
Filters Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"A circular polarizer is like having two filters built into one; it's a polarizer and a variable ND filter as well."
"now filters are very important when it comes to videography if you want to record cinematic looking footage you want to shoot in certain settings and when you do that uh you have to compensate with extra filters to reduce the amount of light that's going into your lens."
"With filters, we see a view of all of the tasks."
"Be open to all that the universe has to offer, let go of the filters."
"We need to stop with the facade of perfection that we see all the time on social media. Filters are at an all-time high."
"The sound of the filters is so good and so clean and analog sounding even though all of the elements together of the synthesizer certainly can sound really digital and bright."
"These filters are supposed to be fun, but they determine if you're pretty or not."
"The amount and quality of filters make the analog four stand out."
"Filters on Tik Tok are so subtle and discreet, you don't really think there's a filter."
"These are the Boolean operators I was mentioning because before we even play with Sales Navigator filters, what I want you to really be doing is taking the most advantage of knowing how to craft a Boolean search."
"Only a child sees things with perfect clarity because it hasn't developed all those filters which prevent us from seeing things we don't expect to see."
"A matched filter is used to determine if a known signal is present in an unknown signal."
"ND filters and polarizers are essential."
"As you start to get more comfortable, you're going to notice that in order to get more creative and sound more expensive and sound more complex and make crazy sounds that no other technical producer has done, you're gonna have to utilize filters."
"The next process down in the preamp our high pass filter and low pass filter very straight ahead they're useful utility filters."
"Black mist filters are kind of going to do the opposite to the previous filter. Really with a black mist, you're actually lowering the contrast of a photo. You're kind of softening it a bit."
"Having small filters and quiet fans can be a huge benefit, especially in your home."
"The more filters you apply or the higher amount you are using in your filters will always create more stylized results."
"I always like to start with half the number of filters that I've got available... I want to see where my optimization kind of gets initially, and then I can add additional PEQs."
"So make sure you guys understand that these filters can play side by side with one another, or you can use them to stack and refine."
"Remove those filters, life could actually be heaven, heaven is actually here because we have that connection all the time."
"It literally gives like a filtered look."
"We don't react to the world as it is, we react to the world through our filters."
"Filters are the most important part. They're the whole Crux of this whole damn convoluted process that is probably currently ruining your day."
"Using these color filters can alter your pictures dramatically."
"There's two filters you should be using when you're making a big fat growl."
"Another good example will be drop-downs. Let's say, okay, I want to visualize my traffic data, but only from these specific locations and from these specific devices."
"You shouldn't put these filters on your music to make it... You shouldn't Facetune your music."
"If someone sends me a startup pitch, I have similar filters. It's like, 'Is this one of the top three entrepreneurs you have met in the last three years? If the answer is no, it's like, okay, it's out. Doesn't even get opened."
"Your filters of life is not stopping reality from being reality."
"The LC filter has got another name, choke filter."
"There's a fine line between using filters and knowing that it's okay to use a filter and not being ashamed of it, but you've also got to be okay with the true you as well, so you can't just live through this filtered life all the time."
"What are the filters potentially that you can build to find more trades like this?"
"Neural filters were introduced four years ago."
"Consider ND filters when you want to be a little bit more creative in the type of Photography that you want to create."
"You can actually select both filters at once, which is really cool."
"The filters... they just sound so gorgeous, the resonance on them sounds so musical, so creamy and smooth and musical."
"It's a great way to learn what kind of a filter does and how it works."
"This extra space here allows us to put filters in there, which is really cool."
"We can apply filters to the interface so that people can only see those records that they're assigned to."
"The Arri has three built in ND filters so you don't have to have a Matte box."
"When using a polarizing filter, you're going to notice an increase in the saturation of the colors in your image."
"The nice thing about separable filters is that they're incredibly quick."
"ND filters are an absolute necessity when it comes to video."
"King Corg Neo has a good range with over 130 oscillators, 18 filter models covering a broad range of subtractive synthesis."
"Filters in ASP.NET Core allow code to be run before or after specific stages in the request pipeline."
"So in particular, we'll be able to think about a signal being composed of a bunch of sinusoidal components, and we'll be able to think about systems as filters."
"Black-and-white photography and these kind of filters let you be very creative with your photography."
"In Spring Security, we use filters as building blocks so that you get the best usability, reusability out of Spring Security as possible."
"They can add movement to filters, movement to amps, and all sorts of things."
"Quick ingredient filters: Great for vegetarians and people with allergies."
"Digital filters are used to blur and sharpen digital images."
"By applying a few additional filters, you are then able to build strategies with high average gains per trade and high success rates."
"These are some of the easiest ND filters I've ever installed on a camera."
"After making this video, I now finally fully understand these misunderstood filters."
"I'm totally fine with not looking like the filter."
"With some smooth filters and the reshape filters, he made it a bit more creamy."
"In this way, you can have your customized filter applied on two different columns and get your data."
"The rig comes with a 15 kHz first IF filter in it already, but you can add additional filters if you want."
"That's what polarization combining with different kinds of filters can do; the effect is really beautiful."
"Now that you understand what these filters do, you can use them more creatively."
"Envelopes are really useful for shaping the sound using a filter."
"It's very nice to have the flexibility and options when it comes to using filters."
"The filters are about as high quality as DJ mixers get."
"Filters allow you to actually change the output of a liquid object or variable that you queried."
"The way these narrow band filters work is that they block out all the wavelengths except these specific ones being emitted by the nebula that you want to photograph."
"This is of course the Rosette Nebula taken with hydrogen alpha, oxygen, and sulfur filters."
"When you put on that hydrogen alpha filter, you can very quickly see the nebula within 5 or 10 seconds."
"We can apply low pass filters on images to make them less noisy or blur them."
"Use a green filter if you take a portrait in monochrome."
"I feel like I always look better with them filters."
"But overall, I mean the filters are fun."
"Instagram isn't real, everyone's using those filters."
"We're going to implement the filters of grayscale, sepia, reflect, and blur."
"DynamoDB is really neat because it allows you to have any number of additional filter conditions."
"Filters are literally one of the biggest reasons why people have such anxiety around their skin, around their body."