
Actors Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"Honestly, my biggest hope for this movie is a lot more Michael Keaton."
"Everything with Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth is hysterical. Chris Hemsworth is the best thing in any of the Marvel movies now."
"It's not the actors, yeah, it's not Keanu's fault."
"I'm such a Vince Vaughn guy that I'll watch Four Christmases any day of the week."
"If the world decides to build a Mount Rushmore for the Joker, it's going to be Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger, and Mark Hamill. Because Mark is the definitive voice of the Joker."
"Deep down he wants to be loved. All actors do this obsession with being liked."
"It also helped jumpstart the careers of several cast members, including Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the late Heath Ledger."
"See, I personally think Henry Cavill is a great Superman and it's honestly a shame that he's not down to reshoot footage for the Justice League Snyder cut."
"James Lipton had interviewed over 300 actors about their careers, training, and overall their life."
"As much as I'm disappointed that Will Smith isn't going to be Deadshot anymore, I couldn't think someone better to replace him than Idris."
"There'll be less and less work for actors and people's images can be used without their consent."
"William Dafoe showed up like absolutely, he understood the assignment. He understood this, in my opinion, this is his and Andrew Garfield's movie."
"Pedro and Bella's chemistry is just amazing."
"Harrison Ford... this guy has some of the most iconic characters in movie history. Han Solo, Indiana Jones..."
"The chemistry together was again it reminded me of Seth Rogen de money Paul Rudd Stephen Carell."
"Amy Poehler was only 32 while Rachel McAdams was 25."
"I'd be up to seeing him back, both him and Sam Worthington and what's it the three of those guys."
"There’s no need for the characters to grow old along with the actors who play them, because there are no actors!"
"If actors are pushing for long-term change that will ultimately destroy their industry, there has got to be a reason behind it."
"Yep, we're talking about Mina and Will. If you thought Mina and Naomi were adorable off screen, wait until you see some of the behind-the-scenes antics these two actors got into."
"There is a pretty amazing amount of chemistry between Riz Ahmed and Chloe Grace Moretz."
"Interview with a Vampire, starring Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, delves into the world of vampires and how they came to be."
"You can't go wrong with either of them. I'll lean towards Hanks myself, but barely."
"This movie is asking us to believe Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield's characters are only just enough graduating high school to remind us that time is luck."
"Jamie Lee Curtis and John Bernthal's performances were just mesmerizing in it."
"Replacing Jamie Foxx with Idris Elba? That's pretty much a win-win either way."
"Highlights for me definitely were Sarah Connor and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Big Time."
"Good cast, we got Henry Cavill, Bryce Dallas Howard, Bryan Cranston, the great Sam Rockwell."
"I did like seeing Bill Murray and Michael Douglas together, something about it, that's a fun combo."
"It's not every day that you can get William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, and Jonathan Franks together at the same time in the same room."
"It's freaking Jason Statham, so you already know he can roundhouse kick that shark any day of the week."
"Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift does not star Vin Diesel, no it doesn't, does not star Paul Walker."
"Actors became the gods and goddesses of the new American religion."
"Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan have excellent chemistry."
"I like working with just great actors. I think it's the thing for a director. Joaquin wants to know, I would do anything with him. I want him to be in Hangover 4."
"I just don't admire actors, lying rappers, I got to be averse to them like Bible chapters."
"I want to talk about Austin Butler for a second... His performance in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is masterful."
"If anyone is gonna play Mr. Rogers, it's gonna be Tom [ __ ] Hanks. Wow."
"It just felt weird that they're making these actors who actually knew this human being that played this character talk about their character's death."
"You know, the more you can make actors feel comfortable and be a good audience, you know, and kind of see what they're bringing to it, and then kind of lightly-- Most of my direction, honestly, is do less."
"This could have been another generic action movie, but they raise it above with good actors and balanced direction."
"Real humanitarian. Would Keaton and Affleck? Abso freaking lutely Affleck."
"...but this movie has a stellar cast with Michael Shannon Joel Edgerton Kirsten Dunst Adam Driver Bill camp and a young Jaden Martel who plays Bill denborough in the it movies..."
"...While ultimately black actors were cast as Johnny and Franklin storm played by Michael B Jordan and reg e Cathy respectively..."
"Danny Trejo, that's right, American Pie presents Girls' Rules is Danny Trejo."
"The cast we've already seen is super stacked: Timothy Chalamet, Zendaya, Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, Dave Bautista. Like that's just off the top of my head. Oscar Isaac, you know? Like, it's so stacked."
"Most of the actors in the world's drama are those who come and go and perform their work without enchaining our highest attention and admiration."
"This movie stars Rachel Zegler and Tom BL, two newbies to the blockbuster scene but newbies that will stick around for a very long time because their talent shown throughout this movie is just so addicting."
"The three movies do have strong performances though, Craig Sheffer, Dean Winters, and Kari Wurr were all excellent leads who did a good job of carrying their films."
"Sometimes the actors would get pages that just said, 'Scenes Unknown' and they would show up with no idea what they were going to do that day."
"Michael who sword in Batman and Birdman Keaton"
"The whole dynamic of the group was a little off and I think a lot of that just stems from Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt just having zero chemistry this go-around."
"Anya Taylor Joy's Princess Peach and Seth Rogen were pretty good."
"You know what they could do is they could do four hours of just like Jason Momoa shirtless and Henry Cavill's chest rug and I think most people would have been like, 'I'm here for it.'"
"Their chemistry just shines through on screen."
"Just like with any other fictional character, if you hate a certain character, you gotta respect the actor portraying said character."
"Highly praised are Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther and Tom Holland as Spider-Man."
"It was the first opportunity to work with proper actors. It wasn't like you, that thing of like getting your friends to do the hitchhiker or anything else."
"Eddie Murphy is obviously always fantastic. Arsenio Hall was great. I feel like they were a great duo."
"This kind of comedy is probably one of my favorite, and that's the story itself doesn't really matter. It's entirely carried by the actors and their comedy."
"I saw will ferrell's in it brad pitt jonah hill tina fey we got some big actors going on in this one and of course it's animated so you already know i'm probably gonna enjoy it."
"Both Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo have portrayed Bruce Banner and the Hulk in the MCU."
"The pirate sequels are loaded with distinctive characters all being performed with greater aplomb by a well-cast and talented troupe of actors."
"That's a fact. Martin Lawrence, Murphy, Bernie Mac."
"I think if the actors want they could always come back."
"Another actor we can add to this roster of dedicated performers is Keanu Reeves."
"All right, so Tom Cruise is on a mission of some kind here. Emily Blunt seems like a badass, a Ripley 2.0."
"The production design throughout the season has been an extraordinary gift to us because as actors, you know, we've been sort of suited up and plunked down into these worlds, and that's just-- it's make-believe!"
"...just such an emotionally charged moment and it is still good I mean they're both just such incredible actors."
"Huge props to Val Kilmer and Kurt Russell, their performances were mind-blowing."
"That interview sequence over its various iterations is such a powerhouse performance from both T'Nia Miller, and Rahul Kohli."
"I think that's the only time Bill Murray and Steve Martin have ever reacted they didn't say that I can't remember anything they've been in yeah it seems like they would have but I can't think of anything"
"Most A-list actors are lucky to have five good movies. Tom Cruise has about 20."
"Harrison has given some wonderful performances and he's been part of three major franchises."
"things blow up Nicholas Cage and sha connory start in the Rock Welcome to The Rock"
"The actors did phenomenal with what they were given, so kudos to all of you."
"Ben Affleck is the closest Batman to look like Batman from the comics."
"Actors actually do feel that vulnerability as you're working and they're not props, you need to speak to them as humans who are actually giving part of themselves."
"Every actor is different. Many directors are frightened of actors, they feel like they're different species. Well, they're not. They're human beings."
"Jack Black and Kevin Hart stole this movie, they were so funny."
"In the realm of Television, certain actors etch their Mark with a singular role, attaining iconic status despite a relatively modest body of work."
"The cast of America's hottest new show ER have landed themselves on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. They're all there, the most popular bunch of actors on TV. America's hottest group of actors."
"Harrison Ford is funny as [ __ ] even when it's coming to him completely disrespecting characters that we love that's funny as [ __ ]."
"Mike Meyers, Eddie Murphy, and Cameron Diaz managed to negotiate an upfront payment of ten million dollars each."
"Such a wonderful combination, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere."
"Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin - loved him."
"These Five actors are the absolute heart and soul of this movie."
"Every actor, actress in this movie is phenomenal."
"The sensual movie confirmed the title of sex symbols attributed to both actors."
"There's a reason why Edward Norton isn't there anymore. There's a reason why he got all mad. He wanted more creative say."
"There's not a single actor now in Hollywood that I could put on the same pedestal as Connery."
"Because the working relationship between actors and directors can be so valuable, many directors will return to certain performers again and again."
"It is, it is obviously Hackman and Hackman form a frame in those last scenes with him and Hackman, and yeah, with Clint Eastwood intact."
"...each of these actors were experienced in these roles and continue to do a great job."
"Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise are in the same league to me. Mel Gibson is one of the greatest ever."
"Kevin Hart and Jack Black just steal this movie, they're just amazing."
"Share your picks for your favorite actors and actresses of all time."
"If you get two good actors together who believe themselves in a relationship, then the audience starts to believe in the relationship."
"I already have a feeling I'm going to like it because I like Woody Harrelson and I like Bill Bill Murray. I'm actually hyped to watch this."
"In the new Mortal Kombat movies I like the guy and I hate that I like him but he is our comic relief and he plays it really well so the actor in the modern one makes me as an audience member much more conflicted."
"I hope they can make a sequel. To me, I feel like the characters that stood out were Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Sub Zero, Scorpion, and Kano. I felt like the actors did a great job portraying those characters and I"
"I'm hoping that I know some of the actors so then I know that they are still alive."
"It's directed by Steven Spielberg, I know it's got Harrison Ford in it."
"Imagine if actors ever went on strike. Oh, what would we do? You couldn't replace them with any other profession. Lawyers or doctors, can you imagine a real surgeon doing what Hugh Laurie does in 'House'? It would be pathetic."
"It's three of my favorite things: Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, Helen Bonham Carter. What's not to like?"
"What's amazing is I keep thinking I'm directing one actor; the performance has been so consistent that it's really hard for me to tell where Tommy Lee Jones ends and Josh Brolin begins."
"Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are an incredible duo. The casting of the two of them is just genius."
"Al Pacino or De Niro? Robert De Niro has the bigger resume. Al Pacino, we got the Godfather one, two, and three. We got Dog Day Afternoon. We got Cruising. We got Serpico. We got Heat. But back to Al Pacino."
"As long as you value what you're seeing, we have so many actors and actresses now who are so pretentious. That doesn't mean you're born again. If you're born again, then you're still born to gain."
"Actors, no matter what they tell you, they're the most self-conscious people on the face of the Earth."
"I'm looking for actors who in their lives and what they are, have some kind of resonance with the characters."
"One of my favorite child actors in recent years is Daphne Keane from Logan."
"Don't give an actor more than two notes at a time... Most of them can't handle it if you start... they're they're they're... because they're thinking about the first and second... you're giving them too much information... just go hey just two things do this do this."
"It's insane, it's impossible, and they're played by Sylvester Stallone and, of course, Billy D. Williams, the coolest of the cool."
"Yo, I'm so happy they got him to reprise his role. There's no other Jay Jonah Jameson besides that guy."
"Plus it has baby Megan Fox in it. I know she was like 17 or 18 in this, that was pretty young, you know that's pre-Transformers Megan Fox."
"The chemistry was fantastic between all of the actors."
"Unlike the characters they portrayed in the movie, Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger were comfortable enough with their own sexuality to take on these roles."
"The story was great... how are you going to top Philip Seymour Hoffman as the villain?"
"Prisoners... a top five movie for me... Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal are unreal."
"There's a camaraderie that happens with actors and it's... there's something really wonderful about it."
"I would if I ever won an award I would say that dude I I don't know why more actors don't say it why they don't say why are we doing this why can't we just celebrate all these movies."
"Every body from Gary Cooper Charles Bronson Jeff Bridges Sam Elliot and Keith Kerine have portrayed this icon on the big screen."
"You know this time we have Sydney Poitier teamed up again with Bill Cosby except Bill Cosby in the starring role by himself in front of the camera because this time Sydney's behind the camera."
"Regina King as Cherokee Bill and the rest of the tufts, the rough tufts, they about to pull up on a train that has a prisoner on board, Rufus Buck played by Idris Elba."
"Are we going to act like this movie does not star Matthew McConaughey and Renée Zellweger doing their absolute best?"
"I don't recognize actors immediately except for Brad Pitt so I am going in completely blind."
"The chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone is the biggest thing they have going for them."
"I was kind of like I don't really see what you're gonna do here um I don't know I thought that was kind of I also like how katie's actors keeps coming back to all these movies i think it's kind of cool."
"All their scenes together were really good. I think the leads had really good chemistry."
"It's a whole new life man, it's like, I wouldn't be surprised if Eddie Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. in a Tubi movie. They're doing Tubi movies and [__] like so it's a weird world now."
"I'm really enjoying the cast so far, obviously Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Duvall, but I also really, really enjoyed Danny Glover."
"I love Mel Gibson movies and I love Andrew Garfield so it's a heck of a combo."
"I'm still blown away by the cast. I mean, Bruce Willis, Michael Caine had that cameo, Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn, Isabella Rossellini."
"If Ryan Gosling was in every movie that Ryan Reynolds was in that I don't like I think I would just like it better."
"Tim Allen would star in the 1994 Christmas classic the Santa Claus."
"Matthew Mcfan from Succession won a Golden Globe last night, he's going to be in Deadpool 3."
"They have so much chemistry as actors. That was ridiculous."
"Every decade has movies like this that you go, 'Oh wow, Dan Aykroyd and John Candy in a movie together.'"
"I love that it's the actors doing all the work."
"But of course, whenever you hear the name Harrison Ford, two culturally influential characters come to mind: Han Solo and Indiana Jones."
"With career-best turns from the great Peter O'Toole, Alec Guinness, and Omar Sharif, Lawrence of Arabia finds Lean at the height of his powers."
"By the turn of the century Parts in feature film had all but replaced fry and Laurie's television work."
"Christopher Lambert will pretty much do anything, right? I mean, I almost... I love every Christopher Lambert film, including the sh*t ones."
"There are actually no actors in Hollywood... all you're going to see on Hollywood Boulevard are maybe people dressed up as Elmo or spider-man."
"Great performances by Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto."
"I mean, maybe Jim Carrey, but he ain't a Matthew Lillard."
"A lot of actors don't want to see themselves on screen."
"There is only one badass Mother Lover on the planet that could play me and that would be Mr. Samuel Jackson."
"I knew that I could be another Clint Eastwood or another Charles Bronson."
"Welcome to the Sam Heughan Graeme McTavish trivia death match."
"In horror film, Christopher Lee said to Peter Cushing..."
"You'll see a series of famous actors. Pick up the ones whose mother or father has won an Oscar in any of the four acting categories."
"Actors are the kids that are like, we're vulnerable, we sing, we play pianos, we like, they're like Brad Pitt was like a theater major."
"Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Sharon Stone are brilliant in this movie."
"I'm excited to get into this movie apparently it's got Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker."
"Some of the best actors and musicians, these fools are softies. They are so they're precious."
"When the actors show up and you see them do something that's funny or exciting, that's the part of it that makes me the happiest."
"If a project is written with the best actors you know in mind, that's always going to be ideal."
"Kinski is nothing. I worked with Elizabeth Taylor on a movie. Now there is a really difficult actor."
"Here you have two actors really working at the top of their craft."
"These two actors loved working together, and this is really one of the best scenes in the movie, superbly acted."
"Even though there's eventually that character you find out is going to be the one who's the badass, there's no actor in here who even comes close to the majesty of Bruce Campbell."
"Dude Seth Rogen's got to be one of my favorite [__] comedy actors out there."
"David Tennant and Michael Sheen's Aziraphale and Crowley are easily the best things in the show."
"I always thought like Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Phil Hartman, like all those SNL guys had big movie careers."
"Michael Sheen is a global treasure, and I love him to death. Dakota Fanning is a wonderful actor, and I can't tell if she was having so much fun making these or if she was collecting so much paycheck."
"Man, Belushi would have been like the Chris Farley, the Jonah Hill, the John Candy, the funny fat guys basically of our, I mean, he would have been older obviously but he still would have been kicking, making movies I'm sure."
"...great movie with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx."
"...acting performance by Tom Cruise and this is amazing I mean same as Jamie Foxx as well."
"Fun fact: Patrick S and Jennifer Gray did not like each other doing this film."
"Great performance by Mark Walber and Christian Bale."
"Essentially what I'm trying to say here at the end of my video is that Cate Blanchett and Natalie Portman are two of the finest actors in the business."
"How lucky are we to have Blanchett and Portman in our lives up there year after year on that fabulous movie screen."
"Will Smith, Margot Robbie, and Rodrigo Santoro."
"Actors will never be obsolete because it's the connection is why we exist."
"It's like a who's who of kind of modern teenage actors and they just [ __ ] in one fell swoop just kill them all."
"I just love actors. Any chance I got to use an actor who I respected, it was the highlight. It's the thing that made me the happiest."
"That's ridiculous, like in a show where even the actors are like, 'Oh, I wonder how my character's gonna die,' that has to be like the biggest amount of disrespect."
"The greatest actors and characters are dangerous with vulnerability."
"What's interesting with actors is when they get tired, those tics and those really interesting things start to dissipate."
"Jerry Stiller is the George Costanza dad. His actual, Ben Stiller's real dad."
"The top one percent of actors are doing very well. The majority of actors are not."
"Samuel L. Jackson is an all-time great actor."
"You had a whole wealth of wonderful actors that really helped create a film movement."
"Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett were just perfect, perfectly casted."
"...the one thing I will say which I sort of noticed afterwards and I wasn't able to see if I was in it, was like when I did that show at NBC, there were no comics that had shows at the time, certainly not multi-cams, no. You know, it was all actors doing all the comedy jobs."
"Critters 4 came out in 1992 and has some incredible actors working with a script and budget that were less so"
"What is your favorite Tom Hanks movie?"
"Eartha Kitt and Patrick Warburton are friggin hilarious they make this movie every scene with them makes me laugh and makes me laugh hard."
"Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt are both such great actors."
"That's where the comics, somewhere, you know, the serious actors at that time were like... Everybody wanted to be Mickey Rourke. You're always voting like Ricky Mor. Ricky Roark. Everybody's Mickey Roark."
"I'm excited to find out especially because the movie stars Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, and Sam Rockwell who are three great actors."
"Meryl Streep is in it, as well as Anne Hathaway. Already a pretty damn good cast."
"I think Michael B Jordan needs to be in a lot more SF movies."
"It's inevitable, you're not going to have another Joker come up that will even touch what Heath Ledger did."
"Joaquin Phoenix doesn't need to be better, he just looks like it can be just as great as Heath Ledger's Joker, just in his own way."
"Christopher Waltz, it's not even a question. He was amazing."
"This is Vince Vaughn and Brawl in Cell Block 99. Don Johnson is in this. Insane violent."
"Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield have previously expressed interest in returning."