
Public Accountability Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The moral of the story is that even if you have dangerous fascists that are causing a ruckus, you can't, you should, if you're going to punish them, you should do it in a public and immediately evident way."
"If society were to give a stamp of legitimacy to an occupation wherein a person has license to viciously scold, publicly humiliate, and ruin other people without having the burden of needing to lay any formal charges... it will not be the noblest among us that we see putting their hand up for the job."
"States and local governments have not only responsibility but they have incredible accountability to the people that they work for to be sure that elections are fair that they're free that there's no question about the outcome."
"I would rather suffer the momentary embarrassment of having been proven wrong even in a public forum than to forever be wrong and never know it."
"There's no question in my mind that she put her fans in a horrible position and she normalized something that shouldn't be normalized."
"I have a right to record my public officials while they're working on our tax dollars and while we're conducting business. This is a public building."
"It was a big scandal... the cops all put black tape on their badge numbers so that no one could tell who was who while they did all this [ __ ]... that [ __ ] was wild."
"If me being critical about the content that you're putting out there which you as a public figure should be able to be held accountable to makes me a bully then I have some questions to ask right."
"That's why all adults, no matter their political views, should speak out against Trump's offensive language and disrespectful treatment of women."
"The public are owed a public inquiry about not just May 29, 2020, but the months of riots from coast to coast."
"America kills its enemies in our name and then keeps it a secret."
"Encourage people with a public platform to be better, own up to mistakes."
"Filming interactions with state actors in public places needs to be normalized."
"Regardless of whether or not they are going the length to say you should be ashamed and feel guilty for not matching the standard you are putting out there."
"What we see in cop watching is in part, I think, a comprehensive indictment of the ability of our democracy to respond to the needs of the people."
"We just want an answer. That's it. An answer was long overdue. We never got from the police or anybody."
"We want justice for the American people, transparency for the American people, and accountability for the more than six hundred thousand Americans who lost their lives from the COVID-19 virus." - Kevin McCarthy
"We want police accountability, we want police reform."
"If you dare to tell a public lie, then you deserve a goddamn public trial. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle, G.I. Joe."
"Eventually Pugh stopped showing up to meetings... to hide from the local Detroit spotlights."
"Any public official who displays such reckless neglect for constitutional rights should have their authority questioned at the very least."
"The truth is critical here. We can't live in a society where the public after having gone through everything that happened is sort of just brushed away like it didn't happen."
"We're not here to give you guys a hard time, we're here for public accountability."
"There is one complaint that has been made that bothered me most, that was a complaint made by a young woman, Charlotte Bennett, who worked in my office."
"It's either going to stop or people are going to be removed, fired, or publicly shamed."
"I'm arguing that they did not provide reparations for the harm that they caused because... they completely parroted exactly what police say."
"Being held accountable publicly for one's public Behavior comes with being a public figure."
"The mother needs to be charged. Her face needs to be out there."
"Twitter and Facebook have outsized influence. Their activities have a public impact and certainly they should be held accountable."
"You should feel proud of your policies. You should feel ready and willing to answer any questions to defend and stand up in favor of the policies that you've championed." - Ben Frazier
"I'm on the side of the people. I don't answer to anybody in DC, I only answer to the people." - Nancy Mace
"Being public is going to require us to be transparent about what we're doing."
"People deserve answers and at the end of the day it shouldn't be this amount of drama in this small town."
"The president refuses to acknowledge the truth about even his own family, the most fundamental political building block."
"Kanye needs help, and he needs to be held accountable, too."
"My goal is not to have any secret settlements and to have public change, public recognition of wrongdoing, and public corrections."
"This is a horrific collaborative lie and it should result in editors stepping down, reporters being fired across the board, public accountability, lengthy apologies on page one, and we've seen none of that."
"Cochrane remained infuriated by Admiral Gambier’s incompetence, and upon returning to England, publicly shamed him for his conduct."
"It is an objective fact that Dominic Cummings broke the rules."
"But there are many who owe them an apology, many in public service who owe them an apology, and frankly many in the media about how they disrespect them." - John Kelly
"I hope the investigative reporters keep pulling the strings on this. Someone, anyone, talk to the State Bar of California. We all want to know what the [ __ ] the law nerds demand answers."
"Former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was charged Wednesday with two counts of willful neglect of duty."
"Not a lot of people are lucky enough to be held accountable for their past [ __ ] in front of the entire world."
"What an attack in an outrage on our body politic, a vindication for the president but a condemnation of the way our government was run by the deep state."
"With freedom of speech does not make you free from consequences."
"If you didn't say it in public, then it didn't happen."
"Nigerians should begin to measure our leaders by outcomes we should stop measuring them by taking State money and dashing to people."
"I think it's one of the biggest scandals I've ever seen, and you don't cover it. Excuse me, they found the laptop."
"We gotta start getting these weasels out of the darkness and exposing who they are. This is us getting on Coles. We gotta get busy."
"We must instill in our public officials... They must tell us the truth. If they cannot do this, then they must be impeached or they must be removed from office."
"The select committee must answer public reporting and witness accounts indicates some individuals and groups engaged in efforts to gather information about the Capitol building."
"It's in the job title: public defender. You work for the public, therefore the public has the right to come record you in the line of your duties."
"Nobody deserves to live their life under a microscope. Accountability is becoming somewhat redundant here in the YouTube space."
"There's no excuse for not complying with the law and releasing the records."
"It was difficult to watch and shocking just like it is for everybody. I'm not passing judgment on the decisions my officers made. They will be given the opportunity to explain why they did what they did as they should."
"When you say something homophobic, you're gonna get called out for it now."
"The law is according to the Constitution, you have a right to film police officers in the line of duty."
"If you don't want people to see this type of imagery, why are you out there presenting it to the public?"
"Until James Stauffer's off YouTube and they get out of this platform."
"My understanding, as my job as a reporter, holds up my responsibility to the public outmatches my responsibility to protect the reputation of any particular scientist, scientific discipline, or government agency."
"What will it take for Americans to actually start throwing unelected public sector criminals in prison for crimes against the citizenry?"
"I'm not against criticism, I'm not against journalism, I'm not against satire, I'm not against holding people to account, you know what I'm against is the disproportionate punishment of people who haven't really done very much wrong."
"We want transparency, accountability, we want Justice."
"I think the public is owed an explanation of the motivations behind the people who made these disclosures that are outside of the democratic model."
"This is not some random guy on Twitter... it is the son of the president of the United States."
"19 children were murdered so they, their names deserve to be remembered and accountability, we need accountability."
"Anybody else would have been pulled out of the truck and arrested."
"This really is an indictment on the civil service, on various multiple agencies, on the government."
"Washington Post's suspension of Dave Weigel for a joke while ignoring serious transgressions is a major event in media."
"As a government official, this is a government office, correct? This is your taxpayer-funded office here."
"I want the people to know that they can question their officials."
"People who point that [expletive] out online... they're not gonna ever call that [expletive] out in person."
"If someone doesn't want to be filmed, they're allowed to feel that way. But when you work in a public office, just shushing away the public isn't the right approach."
"If she's willing to do this uh with people who who are her critics genuinely I think that they was on the other foot this would I would get demonti if I did this."
"If a person truly wanted to grow from their past mistakes, like Shane said in his apology tweet."
"We need a people-centered healthcare system that is ethical, accountable, representative, and it's for the people."
"The arrogance of Dr. Fauci and pretending he wasn't doing something in terms of funding and function research when in fact he was, those are pretty important issues."
"The American public deserves more than they have seen in terms of transparency."
"If you're gonna say that you're gonna address something where you wronged a whole bunch of people, address it girl. Like you don't have to beat around the bush." - Accountability matters.
"We owe that to the people. These are matters worthy of the Congress and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly."
"They became nothing more than public front-facing celebrities... worried about being accountable to the actual people."
"I spent more than 50 years in the diet and health research and policy communities using taxpayer money. My only motive at this time of my life is to tell taxpayers who generously supported our work what we did with their money." - Dr. Campbell
"Someone like that does not deserve to be in the public eye and should not be in the public eye because they are ultimately dangerous."
"I like the pressure of having to be myself publicly because it makes me hold myself accountable."
"We can't stay at an inauguration this time. We have to make Biden and Harris do what we want them to do."
"I think it's incumbent upon myself, good professionals, and the American public to demand answers."
"Success doesn't make you untouchable, oh shit look at Bill Cosby."
"Your voice should be heard, they work for us."
"Dan Harmon has publicly admitted to it, acknowledged his own substance abuse issues, and tried to become a better person."
"What happened to that 10 billion dollars Goldman Sachs promised?"
"I think everyone is to blame including Logan Paul, of course, because he was the one in charge of this mess."
"What bad cops don't seem to understand these days is that this problem isn't going to fix itself."
"People in Pennsylvania understand the value of a million dollars or a billion dollars and they want to know how it's being spent in Washington DC."
"We should have canceled people like Kanye and other folks long ago."
"We're not organized, it's just people waking up and recording public officials."
"Nothing makes people do their job correctly more than public scrutiny."
"Dr. Fauci was trying to cover his backside and everybody knows it and that's the part that ticks us up because this is the highest-paid guy in our government getting all kinds of money to tell us things that were not accurate."
"We have to send a message that nobody is above the law. If there is wrongdoing happening here, then it does need to be investigated."
"It is not illegal to walk up to a police car and look inside and record what's going on inside."
"Your fans deserve to know that you're literally ripping off the government because you don't need to take these loans out. Everybody, you don't need them."
"Since I've made my quarterly goals public about six years ago, I have only lost one quarter. This shit works!"
"Just be transparent with the American people because they were covering it up. That's why they wanted to sweep this whole thing under the rug." - Jim Jordan
"Freedom of speech, yeah sure, but the consequence of that speech is that you were doing it in public."
"Let's say someone genuinely did say something inappropriate... do you think it's fair that they should essentially never be able to work or participate in public life again?"
"It's clear that Congressional Republicans are dead set on playing Shameless dishonest politics." - Ben Marcellus
"The American people deserve to know if the president's a crook and clearly what he's told the American people so far just isn't true. It's not true at all."
"I made it a point from the very first time I was elected not to go to closed sessions so I could tell you the truth."
"I never understand this whole idea that an officer's name can't get released. I agree publicly paid by the taxpayers, right?"
"Even left-wing MPs are calling her out on this."
"That was incredible, that was incredible like I said they deserved every bit of scrutiny that they got."
"This does in fact make you go back on something you said a month ago. I want to hear that. That is probably what I'm most excited to hear. I really hope someone in the audience asks him that question about what he said one month ago."
"Justice is to be written in public in such a way that every person should at all times be able to secure his rights."
"The freedom of the press... is the right to shame our public officials into doing what is noble."
"It's good to see people in authority spending time answering their questions and being held accountable by them in a way that's public and everybody can see."
"There needs to be accountability for the way that these arts groups are using taxpayer funds."