
Mental Agility Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Puns keep our minds alert, engaged, and nimble in this quickening world."
"It's just a way of letting the creative juices flow, keeping the mind active and agile, and avoiding getting stale."
"When I'm evaluating a CEO, those are the only two things that matter: integrity and mental agility."
"Stand by what you know. You have the gift of clarity and mental flexibility."
"Can you hold two perspectives in your mind simultaneously?"
"When you got a fast brain, you're a problem."
"A lazy brain is an aging brain. Keep learning. When you cease to learn, you cease to grow."
"It's about continuously fine-tuning your mind so that whatever plan you make outside of the realm of the program is achievable."
"The combination of having this active mind and concentration skills often allows you to think really critically."
"Muhammad Ali's fertile mind that created the Rope-a-Dope."
"If you don't have real-time thinking it's impossible to grow."
"By embracing such challenges, you can improve your brain's agility and mental capabilities."
"Cognitive flexibility is when we allow ourselves to be able to see what we're doing, how we're thinking about something, and then being able to observe it and be flexible with what's coming up."
"If you have quick recall, that's how you become witty."
"The accuracy in describing the image provided is absolute mental."
"Princess Carolyn's habit of speaking in unbelievably long, punny tongue twisters echoes her vigorous mind."
"Understanding champ pool complexity, understanding champ pool cycling, and all that stuff, it's to keep you fresh, your mind fresh."
"You work your mind, you can be in any industry, doesn't matter."
"The essence of an active mind is making decisions on the fly."
"You're only as old as your ability to process new information."
"It's like my brain is so much quicker that I'm able to be like sharp and witty and connect with people."
"I need that turbo boost of this brain I got."
"he's played in everything but he told us in the cold his mind doesn't slow down"
"Crossword puzzles can help activate your brain, engage multiple brain regions, and stimulate new connections."
"Daily brain workouts: two sets of counting to 10, two sets of alphabet, 10 minutes of trying to spell 'restaurant,' and animal lists 'til failure."
"His speed of thought is spectacular."
"Speed is a luxury of the mind, quickness is a necessity."
"It's gonna be strategy it's gonna be intrigue it's gonna be skill most of all is gonna be mental."
"Your level of concentration and our mental agility goes up significantly when we're hungry."
"Speed of thought and speed of concentration."
"...this is a wonderful game to train your brain to get out of its own way."
"Mental math is great exercise for your mind and your mathematical and logical skills."
"It's a good way to keep my brain sharp."
"The more well-rested you can be for the day, the better your mental agility will be."
"You have to acquire mental agility."
"Solving puzzles is like exercising for our brain."
"When you age, your brain is gradually reducing in size, but it doesn't affect your mental strength."
"Marines must develop and demonstrate brilliance in the basic fundamental skills combined with the mental agility to adapt to whatever situation they face."
"Recognize the importance of creativity particularly in staying in the game long enough because you've got to keep this kind of you've got to keep mentally or keep the creative circuit's fired up."
"The act of learning makes your brain say, 'God, I got to pull from different pathways, I got to get to different corners of my mind.'"
"Here's one of my favorite questions where you test your mental skills as well as attention to details."
"It's always fun to learn new tech, keeps that brain fresh and young."
"Forcing your mind to take new paths and think new thoughts is the way to stay young."
"You gotta have the wrinkle brain, you gotta have the wrinkles."
"I think your mind could never not operate, but it's because it operates like that, that it goes outside the box and solves problems nobody else could."
"You're very nimble mentally. I really like that about you."
"A lot of rookie mini camp is mental; how fast can you react and pick up everything they throw at you."
"It's a mental chess match more than a physical chess match."
"The more variability that you have within your career, the more you will have your best mind."
"Anything is possible, so go ahead and stuff your brain with the mental madness of Think Fast."
"Motocross racing is one of the most physically demanding sports in the world, but as you just seen, to keep up with the competition, you must have your brain in gear also."
"You have to really have a high refresh rate in your brain."
"You've got to be mentally agile while trading."
"It keeps you kind of on the ball of keeping your brain ticking over."
"It is very affordable and helps keep your mind sharp too, by learning something new."
"I'm not narcissistic, I'm just turned mentally and creatively and I can help."
"It's like eating our vegetables and doing really good things to work on the agility of the brain."
"If you read these, your mind will be sharp as a razor."
"It's amazing how fast you start to think in those 13 card blocks."
"Always be learning, right? That's a good philosophy in life, keeps the brain young."
"When you practice this way, it definitely helps you think faster."
"As we age, we need to keep our minds sharp and our brains agile."
"Training with flows... creates more need for decision making and focus."
"...there's a mental quickness when it comes to your personality and your creativity."
"The mental processing piece allows for elite level play speed."