
Religious Skepticism Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"How can you possibly say that this world was created by the one true God? This is a world that has hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes and famine and drought and war and oppression and injustice."
"What's the point of serving a god if no one understands what he wants? It's a question that challenges characters and audiences alike, prompting deep reflection on faith and purpose."
"I've had doubts about religion in general since I was 19."
"Everything that's important rests on this. I find a god that failed so miserably to safeguard the most important fact in the universe, I find him pathetic and undeserving of my attention or respect or admiration."
"The reason people reject God is not because of science, and to reject the Bible, it's not because of science, it's because of sin. Every single time."
"When I began to believe that the Bible was simply a book written by people as flawed and imperfect as I am, that was when my belief in God truly began to unravel."
"We had no God we had Noel as long as we remain in our adulterous way of life."
"I'm not offended by religion, I'm offended by irrationality."
"I don't believe in necessarily there being a God in the Catholic sense."
"People even though they think they have faith in God, they don't really have faith in God but instead they have faith in their preachers and their parents."
"I would avoid the fall well of atheism because that would, although, you know, don't be wrong, I am not fond of Billy Graham."
"Sometimes this stuff is just false intellectual barriers to keep you from thinking about the gospel."
"If the prophet speaks in the Lord's name but his prediction does not happen, you will know that the Lord did not give that message."
"This Bible is clearly contradicted and that means it cannot be relied upon for salvation."
"Christianity is like, 'God said this.' What source? Believe me, and so trust me, bro."
"This idea like, 'Oh, you're sick in body, you, God must not heal, just go, go somewhere else, just get out.'"
"All of this rests on the shoulders of that God. If that God has left us with insufficient evidence, that's not a good being."
"I personally think that the Prophet was wrong, but then I am not one of them."
"Science adapts with new information... that's why I trust science a lot more than religion."
"The Book of Enoch is regarded as a doubtful pseudopigraphal and excluded from Jewish and Christian scriptural books."
"I'm an atheist in part because I took seriously what I thought my obligation was as a Christian which was to have good reasons for my beliefs."
"Maitreya definitely fits the outline of a false messiah."
"The reason I'm an atheist is because no god claim has ever met its burden of proof."
"You have to demonstrate that the Bible's the word of God. You don't get to claim it's the word of God."
"How do you know everything contained in the Bible and contained within the church and the church fathers isn't a lie?"
"A lot of people want to think that those who left Christianity didn't have good reasons to do so."
"I've said it before jesus never changed anyone's life it's just people are being people and we ascribe good behavior to jesus when we're christians."
"What fire can come down from heaven that would be a deceptive fire?"
"Miracles do not have the ability to prove that you are the real Messiah."
"God frustrates the signs of liars, makes fools of diviners."
"Because there's no proof to me saying that what is written in religious texts is correct."
"If we pray little, it is probably because we do not really believe that prayer accomplishes much at all."
"You can't solve problems by appealing to a God."
"The real problem here is that there are countless people running around saying 'hey, we've got evidence for God'... when they present the evidence it's not."
"If I'm gonna leave this religion and be at peace with it, I have to debunk it to the core."
"I'm fine with somebody doing a good thing even if they have bad motivations, but I'd rather build a world where people do good things because they're good."
"God isn't gonna protect you because you call yourself a child of God."
"Why would an incarnation of Shiva need thirteen million dollars?"
"They will do things that are parallel to actually helpful things, and because it seems like it works, you think it was Jesus loving you."
"You're literally just looking at in fact after fact of holy crap how did I believe in any of this at any point when it is so clearly a fabrication thought up by a convicted charlatan."
"You've studied this stuff you've encountered new evidence that doesn't align with what you think are you know true claims of the church and it's kind of an agonizing process where you're trying to find answers."
"If theism were really true, there's no reason for God to be hard to find."
"Why can't your God just come down and say, 'Yup, he's right, I designed that tree.'?"
"I don't find any of the stories in the Bible compelling even as mythology."
"If Christ is not risen from the dead, we're fools for believing in him."
"It doesn't matter if you're an atheist like me or if you are a Christian or any other religion...it's very important that we all question our beliefs."
"I don't believe in a god. I don't believe that Jesus was divine. I don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead."
"The question should not be how can the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints be the true church with its alleged angels and visions..."
"If somebody's saying that he's good and you should worship Him, run from that." - David
"Why would these disciples hallucinate something that's totally out of accord with their religious tradition?"
"Religion is treated the exact same way: burden of proof is on them."
"Everyone's born an atheist. No they're not, they say. Oh really? So you're telling me everybody's born not believing in God, yes exactly."
"It's like the wicked generation seeks a sign. The only sign you're going to get is the sign of Jonah."
"I could be wrong about anything, I could even be wrong about Christianity being wrong."
"Challenge me about what I should believe... don't assume what your pastor told you is correct."
"Religion is all about pretending to know what no one even can know, trying to make believe things that are not evidently true."
"Labels are meaningless at this point. Every church is every other church and they agree on a combination of everything and nothing all at once."
"I'd like to bear my testimony that I know the church is not true."
"Once you realize... biblical contradictions exist at all..."
"When a man ceases to believe in the one true God, it doesn't mean that he believes in nothing; it means that he will believe in anything."
"Get the [ __ ] out of here with this go back to sky daddy and everything will get better thing. It won't."
"The evidence for the Judeo-Christian God does not hold water."
"You don't need Prophet Passion to heal you... all you need is to upgrade your level."
"From an atheistic perspective, it makes no sense, and since atheists pretend to be clever and rational..."
"The worst part about the hallucination theory is that group hallucinations just don't happen in reality."
"The foundation of their ministry is built on fraud." - Questioning the integrity of their ministry.
"Praying for change is fine, but what they're doing here is essentially praying to a God who they've learned from a church who they don't trust the authority on to govern the sacraments."
"I suppose the multiverse removes God, which I'd quite happily push him away."
"Could it be that Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Enoch and Noah are nothing more than fictional figures molded from the much earlier myths they so craftily repurposed?"
"If false, it is the most cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laden impositions ever palmed upon the world."
"If you can't believe in an event that sounds so sensationalized like the return of Christ and the rapture then how are they supposed to believe the rest of the Bible when you tell them that's true?"
"The fact that I have all this evidence for Christianity is evidence against Thor."
"It's all bullshit. The whole thing, the stories made up, there was no empty tomb, there was no Jesus."
"Astounding how useless the gods suddenly become the moment any practical help’s required."
"There will be no rapture, and Jesus is not coming back."
"Read the CES letter if you are a questioning Mormon."
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible."
"Theism just gives me more questions and none of the answers."
"How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing doesn't come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken."
"What makes all these people so sure about God, when I am not?"
"Even if the Bible were the truth, this would just be some madeup [__] to entertain people. What's wrong with that?"
"Do you really believe that this god who sends you a message and wants you to believe in him will judge you and torture you for eternity?"
"Donald Trump clearly doesn't have a relationship with a God."
"I marveled how I ever believed any of this drivel. It was simply impossible for me to believe in Ellen White as a prophet any longer."
"This is the extreme stick of the carrot created by people who, if you're too smart or not shallow enough to buy into the heaven story, can threaten you with a fate worse than death."
"Everything he doesn't like is Satan trying to deceive us."
"It reinforces the fact that God is a fictional character."
"The time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine."
"If I am not a deeply religious person and I feel like it's almost man if you're not a religious person then it is just almost logically impossible that we are the only intelligent life form in a universe."
"Young people hate our adult shams and subterfuges, they have a very sensitive nose with which they can smell the faintest odor of religious humbug."
"I have a deep belief in a Transcendent out there. I don't particularly believe in the mythologies told by any of the religions."
"I would like to believe in God, but religions, a world thick with them, trouble me."
"I've heard a lot of these arguments and they make sense, but still, I just don't have that certainty for God's existence."
"I think in the age of the internet, where we can really easily challenge a lot of the views that you couldn't traditionally challenge, the old faiths just don't stand a chance."
"They began to question the historicity of Jesus, the authenticity of the Bible, the efficacy of the church."