
Toast Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"Let's have a toast to us, everybody raise your glass."
"It's similar to bread but worlds apart because toast is a result of your bread after it's been heated in a device."
"Cheers to you and cheers to me, let's take a sip."
"Know that on the night of the gala event, I shall raise my glass and whisper 'Fortunato in pace, requiescat' - Frederic Sinclair."
"I'd like to propose a toast to the best wife ever."
"Here's to Teddy, may we all be as rich in spirit."
"I like my avocado toast extra toasty."
"To the Amalfi lemon, to the Amalfi Coast, and to deliverance."
"Cheers, cheers, yeah, no, seriously, a new friendship. Can't wait to see you in Brooklyn."
"Gentlemen, I give you a toast: to the prosperity of Animal Farm."
"Look at this house, this house is toast."
"It's time to raise your glass in celebration."
"Let us drain our cups to these three strong boys."
"So say a toast to the brewers the next time you pop open a cold one."
"These are the steps for feeling better and I'm going to say salud."
"Our hero raised his glass and announced that he wanted to toast to the adventurers."
"Let's raise a glass, and to the ones that aren't here, may they rest in peace and God bless."
"It's been a hell of a run," Nick lifted his cup. "A toast to us and good times to come."
"Drink your drink, oh yeah, cheers."
"Let's drink a final toast to the president of the wine tasting society."
"You got to toast on that too, that is toast, the home on the ship, man, oh my God, that's amazing."
"Best toast I've ever had, drinking great, no butter, jam, nothing, just beautiful toasted bread."
"This calls for a toast, so pour the champagne."
"And here's to Doug and my baby girl Lillian, cheers!"
"To new beginnings," Brian says, raising his glass.
"Let's go baby. He's my dad. Can I get a cheers, man? Cheers."
"A toast to the groom! To the groom! Wait a minute, hold on. Raise a glass for freedom! They have Playboy bunnies on them, shut up, there they are!"
"A toast, a toast, a toast! Roses are red, violets are blue, there's no glass for me, so hot cakes to you!"
"May I propose a toast to the happy couple: may they find what they want and want what they find."
"Cheers to Spain! Cheers to Barcelona!"
"That was some fine-ass toast, Mr. Burgundy."
"I propose a toast to Don Vito Minestrone, the biggest syndicate leader in the country."
"The bread's toasted nice on the char, fresh veggies."
"Now, a toast to our daughter and your son."
"I'm gonna sit here with my toast next to my gorgeous sunflowers that I got the other day from the supermarket."
"Cheers, here we are spirits with spirits."
"Cheers to new friends, yeah, cheers, news yes, my friend."
"I think let's drink to that. All four of us."
"Toast because look at that glow, that's a glow."
"To fresh starts," she clinked her glass.
"Cheers to Corona being the second variant, rising up. Cheers."
"Let's make a toast to the champagne game."
"Stand to your glasses steady, 'tis all we have left of prize."
"But look at that they're super cute they really just do look like little pieces of toast."
"Let us toast to you and your good fortune."
"I would like to toast to moving out of my basement and finding the love of my life."
"May I offer a toast to very courageous opponents?"
"Tonight, okay, to us and to the future."
"I'm going to take another fireball shot to that."
"Let's toast with water, it'll be pure. Thank you, here's to you, to our pleasant acquaintance."
"Let's all raise our glasses to having an incredible time and an amazing adventure."
"Here's to a better future for both of us."
"Let us drink to their health, wealth, long life, happiness and prosperity and may they long continue to hold the proud and self-won position which they hold in their profession and the position of honour and affection which they hold in our hearts."
"He smiled keeping his glass next to hers. To my long and brilliant but hopefully far less dangerous job of keeping you safe. Hopefully."
"Cheers to the dog. Cheers, live long and prosper."
"As you enter another year of happiness, I want to make a toast for you, Jimmy and Gloria."
"Stephen and Shelley, here's to a wonderful life, perfectly masters, husband and wife. Cheers!"
"Now raise your damn glass cause I'm gonna clink the hell out of it. Cheers."
"You should do a toast, have everybody raise a glass."
"I drink to a man worthy of my steel at last."
"Here's a glass to the dead already."
"Nonsense, it looks delicious! Besides, I love my toast extra crispy."
"I love toasting this and eating it with hummus, it's actually probably what I'm gonna eat as a snack before dinner is ready."
"Cheers, brother. Cheers. Health and happiness to you and to everybody else out there."
"To your health, spoils of victory."
"Raise your glasses and drink your toast with me."
"I raised a toast to James and his wife."
"Cheers my love. I am enjoying your company."
"Cheers everyone, cheers to me and you."
"We're sitting here, setting sun, beautiful scenery, glasses sincere, cheers, congratulations."
"Cheers to upliftment, to hard work, to success."
"Well, I think we should raise a toast to a fantastic year in the valley."
"Pizza toast, oh pizza toast, that's cool!"
"Cheers to you, all right? This is how you do it. Down the hatch!"
"A toast to the old German-Hungarian Brotherhood in arms."
"Here's to promises," Pat said, raising his glass.
"Gentlemen, here is my toast to the prosperity of Animal Farm."
"Fill your glasses to the brim, gentlemen! Here is my toast to the prosperity of the Manor Farm!"
"A toast to you, Jeff, and your physical and mental health."
"Here's to your health in the new year."
"Cheers to Crossing an ocean, to Crossing an ocean!"
"Tomorrow's a new day, Bill. Tomorrow is a new day. Cheers."
"Here's to your health and everyone in your community."
"Cheers, honey. You know what, I respect you not drinking."
"He said he knew people were there to celebrate Susan and himself, but he wanted to give a toast to his son Christopher and to his fiance Juliet."
"I raised my cup to you and to your house."
"I would like to propose a toast to Mandy and Georgie."
"This honestly might be the single greatest anthropological study on toasts around the world."
"Let's have a toast to the sweetest little girl in the world, Little Annie Marie."
"So to their memories and their souls."
"Here is to your health, your physical health and your mental health."
"Excuse me, I'd like to propose a toast."
"It's a classic British drink, so that is what we are cheering to."
"I'd like to make a toast to my wife."
"We wish to raise a glass to the soon to be wed, my fourth son, Lord Olama, and his dear wife to be, Lady Honor of Song Rest."
"May you have a fruitful marriage," Brandon raised a glass.
"As I raised the glass to my lips, I will think only of you, my beloved."
"I want to raise a toast to my beautiful wife Serena."
"Here's to the West India convoy," said Simpson, taking a pull at his beer. "Long may it be delayed."
"This week's recipe of the week: Ramsay's toast."
"It's like if you lick the piece of toast, you get that nice toasty little... I mean, this is top-notch toasted bourbon."
"Let's make a toast to the mother to be."
"Avocados, always getting avocados, great for avocado toast."
"Cheers to the finest crew in Starfleet."
"Cheers to a beautiful weekend, ladies!"
"It's a great bread for sandwiches and you must try it in the morning for toast, a little butter and jam on it."
"Let's raise a toast to the girl I love the most."
"Here's to you and what you believe in."
"Come on, my friend, to being alive."
"Let's give a toast to the Newly Weds."
"Let's put a toast out there for our good health, your good health, everyone in our immediate families' great health."
"Cheers to you, my friend. I'll drink to that."
"We've just been toasting the bride and the groom."
"Here's to it and to your health and to your house."
"Raise your glasses to one of the nicest men it's ever been my privilege to live next door to."
"All I want to do is to raise your glasses and drink a toast with me to the happy couple."
"And nice for you and nice for me, cheers."
"Here's to fighting, stealing, and drinking."
"Cheers to the man that's about to join us who's watching right now; here's to you, pal."
"Here's to you all, I wish you the best."
"Cheers to the people who love us, and the losers who lost us."
"Here's to success and confusion to our enemies."
"I just want to cheers to positivity and keeping it positive."
"Here's to your health, here's to the health of your parents and your grandparents, the health of your children and your grandchildren, all of your family and friends all over the world."
"Raise your glasses and have a toast, cheers."
"It's the end of the year y'all, we made it, and I think we deserve a drink."
"Cheers, darling, cheers, that is so good, cheers guys."
"To our equally enigmatic futures."
"Here's to your health, your physical and your mental health."
"Here's to the health of your parents, here's to the health of your grandparents, here's to the health of your children."
"Oh lord, I like what I see, I'll cheers to that."
"Here's to good ships, some wood ships, and ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, and may they always be."
"Let's do a drink that spreads love, hey cheers!"
"May I propose a toast? A toast to love."
"Here's to you because you deserve it, you really, really do."
"Four mugs of foamy drink rose in unison in honor of the toast to victory."
"It's never been more important than now to say cheers to your health."
"Let's have some prosecco to mark the occasion."
"To health, to happiness, and to flat tires."
"It's time for Spirits with Spirits, so cheers to that."
"Cheers, salute as the Italians say."
"Let's raise the glass to all the loves we've loved before and all the loves we've lost."
"Here's to the sunny slopes of long ago."
"To freedom, to you, and most importantly to orange drink."
"To the future, may it bring health and happiness."
"Here's to you, gorgeous," Pete said, lifting his drink to the sky in a symbolic gesture.
"Let us now make a toast to our brand new life and future."
"Let's say 'À votre santé' to your health, cheers from this beautiful champagne."
"Remember, this is to a bright and glorious future. Cheers!"
"Here's to a healthier us. Cheers to that."
"Here's to you, Dad. The man who inadvertently lost the war for Germany but saved mankind," Blake Simmons toasted.
"I love toast. Anyone else out there just feel like you could survive off of bread and potatoes?"
"Here's to the health of your parents, your grandparents, your great-grandparents, your great-great-grandparents."
"A toast to Ireland, raise a glass."
"Here's to your health, and the health of your family and friends."
"Everyone was sitting down, they were all raising a glass, they were doing a toast."
"Here's to you, to our pleasant acquaintance."
"Here's to the health of your parents and your grandparents."
"Here's to your health, thank you for joining us today."
"Cheers to you brother, cheers to you."
"To Charles Beaumont's good health," they all cheered as the glasses clinked.
"Here's to today, here's to tomorrow."
"To health, to happiness, to dilly dilly, and to grandma."
"Cheers to the future and the strength of our friendship."
"You change too. Here's to the new us."
"Here's to the health of your parents and grandparents, both of your children and your grandchildren."
"Here's to your health, here's to the health of everyone in your community."
"Here's to you and your health, not only today but weeks to come."
"Here's to your health, the health of your family and friends near and far."
"Here's to you, that was an early toast to you for joining us this morning."
"Cheers mate to you, cheers to you."
"I'm going to give you a toast to the future health, happiness, and prosperity of us all."
"Here's to your health; let's drink, bottoms up!"
"That's the best kaya toast I've ever had in America, ever."
"Cheers to a new life for Naomi and Freddy."
"Thank you very much. Nice coffee. Cheers."
"A typical Polish toast is 'Na zdrowie,' which means 'to health.'"
"Here's to you, magnificent bastards, may you never be stuck drinking with Rex."
"Here's a toast to the restoration."
"Tonight we drink to our hostess, Judy."
"To glowing skin, energy, and a great life. Cheers!"
"One of the world's oldest customs is the Christmas toast."
"Let's drink a toast to our guests and to everybody's country, to beauty, Your Highness."
"Cheers to your well-deserved success."
"Raise your glasses, gentlemen, to civilization."
"Here's to feeling satisfied, indeed. Bottoms up!"
"Let's leave the past in the past. Cheers to that."
"What do we say when drinking a toast? Cheers, correct."
"Here's to finding your glass more than half-full."
"I want to propose a toast to old friends and new friends. Thank y'all, cheers."
"Now it is the custom of the groom to toast the bridesmaids, but since we don't happen to have any, I ask you all to raise your glasses and drink to my bride, the one and only Rita."
"Gives me greater pleasure to ask you all, ladies and gentlemen, to raise your glasses with me to the future health and happiness of the bride and bridegroom."
"I'd like to propose a toast to friends, no matter how quirky."
"I propose a toast to success and a prosperous evening tomorrow night."
"To the happy couple anyway, I drink to that."
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I raise the toast for this cruise and to you, that you will get memories which will never forget. Cheers!"
"Here's to wellness, health, and wellness."
"So I be saying 'Qapla'! That's the toast."
"The toast is still hot, and then you put syrup."
"Here's to you and your health, here's to the health of your children, your grandchildren, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, all of your extended family."