
Artistic Perspective Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Kubrick said, 'The point of view ... [the work] is conveying has to be completely entwined with a sense of life as it is, and has to be transmitted by a subtle injection into the audience’s consciousness.'"
"Landscape photography isn't just about being in the environment with a camera, it's so much more than that."
"What I've learned in recent years is that what I used to call mistakes are what actually give the drawing its character."
"I think in order to make something good you have to love the thing that you're making, but you also have to kind of hate it. There needs to be a little bit of hate in there because what that hate gives you is it gives you a little bit of perspective."
"Photography is not about what you put in the photo, it's about what you leave out."
"Seeing the colors in that, that looks incredible."
"In this weird way, it gave me this whole other lens or perspective on it."
"When I look at a photograph, I see an image, but I want to know the story behind it."
"It's wild I really like what you said before about you know you've always had an affinity for like the fantastical and um the obviously you're like you're an artist so you you see things through like an artist's vision."
"More so, we just need the feeling of things, so that when you take the photo, it stops a moment in time."
"Most paintings are viewed from a distance. If it doesn't look good from a distance, then you know what's going to make."
"I think we should know where our characters and stories come from... I view game development as an art form."
"Filmmakers like John Favreau view the world through a particular lens."
"It's like, if it sounds good, it sounds good. That's about it."
"He also told a story about uh and he's also a perspective, one of the best storytelling rappers."
"It's not only what's in your frame but also what's not in your frame."
"I'm assuming that's you with the boots sticking out staring right at me."
"These are directors who most of them currently working today perhaps have been considered great directors for a couple of decades now but its perspective is tough it's tough to say especially if someone is still making films."
"There's quite a lot of perspective going on."
"A photograph is of someone a portrait is about someone."
"If you wish to get me to stop complaining about Valve, I highly recommend that you follow my example and stop giving them money and start complaining until Valve fixes their issues."
"There's no such thing as a mistake, just only happy little accidents."
"I like this a lot, some people struggle with the abstractness of this, actually like it."
"One of the biggest benefits of a drawing is that we can capture unique perspectives of location."
"A director is a kind of idea and taste machine." - Stanley Kubrick
"Filmmaking is about capturing unique perspectives."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what the art looks like if the gameplay isn't fun."
"Artists can offer unique perspectives and opportunities for storytelling in fantasy narratives."
"Each of these drawings and paintings... come from a perspective on life that is truly unique and prolific."
"It's not meant to look good, the story is what sells it."
"Art is really about changing the way your brain works, the way you see things, the way you perceive things."
"If you're a work of art, I'm standing too close."
"I won't take any money for what you do, but I'm also not mad at it." - Alan Moore
"Embrace imperfections and recognize that even your favorite books, movies, songs, or pieces of art have imperfections."
"It's amazing though just the fury like every split second is a it's a living work of art and you get one chance and if you but if you blow it you get another chance."
"That's surprising. Diane didn't seem to be all about the symmetry, she really had an eye for the abstract."
"Nobody can know that, but every artist will tell you that on one hand, they think they're going to fail miserably. On the other hand, they think they're going to be the biggest act that's ever hit the scene."
"I'm an artist and I'm always looking around, and everything for me is an inspiration."
"I'm a huge critic. Of everyone's music, including my own."
"It's a beautiful performance and what I really like about it also is that it's in perspective."
"Art just does not... perfection in art is an impossible thing to be chasing."
"You don't paint beautiful scenes; you go out in the world and see the world and paint it beautifully."
"Show myself grace, come to every day seeing all, seeing Life As Art."
"I love how you're creating distance in your paintings with atmospheric perspective."
"In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality."
"If you let the drawing sit for like a month and you come back, sometimes you don't see anything wrong with it."
"From a creative point of view, that's quite a healthy thing."
"I generally think two-point perspective is a better way to go; keep your verticals straight up and down."
"Always a good idea to step back and look at your drawing from a distance."
"This is a late summer's day looking against the light contra, which gives us some very simple shapes to contend with."
"I'm thinking of the sun coming from the left high from the left."
"The strongest connection they have with their work is not technical, but aesthetic."
"It's like they built the whole face knowing the perspective."
"I think about things like architecture and perspective and composition."
"We never really saw what we were doing as goth, we just saw it as making music."
"That is always an important thing no matter what you're painting, to be flipping it and making sure it reads well flip both ways."
"Why was it European painting had a vanishing point and shadows, while sophisticated image makers from China, Japan, India, and Persia got along very well without them?"
"Through the eyes of an artist, it can always be dawn or dusk, sharp or soft."
"I'm playing with what part is sky and what part is ground."
"There's more to photography than just megapixels and frame rates."
"I've always been interested in using the photograph to take real-life ordinary situations and make them beautiful and make them mysterious."
"I'm working on the larger sea oats, and another reason for that is to give the painting perspective."
"If you go back to three-point perspective, you can see that this looks more natural."
"To walk a mile in the shoes of somebody else is a wonderful thing that art can give us, and that's what hegemony does."
"When you're an artist and you get information, you see the world in a very very different way."
"It's so amazing how different artists could look at the same sunset and just make different types of art."
"My view of the world is the view of an artist."
"It takes an artistic eye to find the right angle, the right kind of lighting."
"It makes me excited about the future, about an intangible future of death battle when it comes to entertainment wise or from an artistic perspective."
"He is coming to us as someone new but someone whose particular take on American Life, America's relationship with the Caribbean and with Europe, and his continued fascination with conflict and its resolution and how art can participate in that are very important indeed."
"The image is nothing without the light, so the golden light was just... sweet."
"Perspective gives you a vanishing point, just like when you take a photograph, things get smaller the further they are away from you."
"The asymmetrical approach that he uses... enables the viewer to see a sense of character and a depth in that person that wouldn't be seen otherwise."
"What I think an artist needs, essentially more than discipline or even talent, is a perspective."