
Political Evolution Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I've gone pretty liberal in my politics over the years from a pretty heavy conservative point."
"I think it's going to take a new generation of leaders that aren't connected to that old system."
"Things are evolving on the question of identity and identity politics and we don't know where we'll be in 2024."
"He's constantly evolving. You see, he can trust that whatever positions he says he holds that are moderate, they'll be gone within a couple of years."
"The transformational aspect we were talking about with Donald Trump... is clearly starting to become the alternative to Trump."
"Hopefully over time his worldview will develop. You know every president enters office saying they're basically going to be an isolationist. Very few end up that way."
"I think eventually BJP will become too big and the whole umbrella will break, forming a socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and socialist India."
"Debates among presidential candidates were not common until the mid-20th century."
"Conservatism in 1985 is not quite the same as identifying liberal today."
"The Socialists that realized this either became fascists like in Germany or Italy or they clung to the socialist or communist labels but ended up creating states that functioned identically to fascist ones like in Russia and China."
"A thousand smarter conservatives will be building a new party after 2020 but one that builds from the framework Trump established."
"Our conceptions of mental health, spiritual reality, and political institutions have all transformed almost beyond recognition."
"Only long-term demographic trends are going to cause the electoral map to kind of gradually evolve."
"The GOP needs to evolve into a party that upholds traditional and authentic values of America."
"We may have started out as a bunch of Republicans, but we are now people in the pro-democracy space advocating for the things that underpin our republic."
"He's broadened the scope of Nigerian elections."
"Revolutions begin with a NO and they end with a YES."
"I think my policies are pretty radical or much more radical than they were five years ago."
"It's time to stop the obsessive Ronald Reagan worship... It's important to move forward and continue to fight relevant ideas in the future."
"There will be other parties that rise up and die. Democrats are pretty close to dying if they don't bother to reform themselves."
"I don't think it's difficult to see that our entire global structure is moving toward a kind of global political system as well, a one world government if you want to call it that."
"In fact, a bare six years after Nathan tried to close the gates of Dublin Castle to the unrest brewing outside, Ireland would be a republic, independent from the United Kingdom."
"Russia's political system is evolving steadily and needs a stable and calm environment that guarantees the rights and interests of its people."
"They were going to get married, I mean this was a serious relationship to Sarah."
"Republics turn to democracy and then turn from democracy to tyrannies." - George Washington
"This is a great opportunity to find out what the party and what the movement should stand for."
"No one ever seems to kind of evaluate what that really means it means that Ronald Reagan had the same views that or at least thought he had pretty much the same views as a lion of the right in the 1980s as he had as a liberal younger in his life."
"The Republican party went from Lincoln to Trump."
"What was once the self-described Grand Old Party advocating small government and national security now seems to be actively rallying against the very issues that were their top priorities."
"How did we go from Reagan to Trump? It's been a slow change, a 40 or 50-year story." - David Pacman
"The way that over time the unilateralist isolationist option became the proud patriotic one was devastatingly successful."
"The old statist categories that have informed diplomacy and statecraft for centuries are now so evidently superseded that we shall soon cease to describe political life in these terms at all."
"The party of Ronald Reagan... has become little more than the bellhop stand of the business roundtable."
"Before rulers held multiple complex political and religious ties but after the war they were Bound by the laws of their state of authority rather than external influences."
"The divine right of kings had been challenged and this truth was apparent to all."
"I think we're going to have three or four viable parties like some of these other countries have, three and four viable parties and coalitions."
"It is time to move beyond narrow party politics."
"Through restructuring and transparency, the Soviet Union would be able to evolve and survive into the modern world."
"Scotland's history is a tapestry woven with the threads of changing capitals and political dynamics."
"The Republican party's gone way past this anti-slavery roots and it's now this major Reform Party."
"It's a lot better to be a country that just learns from its experiences and evolves politically than to be a country where we divide ourselves up into two blocks that are randomly scattered around the continent."
"What was clear from their visit is what the future of political leadership looks like in the country."
"Trinidad constantly evolving politically through historic occurrences."
"The Democracy... would end as it always has done, in becoming an oligarchy or the government of a few."
"It's useful to stress that my adoption of the gender critical position is a recent development relative to how long I've been interested in politics."
"In the end, Malcolm X acknowledged that his political views are rapidly evolving."
"Whatever the cause, Rome turned from a monarchy into a republic, a word derived from 'res publica' or 'property of the people'."