The Irish Terrier and the Airedale: dogs of choice for carrying messages."
"The German Shepherd: widely recognized as the choice dog breed for the police and military."
"The American Pit Bull Terrier is a beautiful dog, both on the inside and outside. They are loyal, affectionate, obedient, and love to please."
"Boxers: playful, intelligent, and high-energy, but also loyal and protective."
"The Newfoundland: a large, powerful, heavy-boned, and dignified doggo that loves having a job to do."
"If you've got a large house and a large wallet, then you can buy a large dog, and what better than a powerful, playful, gentle giant known as the Great Dane?"
"Men take your bag off, that is the ultimate life hack for uh for men. So manly."
"They felt like the only way out until I had a moment, a bird's eye moment, which is probably what changed my whole life and trajectory."
"Great Danes... known as the Apollo of dog breeds."
"Doberman Pinschers... some of the most powerful dogs. It's also safe to say that Dobermans are people-oriented."
"The Rottweiler: a breed to stay away from if you have never owned a dog before."
"German Shepherds have an unmatched work ethic."
"Siberian Huskies are like watching poetry in motion."
"Bernese Mountain Dogs are impossible to resist."
"Rhodesian Ridgebacks are like canine ninjas on a mission."
"Rottweilers are more than just muscle and Brawn."
"Every modern dog breed, no matter how big, small, or cute, can trace its genetic lineage directly back to a population of wild wolves living on the steppes of Siberia some 27,000 years ago."
"The siberian husky, a true arctic supermodel."
"The trustworthy blue nose pit bull is a stocky breed with powerful and defined muscles. They're agile and confident and highly trainable."
"The somewhat spooky nickname of the Bull Mastiff is the 'silent watchdog,' which gives them an air of mystery but also means that they make great dogs for apartment living since they're not barkers and they won't upset the neighbors."
"The intensely loyal and highly trainable German Shepherd is one of the most enduringly popular breeds of dog."
"It's obvious just how glorious and regal these dogs look."
"Labrador Retrievers: easygoing, multi-talented, and most of all, friendly."
"XL American Bullies are not a fighting breed, Pit Bulls are fighting breeds."
"Alaskan Malamute: Extremely loyal and affectionate, but also insanely strong. They can literally withstand a blizzard like it's nothing."
"Rottweiler: Extremely robust breed, cunningly intelligent and one of the most powerful dog breeds in the world. Bad reputation started when people began mass breeding them."
"Irish Wolfhounds: majestic, slow-paced, and formidable hunters."
"Akitas: wise, protective, and deeply loyal companions."
"The Samoyed: friendly, gentle, and devoted family dogs worth the price of admission."
"English Bulldogs: sweet, gentle, dependable, and perfect for families."
"The Samoyed might be smiling, but you probably won't be if you had to fork out up to 14,000 bucks for a pup."
"Saint Bernards are often considered to be the gentle Giants of the dog world."
"Rhodesian Ridgebacks are protective, Brave, and loyal dogs bred in South Africa for lion hunting."
"Registered in just 2020, this muscular dog was first developed in Argentina for large game hunting."
"The Great Dane is commonly referred to as a gentle giant or the Apollo of dogs."
"The English Mastiff is a classic dog breed, extremely loyal and great with kids too."
"The Irish Wolfhound is considered one of the tallest dog breeds in the world."
"When I say Saint Bernard, you'll probably imagine the fluffy white dog in the Alps."
"Meet one of the world's toughest guard dogs, the Newfoundland breed."
"The Anatolian Shepherd is extremely amiable and loyal to its family."
"The Caucasian Shepherd, also known as the Caucasian Mountain Dog, is an incredibly massive and ancient dog breed."
"The Neapolitan Mastiff is majestic and absolutely terrifying looking guard dogs."
"The Scottish Deerhound is amongst the tallest breeds on the planet."
"This is the percentage breakdown of each of the breeds detected in your dog's DNA."
"The difference between English and field-bred Labradors is more than just appearance."
"Border collies, goddamn geniuses. They're the smartest goddamn dogs."
"Akita is famous for this breed of dog - it's called Akita, literally named after the prefecture."
"Centuries ago it tended herds and flocks where Scotland and England meet, hence its name, the noble border collie's one true calling is working livestock."
"If you're after a healthy massive dog, I would always recommend a flock Guardian breed such as the molossus or Alibi."
"Pit bulls were found to inflict a higher prevalence and severity of injuries compared with other breeds."
"I feel incredibly lucky to be meeting this little lady. This is Lettuce, and she is a Kennel Club Dachshund, so she's smaller than usual Dachshunds."
"If I'm getting a dog, I'm definitely getting a husky."
"Your favorite breed of dog is a French Bulldog. I love French bulldogs. I think they're so silly."
"Classic Spitz breed: it has that foxy expression, that curled tail over the back, the double coat that protects it from the harsh environment."
"Very happy, playful breed, lots of personality."
"They were first recognized by AKC in 2014, they are related to the Bichon and the Maltese family."
"Golden retrievers, always excels in obedience, so trainable."
"I cannot stress how awesome Pyrenees dogs are."
"Half Saint Bernard and then half golden doodle, so she is a Saint Berdoodle."
"The cavapoo is not what you would consider as a lap dog, but you will be able to take them everywhere with you."
"Which breed of short leg dog whose name means badger hound in German was originally bred to pursue badgers into their burrows? Taksen."
"It's the most contradicting personality of a dog ever. It looks like the meanest, thug-looking thing in the world, but it's the cutest thing in the world. But I don't trust it, pure violent."
"If you have a flushing dog like a lab or something like that, this is gonna be your bread and butter."
"If your number one priority is lifespan, you probably don't want a Doberman."
"I thought Akitas and friends with German Shepherds and Huskies, and this thing was... it wasn't scarred, it was just a... I was like, wow, what kind of dog is this? It's an amazing-looking dog."
"Perhaps the king of all dog breeds."
"Labrador Retrievers and French Bulldogs are by far the most popular breeds in the UK."
"German shorthaired pointers are unbelievably great dogs, loyal dogs. Take them off the leash, they'll chase stuff, come right back to you, super playful, super smart."
"This is a labrador retriever, this is a golden retriever, they may seem similar, but when you take a closer look, the details tell a different story."
"The Boxer originated in Germany in the 19th century."
"The dog dates back to the early 12th century."
"Do your research, go to AKC's website, go to a national club."
"Treat them with love and compassion, and don't let dog discrimination be your gateway into thinking that people who don't look like you are genetically inferior."
"Portuguese water dogs are one of the oldest breeds of domesticated dog, going back thousands of years."
"Every dog breed is beautiful in its little way."
"Are you looking for the perfect family dog? Then here are the top three dog breeds for families."
"Fun fact time: Marshall's dog breed is a Dalmatian and Chase's dog breed is a German Shepherd."
"When we look between breeds, we see heterogeneity; the dogs look very different and their genomes end up being much different as well."
"Maybe we could have a REST API that tells you about dog breeds."
"We've even developed some world-famous breeds: the Kelpie and the Australian Cattle Dog."
"What a picture they make, fabulous Doberman, the wonderful wonderful outline of the Tibetan Mastiff."
"Pugapoo, it's just great, it goes on and on."
"St. Bernard is like a noble dog, St. Bernard is fussy and old."
"A rich diversity of breeds, coats, and sizes."
"The raciest and perhaps the happiest of the retrievers."
"The pointer was bred to scent and indicate game on open moorland, graceful in outline, swift and athletic."
"Built for endurance and hard work, moderate length of leg, moderate length of body, and a clean long head."
"A gaunt nobility about the breed but also good substance."
"Those classic graceful lines, that dish face so characteristic of the breed."
"To begin with speed, power, and dignity, the glamorous Afghan Hound."
"Standing nearly a yard high at the withers, the giant of them all, the Irish Wolfhound."
"Proof that pit bulls are good dogs, just comes down to the ownership and how you raise them."
"The Bedlington Terrier has the look of a lamb but the heart of a lion."
"The poodle should be a square dog."