
Artistic Preference Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"I prefer to do songs with a message, I prefer to do songs with meaning."
"Backlight is probably, you know, my favorite light to work with."
"Soft pastels are a great medium to use. I love them."
"Transparency is high on my list. As a general rule, I want all my watercolor to be very transparent."
"Your brain knows do I like it do I not like it yeah so how is it possible that you can draw something that you don't like?"
"I don't believe in punching if because if you can if you can't feel it you know sometimes if if it's not one whole verse all the way down you know I don't like it to feel punched you know but then again that's I'm left-handed."
"I love the artistry of Fantasia more than I love the fun of 'Etsy-freeness' of The Jungle Book."
"Lots of regrets but in the end, these designs were my favorites and the finished illustration was also my favorite."
"It's PB Andi but let me show you the colorings because I really really like kind of the muted tones."
"Good filmmaking is king because, you know, there's over heels in the film."
"Trust your own heart and your own love for whatever it is that you yourself like."
"I love it, I love that they don't try to do anything realistic or naturalistic or anything at all."
"As a consumer... by the time a year has gone by my favorite artist at the beginning and the end is completely different."
"Animation has always been Weebl's favorite because it's limitless. Anything you can think of can be brought to life."
"I absolutely love painting in gouache. It's just such a homely feeling, if that makes any sense."
"My drawings have never been good on digital... they're always better on paper."
"Everything about me is realism man I'm a realism junkie."
"Film just has this crispness and this almost imperfection about it that somehow makes it have more life than digital does."
"I'm certainly not going to stop painting little spiderverse style backgrounds."
"I would rather play a simple piece beautifully than barely survive through a piece which was 30-second notes for 3 minutes."
"If he only made stuff like 'Circles' for the rest of his life, I don't think I'd complain."
"There's just that special feeling when I'm painting with watercolors versus any other medium."
"But for me, The Green Knight is clearly the more Superior of the two movies."
"Yeah, there's something about acrylics you just don't get today."
"I like the consistency and I like the theme."
About Hello from Liz Matthews releases: "My favorite of the releases is A Buzz at Midnight."
"For me, black and white is... it goes to the essence of the image."
"I had to adjust the brush a little bit to make sure that it's kind of more or less to my liking."
"I'm so much more of a printer than a photographer."
"There's a beauty to it and an analog natural quality to it that digital cannot give you."
"I do a lot of conversions to black and white; it's one of my favourite genres."
"I'm always looking for that because the pastel tones and your Earth Tones are really handy for blending."
"I want a slightly brighter sky with just a few traces of clouds here and there."
"The brighter the color, the better I like it during this process."
"Composition is a really big thing for me, I like symmetry."
"You would want to hear the music in its highest quality possible; you would want to see the visual in its highest form possible."
"It's such a beautiful color, honestly in the watercolor it's one of my favorites."
"You can choose any colors you like, your favorite colors."
"I try to get away from straight lines."
"I love this one, don't you? That's such an eerie sort of gothic kind of image."
"I love color so I'm never gonna just get rid of the color."
"I just love this one with the purple showing through."
"Everyone has their own style and taste on how they like to do them as well as the size of the photograph."
"I would prefer to let my water do the work, just like traditional colors."
"I like Moon Knight with big fists, so I'm gonna give him a big fist."
"One of the main things I love about Oxides is they work on dark cardstock."
"What's more important for your style of photography, I think."
"I actually like them so much more because I can appreciate them as an artist."
"I love texture and color and like mixing it."
"So this is what you're looking for: strongly pigmented paint that flows nicely across your paper."
"I prefer art that has a lot of energy to it."
"I really like to work on something that has a little bit of character."
"I don't mind blooms, I think they're really cool, so I don't get mad about them."
"Pop punk covers are better than real songs because they sound better than the songs they're based on."
"None of these are a right or a wrong choice, it's more about what you like when you are painting."
"Old-fashioned film look, I love shooting in film."
"People want to see hand-drawn, I know I do."
"I like paintings which depict something that feels tangible and real but prioritizes the shapes used for that."
"I'm really liking how this gold watercolor ground is absorbing the paint just enough so that it works like watercolor."
"I definitely have a very silly side to me, so I do like guys that are really funny, quite extroverted, and arty looking."
"I'm on a bit of a quality journey right now, I want quality pieces over quantity."
"I love it. Nothing like being able to draw on paper."
"I like this art style, it's really cute."
"I really like a limited color palette... it keeps everything really coherent."
"I love how my whitest whites pop out, I want this to be the whitest whites."
"It's a lot of fun, and I think it shows a lot of times better than something done in Photoshop."
"Every artist is different, of course; I just happen to really love working with 3D."
"I definitely prefer the paint rollers version because the expression is different, which is always nice."
"This is why I paint 'new generation' acrylics, because I can get the look of oils."
"Now I like to have that texture going on in my paintings, and I use a lot more paint than I used to."